Shanks: Unmasking the Misconceptions

Shanks: Unmasking the Misconceptions

One Piece fans divided over Shanks: Is he a fraud or the real deal? Episode 1081 reveals Shanks' declaration to pursue the One Piece treasure, sparking intense debate among fans

Shanks' emergence as a direct rival to Monkey D. Luffy in One Piece episode 1081 came as a surprise to fans. Declaring his intent to pursue the One Piece treasure, this move has led some to doubt Shanks' credibility. The fact that he chose to act immediately after Luffy and his companions defeated Kaido and Big Mom has raised questions about his abilities. Fans are now questioning whether Shanks could successfully face off against Kaido and Big Mom, considering they have stronger crew members compared to Shanks.

One Piece fans spark debate over Shanks being a fraud

Nevertheless, several factors work in Shanks' favor in this scenario, indicating that he is not deceiving others but rather a highly astute individual who conceals his true abilities.

In the realm of One Piece, there exist individuals renowned for their grandiose boasts, yet their deeds fail to match their words. Buggy stands out as a prime example, as he cunningly bluffed his way into ascending to the status of a Yonko. However, there is another Yonko, the Emperor of the Sea, who fits snugly within this category: Red Hair Shanks.

In episode 1081 of One Piece, Shanks stunned fans by revealing his intentions to chase after the elusive One Piece treasure, sparking criticism and accusations of being a fraud. Fans argue that Shanks strategically bided his time until Luffy and his crew defeated Big Mom and Kaido, creating an opportune moment for him to make his move towards claiming the ultimate treasure.

Some fans suggest that Shanks, who has been a Yonko for six years, has never attempted to acquire the treasure and challenge Kaido and Big Mom. This could indicate that he either feared facing them head-on or was waiting for someone else to defeat them. This theory holds some value considering the formidable crews commanded by Kaido and Big Mom, consisting of powerful individuals such as King, Katakuri, Queen, Smoothie, Cracker, Jack, and others. Moreover, Kaido's reputation as the strongest creature on land, air, and sea further emphasizes his monstrous strength, as demonstrated by Luffy's close victory against him using Gear 5.

Big Mom proved to be a fearsome Yonko with a remarkable set of abilities. She possessed a Devil Fruit power that allowed her to extract and steal the souls of those who feared her. Adding to her formidable skills, she had exceptional control over all three forms of Haki. This, combined with her superhuman strength, endurance, and speed, as well as her trusted allies, Zeus and Prometheus, cemented her status as a truly formidable opponent.

Why Shanks is the real deal and not a fraud like some fans suggest

Hence, regardless of the scenario where Shanks were to confront these two opponents in a full-scale combat, it is ensured that neither he nor his crew would emerge from this confrontation without suffering any injuries. Consequently, it is plausible to consider that the reason Shanks refrained from actively pursuing the One Piece all this time is due to the presence of these adversaries.

Why Shanks is the real deal and not a fraud like some fans suggest

Shanks has demonstrated his capabilities on multiple occasions. When he arrived at Whitebeard's ship unaccompanied, he engaged in a friendly drink with him. During their conversation, Shanks urged Whitebeard to cease the search for Blackbeard, emphasizing the dangerous and cunning nature of this individual, which could potentially lead to unforeseen chaos. Whitebeard perceived this request as insulting and confronted Shanks, resulting in a brief altercation that caused a rift to form in the clouds.

The Red Hair Pirates crossed paths with Kaido and his crew as they tried to ambush Whitebeard, who was about to head towards Marineford to confront the Navy and save Ace.

During the Marineford battle, when the Whitebeard Pirates were almost defeated and Luffy's life was hanging in the balance, Shanks and his crew arrived just in time to halt the Paramount War. Shanks issued a warning to both the Blackbeard Pirates and the Marines, threatening them to retreat or face the Red Hair Pirates in combat. As a result, Blackbeard decided to withdraw, and Sengoku ordered a ceasefire.

