In the upcoming third season of Only Murders in the Building, which premiered in 2021, a significant character from the first two seasons will be absent. The popular Hulu series features Steve Martin, Martin Short, and Selena Gomez as Charles, Oliver, and Mabel respectively. In the series, they reside in the Arconia and embark on a true-crime podcast that solely investigates murders taking place in the building. This new season, beginning on August 8th, will continue the story after the sudden passing of Ben Glenroy (played by Paul Rudd) in the season 2 finale.
However, another major character will not be partaking in the next mysterious murder case. According to Deadline, Teddy Dimas will not be returning for Only Murders in the Building's third season. Nathan Lane, who portrayed the character in the first two seasons, had a previous commitment to the Broadway play Pictures From Home, which hindered his involvement in season 3. Nevertheless, there remains a possibility for Teddy's comeback if a fourth season is pursued.
How Only Murders in the Building Season 3 Can Make Up For The Major Loss
Lane's character Teddy, the owner of Dimas Delis, had ties to organized crime and funded the podcast of the three main characters. He was also an old friend of Oliver and often clashed with Short's struggling Broadway director. Lane even won an Emmy for his role in season 1, episode 7, "The Boy from 6B," which focused on Teddy's relationship with his deaf son, Theo. In season 2, it was revealed that Teddy is the biological father of Oliver's son, Will.
Although Nathan Lane's departure from Only Murders in the Building is a significant loss for season 3, the show will compensate with the addition of several high-profile actors. The upcoming season will feature Meryl Streep, a three-time Oscar winner, Jesse Williams from Grey's Anatomy, Ashley Park from Emily in Paris, and the return of Paul Rudd, introduced as Ben Glenroy in the season 2 finale. One positive aspect of Lane's absence in season 3 is that Teddy Dimas can likely be ruled out as a suspect in Ben Glenroy's death.
Source: Deadline