Shonda Rhimes Shares Insights on Hiring Security Post 'Grey's Anatomy' Finales

Shonda Rhimes Shares Insights on Hiring Security Post 'Grey's Anatomy' Finales

Discover Shonda Rhimes' candid reflections on navigating social media and prioritizing safety amidst fan worries

Shonda Rhimes Explains Why She Hired Security After Greys Anatomy Finales

Shonda Rhimes Explains Why She Hired Security After Greys Anatomy Finales

Shonda Rhimes David Livingston/Getty Images

Shonda Rhimes, 54, recently opened up about her decision to step back from X and social media after nearly 20 years since Grey's Anatomy first aired. In a new interview with The Sunday Times on April 14, Rhimes explained that she noticed a change in social media over the years. Fans became more passionate and had strong emotions about the characters in Grey's Anatomy, who they saw as their friends. Rhimes, who created these characters, also saw them as her imaginary friends, which is why she wrote about them. She understood why people felt so strongly about what happened to their favorite characters.

After a moment of silence, she mentioned, "But then things started to get strange."

Rhimes shared that whenever a season finale of Grey’s Anatomy aired, she would ask for a police car to be stationed outside her home for a week because of death threats from disappointed fans.

"They became hostile," she said. "You never knew who would get upset over something trivial."

The executive producer of the show also opted to hire private 24-hour security for her home in Los Angeles "because some individuals can be unpredictable and dangerous."

Rhimes, a mother to Harper, 21, Emerson Pearl, 11, and Beckett, 10, dreamed of a time when she could feel at ease about her family's security. Last year, the Golden Globe recipient made the decision to relocate her loved ones from Los Angeles to a state that she prefers to keep private.

Shonda Rhimes Explains Why She Hired Security After Greys Anatomy Finales

Shonda Rhimes Explains Why She Hired Security After Greys Anatomy Finales

Shonda Rhimes and the cast of Grey's Anatomy are pictured in the image above.

She expressed her desire for a simple life where she could spend time with her children without any worries. She shared that stress would keep her up at night.

Rhimes had some friends who had gone through similar experiences and they provided her with valuable perspective. They emphasized the importance of being able to live normally in order to truly live.

In October 2022, Rhimes made the announcement that she was departing from X. Although she continues to use her Instagram account, she has reduced the frequency of her posts.

The Shondaland founder is still actively participating in Grey's Anatomy and has stated to E! News that she does not plan on ending the show.

In a May 2023 interview, she mentioned, "I'm going to let it run its course and see what happens. We will continue making the show as long as the cast and fans are still interested."

One of the important responsibilities the Bridgerton executive producer has outside of work is looking after her two youngest children. She is not just focused on their well-being, but also on teaching them how to navigate and succeed in today's society. Shonda Rhimes believes that the world already has enough negativity, especially online, and she wants her children to be kind and respectful individuals.

Rhimes shared her parenting philosophy, emphasizing that her goal is to raise responsible citizens. She is not looking to be their best friend or to keep them dependent on her forever. Instead, she wants her children to be capable and confident individuals who can thrive in the world and understand their role in society.

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