It was later revealed that Shanks and Mihawk had a long-standing rivalry, engaging in frequent battles that always ended in a draw. However, their rivalry came to an end when Shanks returned from East Blue after losing his dominant arm. This demonstrates Shanks' remarkable power, as he was able to hold his own against the Strongest Swordsman in the World.

Admiral Green Bull felt threatened by Shanks and his Conqueror's Haki, ultimately retreating in defeat. Shanks further showcased his immense power during the Egghead Arc by effortlessly defeating Eustass Kid with a single strike from his Divine Departure, granting us a glimpse of his true strength.

Kid's strength grew significantly during the Wano Arc when he awakened his Devil Fruit power while battling against Big Mom. With the help of Trafalgar Law, they managed to defeat Big Mom, resulting in their bounties skyrocketing to an impressive three billion berries. However, his swift defeat at the hands of Shanks suggests that there is still much about his true strength that remains undisclosed.

Shanks: Unmasking the Misconceptions

Shanks conversing with the Gorosei (Image via Toei Animation)

In addition to his formidable physical power, he possesses exceptional strategic skills and avoids unnecessary battles. This is likely why he has never directly confronted the formidable figures known as Big Mom and Kaido. Moreover, he maintains strong connections with influential individuals within the world of One Piece.

Interestingly, he was observed engaging in a conversation with the esteemed Five Elders at Mariejois, a forbidden territory for any pirate, including the formidable Yonko. This occurrence demonstrates his status as an extraordinary pirate who wields considerable influence even at the most prestigious echelons of the World Government.

Recently, One Piece enthusiasts were treated to a glimpse of the youthful incarnation of Saint Figarland Garling, the esteemed Supreme Commander of the Holy Knights. This sacred fraternity, sanctioned by the World Government, fulfills the crucial duty of upholding law and order within Mariejois. The astonishing revelation that unfolded before fans was the uncanny resemblance between Garling's earlier years and the renowned figure Shanks, albeit with a discernibly unique hairstyle.

Thus, it is plausible that he is indeed Shanks' biological father, providing a potential explanation for the immense strength of Shanks' Conqueror's Haki, ranking among the most formidable in the world of One Piece. Additionally, it is vital to acknowledge the circumstances surrounding a one-year-old Shanks, who was discovered inside a treasure chest at God Valley by the intrepid duo of Roger and Rayleigh. The two seasoned adventurers made the life-altering decision to embrace the young Shanks, thereby setting the stage for the exceptional journey that awaited him.

Given Garling's participation in the Native Hunting Competition held on God Valley thirty-eight years ago, along with the discovery of Shanks on the same island during that time, it seems unlikely that this was a mere coincidence. This leads to the possibility that Shanks could potentially be a Celestial Dragon himself.

Taking into account all of these elements, it becomes clear that Shanks is an incredibly mysterious and influential figure within the One Piece world. He is not a fraud, but rather a strategic individual who values intellect over raw strength, a characteristic that sets him apart from the majority of pirates in the One Piece universe.

Poll : Do you think Shanks is a fraud?



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Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z fan, I have mixed feelings about the recent developments surrounding Shanks in One Piece. On the one hand, I am excited to see him finally take a more active role in the story, as he has been a somewhat enigmatic figure up until this point. On the other hand, I am concerned that his declaration to pursue the One Piece treasure may be a bit too convenient, and that it could undermine the accomplishments of Luffy and his crew.

I think it's important to remember that Shanks is a complex and morally ambiguous character. He is capable of great kindness and compassion, but he is also ruthless and cunning when necessary. I believe that his decision to go after the One Piece is motivated by a genuine desire to find it, but I also think that he sees it as an opportunity to test his strength against Luffy and the other Yonko.

Ultimately, I think that Shanks' true intentions will be revealed in time. For now, I am content to enjoy the ride and see where the story takes us.