Ridley Scott's Defiant Response to Napoleon Trailer Historical Accuracy Critiques

Ridley Scott's Defiant Response to Napoleon Trailer Historical Accuracy Critiques

Napoleon's historical inaccuracies are indeed surprising, but Ridley Scott's response suggests he may not be concerned about them

Article Overview

Ridley Scott dismisses criticism of historical inaccuracies in the Napoleon trailer with a curt response, suggesting he doesn't care about adhering strictly to history.

Scott's main emphasis in Napoleon appears to be on creating a mesmerizing film that showcases Joaquin Phoenix's exceptional performance. The extent to which the actual film diverges from history is yet to be determined, even though the trailer may contain some factual inaccuracies. Scott's primary objective, however, is evidently to craft a captivating and immersive cinematic experience.

Napoleon director Ridley Scott dismisses criticism about historical inaccuracies in his upcoming film's trailer. Starring Joaquin Phoenix as the renowned French emperor, Napoleon portrays the dramatic rise and fall of Napoleon Bonaparte and his tumultuous relationship with his wife, Josephine. The film is scheduled to be released on November 22.

In anticipation of the film's premiere, Scott curtly dismisses the criticism regarding the historical accuracy of the Napoleon trailer. According to The New Yorker, Scott's reaction was in response to TV historian Dan Snow's TikTok video, which scrutinized the trailer's portrayal of historical events. Scott's response to Snow's commentary was brief and straightforward: "Get a life."

Napoleon’s Historical Inaccuracies Are Surprising (But Ridley Scott May Not Care)

Ridley Scott's Defiant Response to Napoleon Trailer Historical Accuracy Critiques

Snow pointed out several historical inaccuracies in the trailer, such as Marie-Antoinette's hairstyle during her execution and Napoleon's actions during the Battle of the Pyramids. If these facts were distorted in the trailer, it is likely that the biopic deviates even further from historical accuracy in its lengthy runtime.

It is somewhat surprising that these oversights were made by a renowned director like Scott, who has previously worked on historically-based films like Gladiator and Black Hawk Down. While it is common for dramatized histories to include fictionalized elements, Napoleon Bonaparte is a well-studied figure, making any fallacious elements in the film more glaringly obvious.

Scott's lack of emphasis on historical accuracy is evident in his brief response to the trailer for Napoleon. Despite this, the film promises a spectacular performance from Phoenix and visually stunning cinematography. It may not be a completely faithful portrayal of Napoleon, but Scott's main concern is likely ensuring the film fulfills its cinematic objectives. This project marks the second collaboration between Phoenix and Scott, following their successful partnership on Gladiator.

Source: The New Yorker

Editor's P/S

Ridley Scott's cavalier attitude towards historical accuracy in his upcoming film "Napoleon" is both surprising and disappointing. As a history enthusiast, I believe that it is important for filmmakers to strive for accuracy when depicting real-life events and figures. While some creative license is to be expected, it is important to maintain a certain level of faithfulness to the historical record. Otherwise, the film risks misleading viewers and perpetuating historical myths.

Scott's dismissive response to criticism of the historical inaccuracies in the "Napoleon" trailer suggests that he is not particularly concerned with historical accuracy. This is a shame, as it could have been an opportunity for him to engage with critics and address their concerns. Instead, Scott's response comes across as arrogant and dismissive, which is not a good look for a filmmaker of his stature.