RTD Finally Addresses Doctor Who's Long-standing Companion Injustice 5 Decades Later

RTD Finally Addresses Doctor Who's Long-standing Companion Injustice 5 Decades Later

Doctor Who's latest installment, Tales Of The TARDIS, finally rectifies the long-standing injustice surrounding two companions, Jamie and Zoe, by delving into how their time with the Doctor transformed them The Doctor's parting gift restores their cherished memories, bringing closure after 54 years

Article Overview

Tales Of The TARDIS gives closure to classic Doctor Who companions, rectifying a major injustice by restoring Jamie and Zoe's memories.

Zoe's experiences with the Doctor have left a profound and enduring impact on her life, leading her to rise to the esteemed position of Earth's president. Her journey underlines the transformative influence of the Doctor.

Jamie, on the other hand, has witnessed a remarkable growth in both his self-assurance and personal life following his ventures in the TARDIS. He now finds immense joy in his happy marriage and the presence of a thriving, sizable family, serving as a testament to the enduring impact of his time-traveling experiences.

The recent Doctor Who spinoff, Tales Of The TARDIS, has provided closure for numerous classic companions, but its most notable achievement is rectifying a significant companion injustice that persisted for over 50 years. As part of BBC's Whoniverse collection commemorating Doctor Who's 60th anniversary, Tales Of The TARDIS offers a captivating exploration of six beloved Doctor Who episodes from the classic era. Alongside rejuvenating these cherished adventures, Tales Of The TARDIS also presents a heartfelt reflection by some of the Doctor's most memorable companions throughout the years. This framing not only offers a sense of resolution for these companions but also remedies some of the tragedies they had endured.

Among Doctor Who's companions, few have faced more challenging circumstances than Jamie and Zoe, who accompanied the Second Doctor. Jamie, an 18th-century Highlander from Scotland, and Zoe, a scientist from the 21st century, played integral roles during the Second Doctor's tenure. Unfortunately, their time aboard the TARDIS concluded tragically. When the Time Lords banished the Doctor to Earth, they also erased Jamie and Zoe's memories, returning them to the instant before they first encountered the Doctor, effectively eradicating their transformative journeys. However, the Memory TARDIS rectifies this injustice by revealing that the Doctor's influence had a lasting impact on Jamie and Zoe, despite the erasure from their conscious minds.

Doctor Who Reveals How Jamie & Zoe's Time With The Doctor Changed Them

Despite Jamie and Zoe's lost memories of their adventures with the Second Doctor, Tales Of The TARDIS affirms that their time spent with the Doctor evidently had a lasting impact. Out of the two Doctor Who companions, Zoe appears to have been the most profoundly influenced by her experiences with the Doctor, which ultimately contributed to her remarkable achievements after departing from the TARDIS. Zoe discloses that following her travels with the Doctor and Jamie, she has ascended to the position of Earth's president. Considering Zoe's previous difficulties in establishing connections with others, her ability to now influence and touch the lives of many as president serves as a powerful testament to the transformative influence of the Doctor on her life.

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While Zoe's transformation due to her encounters with the Doctor is more evident, Jamie has also experienced a fulfilling and lengthy existence as a result of the lessons learned during their journeys together. Despite his previous timidity around women, Jamie has grown more confident. The newfound assurance gained from traveling with the Doctor has led to Jamie getting married and starting a large family, comprised of five daughters and 19 grandchildren. Tales Of The TARDIS attests that although Jamie and Zoe may have lost their memories, the impact of their time on the TARDIS remains etched in their hearts, forever altering their lives.

Jamie & Zoe's Memories Are Restored As A Final Gift From The Doctor

RTD Finally Addresses Doctor Who's Long-standing Companion Injustice 5 Decades Later

Jamie and Zoe's recollection of their Doctor Who adventures, which had resurfaced long after their separation from the Doctor, may appear peculiar. However, Tales Of The TARDIS provides an explanation for this occurrence. This Doctor Who spinoff reveals that their restored memories serve as a last gesture from the Doctor, rectifying the immense tragedy they had endured over five decades ago. Now equipped with their regained recollections, Jamie and Zoe willingly commit to sharing their tales from the TARDIS, guaranteeing the preservation of their own experiences while also perpetuating the legacy of the Second Doctor.

Editor's P/S

As a long-time fan of Doctor Who, I am thrilled to see that the latest installment, Tales of the TARDIS, finally addresses the injustice that has surrounded two of the show's most beloved companions, Jamie and Zoe. For over 50 years, fans have wondered what became of these characters after their time with the Doctor, and now we finally have some answers.

I was particularly moved by the way that the episode showed how the Doctor's influence had a lasting impact on Jamie and Zoe, even though their memories of their adventures with him had been erased. It was clear that their time on the TARDIS had helped them to grow and change, and that they had both gone on to lead fulfilling and happy lives.

I think that this episode is a great example of how Doctor Who can use its long history to tell new and exciting stories. By revisiting classic characters and storylines, the show can explore the impact that the Doctor has had on the universe, and how his actions have changed the lives of those around him. I can't wait to see what other stories the show has in store for us in the future.