Ricky's Epic One-Liners: 25 Hilarious Trailer Park Boys Quotes That Pack a Punch

Ricky's Epic One-Liners: 25 Hilarious Trailer Park Boys Quotes That Pack a Punch

Trailer Park Boys: 25 Hilarious Ricky Quotes That Will Leave You in Stitches From witty one-liners to absurd Rickyisms, this article compiles the most side-splitting quotes from the beloved character Get ready to laugh out loud with these unforgettable moments!


Rickyisms, the hilarious mispronunciations and misuses of words by Trailer Park Boys' Ricky, are a main feature of the show and always funny.

Ricky's comedic persona is further enhanced by his recurring misinterpretations of familiar phrases, such as his belief that "what comes around is all around." Additionally, his distinct perspective and limited comprehension are demonstrated by his tendency to associate everything with cannabis, for example, equating wires with fire hazards.

The funniest jokes are often the simplest, which may explain the hilarity of Ricky quotes from Trailer Park Boys. Known as Rickyisms, these lines attributed to the character are a phenomenon. Many of the best Ricky quotes involve humorous substitutions or mispronunciations, utilizing puns, metaphors, and wordplay to create an entirely side-splitting experience. This type of comedy or mistake is actually called malapropism. Rickyisms have become a major aspect of the character, a key feature of the show, and never fail to bring surprises and laughter.

Throughout the 12 seasons of Trailer Park Boys, Ricky consistently found unique ways to express himself, from his love for "jah-la-pah-no" chips to his belief in "sweet empowered chicken" and even his fascination with "rocket appliances." In fact, in one early episode, Ricky openly confesses, "I just don't know how to express myself sometimes when I need to be properly different." Despite constantly finding himself in trouble and resorting to illicit means of making a living, Ricky is far from being an upstanding member of society. However, he serves as the driving force that has kept the boys going for years, and his misunderstood sayings have ensured his unforgettable presence.

26 "What Comes Around Is All Around."

Season 1, Episode 3, "Mr. Lahey's Got My Porno Tape!"

Ricky's Epic One-Liners: 25 Hilarious Trailer Park Boys Quotes That Pack a Punch

Ricky Trailer Park Boys quotes often display Ricky's comical mishandling of common sayings, exemplified by his use of "what comes around is all around." While this phrase may seem nonsensical, it perfectly aligns with Ricky's other humorous Rickyisms. Adding to the amusement is Trailer Park Supervisor Jim Lahey, who, while intoxicated, corrects Ricky by saying, "Don't you mean what's all around comes around, Ricky?" It's particularly embarrassing for Ricky when Lahey, who is both Ricky's sworn enemy and not the brightest person in the park, points out the inaccuracies in these Rickyisms.

25 "Where There's Smoke, There's Wires."

Season 8, Episode 9, "Righties Loosies, Lefties Tighties."

Ricky's Epic One-Liners: 25 Hilarious Trailer Park Boys Quotes That Pack a Punch

Cannabis grow-op references can be found in almost every single Ricky Trailer Park Boys quote, which explains why Ricky associates wires with potential fire hazards. It is highly possible that Ricky has personal experience in dealing with such situations. In the episode titled "Righties Loosies, Lefties Tighties," Bubbles takes the spotlight due to his impressive engineering knowledge, something which Ricky is lacking. Despite Ricky's confident delivery of these sayings, it becomes even funnier when we realize that he fails to recognize his own ineptitude for the task at hand.

24 "It's Clear To See Who Makes The Pants Here."

Season 4, Episode 6, "If You Love Something, Set It Free."

Ricky's Epic One-Liners: 25 Hilarious Trailer Park Boys Quotes That Pack a Punch

The Trailer Park Boys embark on a hunt for a mysterious intruder in their marijuana field in the episode "If You Love Something, Set it Free." This particular installment offers a plethora of Rickyisms for fans to enjoy, including the comical phrase "fill my feet" instead of "fill my shoes" and "radies" instead of "rabies." Bubbles contributes with his own unique vocabulary, introducing the term "samsquanch." However, the true gem arises when Rick, in an attempt to mock Corey and Trevor's current "boss" Sarah for easily dictating their actions, ironically ends up making a fool of himself once again.

23 "Worldy Pipe."

Season 3, Episode 8, "A Sh*t Leopard Can't Change Its Spots."

Ricky's Epic One-Liners: 25 Hilarious Trailer Park Boys Quotes That Pack a Punch

For veteran cannabis enthusiasts like Ricky, every aspect of life is intertwined with the influence of cannabis. Ricky's distinctive grasp of the English language allows him to draw parallels between the worldwide web and his own unique perspective. To him, the internet is like a complex network, much like a pipe. Ricky humorously incorporates these quirky Rickyisms in several episodes, and it's surprising that they haven't gained wider recognition considering their cleverness. Ricky even acknowledges that pipes have countless functions, including the transmission of data across the globe. Naturally, it's not unexpected that a modest individual like Ricky may not fully comprehend the inner workings of the internet.

