Shocking Revelation: The Walking Dead Unveils Maggie's Deceptive Game with Negan

Shocking Revelation: The Walking Dead Unveils Maggie's Deceptive Game with Negan

Maggie's shocking secret in The Walking Dead: Dead City reveals the true reason behind Ginny's departure from Hilltop Find out how her deception impacts the fate of the show

Spoilers ahead! The Walking Dead: Dead City episode 2 uncovers a hidden truth: Maggie has been deceiving Negan about the villainous Croat and the circumstances surrounding Hershel's capture from the very beginning. As The Walking Dead: Dead City progresses, it becomes clear that Maggie and Negan have been estranged for years since the end of The Walking Dead. Their reunion occurs because, according to Maggie, her Hilltop community was attacked by the Croat, who had a past connection with Negan, as evident from his ominous whistle. Maggie sought out Negan to gain insight into the Croat's knowledge, but her story doesn't quite add up.

Why Ginny Leaves Hilltop In The Walking Dead: Dead City

In The Walking Dead: Dead City episode 2, the plot doesn't simply thicken; instead, it transforms into a thick concoction of deceit. Negan, in an effort to secure his cooperation, makes a demand that Maggie provide shelter to his young companion, Ginny, at Hilltop. Remaining true to her word, Maggie agrees to these terms, and The Walking Dead: Dead City portrays a cautious integration of Ginny into Maggie's community as she embarks on her schooling. However, by the conclusion of episode 2, Ginny has abruptly left Hilltop in pursuit of Negan, leaving behind a trail of breadcrumbs that reveals Maggie's incomplete honesty.

Shocking Revelation: The Walking Dead Unveils Maggie's Deceptive Game with Negan

In The Walking Dead: Dead City episode 1, Maggie tells Negan about the Croat's attack on Hilltop and how they took Hershel as an adolescent insurance policy. The crucial line in Maggie's explanation is when she says, "[He] stole all our grain. Said they'd be back in a month for more." However, when Ginny arrives at Hilltop, she sees a resident climbing a grain silo, indicating that it is full. Furthermore, Ginny is later served a slice of bread as a meal, which contradicts Maggie's story about a grain shortage at Hilltop. This raises doubts about the truthfulness of Maggie's entire account of the Croat incident.

If the villain had actually demanded that Maggie surrender her grain storage and was scheduled to return soon for another payment, Hilltop would have prioritized saving the grain rather than baking fresh bread for visitors. In the past, Alexandria faced starvation while trying to scrounge for food to provide for Negan and his group before rebelling against them. However, in The Walking Dead: Dead City episode 2, Hilltop does not seem concerned about conserving their grain supply, which could explain why Ginny decides to leave. Not only is the young girl missing Negan, but she might have also realized that Maggie's story was clearly false.

However, there is a flaw in this theory. During Maggie's conversation with Negan in the premiere of The Walking Dead: Dead City, Ginny, the non-speaking individual, was not physically present. Nevertheless, she might have overheard their discussion or Negan could have informed her during their journey to Hilltop. It is highly unlikely that Ginny would have separated from Negan without knowing the exact reason why Maggie required his assistance. Therefore, it is highly probable that Ginny arrived at Hilltop expecting the community's grain to have been stolen by the Croat, only to find a full silo and freshly baked bread ready to eat.

What Maggie Lying To Negan Means For The Walking Dead: Dead City

Shocking Revelation: The Walking Dead Unveils Maggie's Deceptive Game with Negan

Something is clearly suspicious about Maggie's intentions in bringing Negan to New York City. If the Croat didn't attack Hilltop for its grain, then he must have had a different motive. It's possible that the Croat, being sick and twisted, kidnapped Hershel solely to control Maggie, rather than for practical reasons like stealing food. However, this doesn't explain why Maggie would deceive Negan. The mission in New York City is about rescuing Hershel, not bringing back stolen grain to Hilltop.

By lying about the Croat stealing Hilltop's grain, Maggie must be hiding the true reason why the sadistic self-appointed king attacked her settlement. It's possible that the Croat targeted Maggie intentionally because of her association with Negan in the past. The Walking Dead: Dead City episode 2 confirms that the Croat and Negan had a rocky relationship, with Negan even shooting the Croat's right ear off during a failed assassination attempt. Maggie might have known about this history between Negan and the Croat from the start and now plans to use it to her advantage in rescuing Hershel.

In episode 1 of The Walking Dead: Dead City, Negan questioned Maggie about her plan. While Maggie confirmed that she had a plan, she refused to share any details. Negan assumed that Maggie's lack of trust was the reason for her secrecy, given their history in The Walking Dead. However, it is possible that Maggie's intentions are more devious. If she wants Negan dead and has known this from the beginning, she may be plotting something that Negan would never agree to. The true purpose behind Maggie's lie in The Walking Dead: Dead City has yet to be confirmed, but now, Lauren Cohan's character has the upper hand over Negan, figuratively wielding the baseball bat. Watch The Walking Dead: Dead City on Sunday on AMC.