During the National Championship Air Races and Air Show in Reno, Nevada, two pilots tragically lost their lives on Sunday when their planes collided. The Reno Air Racing Association confirmed the devastating incident, stating that both pilots were deceased upon landing after the T-6 Gold race. The organization shared this heartbreaking news via a statement on their Facebook page around 2:15 p.m. in the afternoon.
In a subsequent announcement, the organizers disclosed the identities of the two pilots as Nick Macy and Chris Rushing.
"Both pilots are renowned for their exceptional skills and have earned Gold medals in the T-6 Class. Macy was in control of Six-Cat, while Rushing operated Barons Revenge," the revised statement mentioned. "The families of both pilots have been informed, and on-site support services are available to assist them during this devastating incident."
No other injuries were reported, it added.
The remainder of the races were canceled, organizers said.
The National Transportation Safety Board is conducting an investigation to determine the cause of the crash. Leading the probe, the agency has identified the two aircraft involved in the incident as a North American T-6G and a North American AT-6B. According to the NTSB, both planes had recently finished the race and came to rest approximately half a mile apart from each other. The wreckage of each aircraft will be transported to an off-site facility for further analysis.
The event organizers are collaborating with the NTSB, the Federal Aviation Administration, and local authorities to determine the cause of the accident and provide necessary assistance to all pilots, spectators, and volunteers.
According to the event's website, it has been operating for over five decades and is considered a significant establishment for northern Nevada and aviation enthusiasts globally. Over the past ten years, the event has attracted over a million spectators and contributed over $750 million to the regional economy.
This is not the first fatal crash that has occurred at this event. In a previous incident, a pilot lost their life in a plane crash while participating in a race. Additionally, in 2011, a tragic accident took place where 11 individuals lost their lives and over 60 others sustained injuries when a plane lost control and collided into spectators. CNN's Amanda Jackson has contributed to this report.