22 "Water Under The Fridge."

Season 8, Episode 1, "Money Can Suck My C**k."

Ricky's Epic One-Liners: 25 Hilarious Trailer Park Boys Quotes That Pack a Punch

Ricky, not being a country boy but residing in a trailer park, possesses greater knowledge about household water leaks rather than the beauty of scenic bridges over rivers. This fact sheds light on his perspective in this timeless Rickyism. In the specific episode titled "Money Can Suck My C**k," the main characters are all engaged in distinct entrepreneurial endeavors.

21 "You Can Go To College And Get Your Little PFD..."

In the Trailer Park Boys mockumentary show, there are instances where the characters must put aside past grievances and collaborate with one another. This extends not only to their fellow cast members but also to the film crew they have to work with. Surprisingly, the crew managed to deceive Ricky into signing the Boys up for additional seasons of the show. This cleverly tackles the documentary aspect of the series, which is often overlooked, while also incorporating a humorous quote about forgiveness.

Season 1, Episode 2, "F*ck Community College. Let's Get Drunk and Eat Chicken Fingers."

Ricky's Epic One-Liners: 25 Hilarious Trailer Park Boys Quotes That Pack a Punch

After yet another incarceration, Julian is determined to turn his life around and considers pursuing higher education, which leads to this Rickyism. Ricky, known for his struggles to complete the tenth grade, opposes the idea, fearing that Julian's departure could jeopardize their schemes. The two engage in a heated argument about their futures, and, in typical Ricky fashion, he retorts, "You can go to college and get your little PFD or whatever the f*** it's called, I don't care." The irony lies in the fact that while Ricky is clueless about what a Ph.D. entails, he is equally unaware of what a PDF is. This humorous exchange serves as a reminder that Ricky could benefit from a bit more education.

20 "Passed With Flying F****** Carpets."

Season 4, Episode 7, "Propane, Propane."

Ricky's Epic One-Liners: 25 Hilarious Trailer Park Boys Quotes That Pack a Punch

In the episode "Propane Propane," the Boys are in dire need of a truck for the upcoming weed harvest. Time is of the essence as they must swiftly remove their illicit crop before the authorities discover it. Regrettably, their plan backfires when they assign Cory and Trevor with the task of procuring a suitable vehicle, only for them to return with a propane tanker instead. The only individual capable of operating the tanker happens to be Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys. Within this episode, there are numerous hilarious Rickyisms, but none compare to his ill-advised attempt to deceive others about Bubbles passing the driver's license test. The fact that Ricky doesn't even question the mention of flying carpets in his fabricated story suggests that there aren't many tests he would be able to pass either.

19 "Hang Your Horses."

Season 10, Episode 7, "Up In Smoke We Go."

Ricky's Epic One-Liners: 25 Hilarious Trailer Park Boys Quotes That Pack a Punch

A humorous amalgamation of "hang on" and "hold your horses," both conveying the same message of "wait." Titled "Up in Smoke We Go," this well-known episode showcases various celebrity appearances, such as Tom Arnold, Snoop Dogg, and Doug Bensen, and boasts one of the most comical instances of Ricky's unique verbal blunders. Despite the star-studded cast, Ricky effortlessly steals the spotlight as he consistently misuses this phrase to suppress impatience in others. Ironically, if Ricky devoted a little more time to contemplate his words before uttering them, he would likely avoid making so many mistakes.

18 "Atodoso/I-toad-a-sew."

Season 5, Episode 2, "The Sh*t Puppets."

Ricky's Epic One-Liners: 25 Hilarious Trailer Park Boys Quotes That Pack a Punch

17 "Looks Like A Tropical Earthquake Blew Through Here."

: Understanding Rickyisms from Trailer Park Boys can sometimes prove challenging, and even his closest companions, Bubbles and Julian, must occasionally employ their magical interpretation skills. This is evident when Ricky, with a self-satisfied smirk, subtly informs them that he was correct. While most individuals would employ the phrase "I told you so" to assert their victory over friends, conveying this message becomes a daunting task in the presence of Ricky's jumbled verbal concoctions, such as the classic "Atodaso/I-toad-a-sew" joke, which has become a beloved running gag in Trailer Park Boys.

Season 2, Episode 1, "What In The F*ck Happened To Our Trailer Park."

Ricky's Epic One-Liners: 25 Hilarious Trailer Park Boys Quotes That Pack a Punch

When the boys make their return to Sunnyvale in the Season 2 premiere, they are taken aback by its complete disarray, leading to a classic Rickyism where he creates a completely new weather phenomenon. Had Ricky simply mentioned either a tropical storm or an earthquake, he would have accurately described the state of the park, which is a rarity for him. However, Ricky's desire for exaggeration led him to combine both concepts into one, resulting in yet another foolish statement that even an adult should know better than to utter.

16 "How To Get Burbon Stains Out Of Ka-Hickey Pants."

Season 3, Episode 2, "Temporary Relief Assistant Trailer Park Supervisor."

Ricky's Epic One-Liners: 25 Hilarious Trailer Park Boys Quotes That Pack a Punch

In Season 3, Mr. Lahey initiates a search for a temporary replacement for Randy as Assistant Trailer Park Supervisor, to which Ricky eagerly aspires, leading to one of the most iconic Ricky Trailer Park Boys quotes. This unlikely partnership quickly proves to be a disastrous idea, particularly considering Lahey's peculiar criteria for the position. He is puzzled by some of the questions on Lahey's aptitude test and exclaims, "how to remove bourbon stains from ka-hickey pants? This is f*****, Lahey." Surprisingly, Ricky manages to secure the job, perhaps indicating the scarcity of individuals willing to work with Lahey.

15 "Two Turnips In Heat."

Season 10, Episode 1, "Freedom 45?"

Ricky's Epic One-Liners: 25 Hilarious Trailer Park Boys Quotes That Pack a Punch

14 "Knock Knock."

In the episode "Freedom 45?" of Trailer Park Boys, there are a few hilarious Ricky quotes as our beloved heroes strive for early retirement once again. One quote that stands out is the comical mispronunciation of root vegetables when Ricky refers to them as a "whole different kettle and dish." However, the best of all Ricky quotes in this episode is his ingenious ability to turn a simple phrase like "turn up the heat" into a discussion about plant mating practices. It's truly astonishing how Ricky envisions a scenario where turnips could be in heat and assumes that this commonly used phrase refers to that. This unconventional mindset provides yet another peculiar glimpse into Ricky's unique perspective.

Season 2, Episode 2, "Jim Lahey Is A Drunk B*stard."

Ricky's Epic One-Liners: 25 Hilarious Trailer Park Boys Quotes That Pack a Punch

Often targeted at poor Jim Lahey, Ricky's infamous "Knock knock" opener never failed to catch everyone off guard. It was one of those classic Ricky Trailer Park Boys quotes that could elicit various responses. Whether it was met with a genuine reply or countered with two raised middle fingers or the explicit phrase, "F**k off," was anyone's guess. Online forums buzzed with heated debates over Ricky's best knock-knock jokes, with fans polarized between the short and straightforward ones and the lengthy, rambling monologues. It seemed like Ricky had an endless supply of these peculiar jokes for every occasion. However, with each new attempt, it became increasingly apparent that he had little grasp of the fundamental structure of a knock-knock joke.

13 "What Julian Doesn't Grow Won't Burn Him."

Season 4, Episode 7, "Propane, Propane."

Ricky's Epic One-Liners: 25 Hilarious Trailer Park Boys Quotes That Pack a Punch

There are several unforgettable quotes from Ricky in this iconic episode of Trailer Park Boys, titled "Propane, Propane." This episode revolves around a Snoop Dogg concert and various intriguing local dramas. One quote in particular stands out, leaving fans pondering whether Ricky's clever wordplay is actually intentional. Both Ricky and Julian, from Trailer Park Boys, have faced legal issues due to their marijuana cultivation, making Ricky's quote, "what they don't know won't hurt them," even more fitting. It's humorous how Julian is often perceived as the responsible and level-headed one within the group, despite being an immature adult himself.

12 "Survival Of The Fitness, Boys."

Season 7, Episode 6, "We Can't Call People Without Wings Angels So We Call Them Friends."


Ricky, Julian, and Bubbles (who has his own humorous lines) often receive help from other characters like Cory and Trevor in the earlier seasons, and Cory and Jacob in the later seasons, in their various undertakings. However, some of the storylines involving Cory and Trevor result in Ricky delivering his best Trailer Park Boys quotes, as he does not hesitate to let these followers take the blame for their schemes. When these two dim-witted individuals go missing, Ricky is neither worried nor sympathetic, suggesting that it is "survival of the fitness," which is at least unintentionally closer to the actual saying than most Rickyisms.

10 "Dressed All Over."

Season 5, Episode 8, "Dressed All Over & Zesty Mordant"

Ricky's Epic One-Liners: 25 Hilarious Trailer Park Boys Quotes That Pack a Punch

Some of the greatest quotes from Ricky in Trailer Park Boys originate from misunderstandings between French and English labels, a common issue in Canada. Certain popular products are recognized by their French aliases, such as a well-liked beverage often referred to as "Pamplemousse," which is essentially grapefruit-flavored soda. Comparable phrases like "zesty mordant" also find their way into Canadian vocabulary and Ricky's unique language, known as Rickyisms. In this particular instance, Ricky humorously misinterprets the phrase "All Dressed" chips. The episode "Dressed all Over and Zesty Mordant" from Trailer Park Boys takes inspiration from Rickyisms.

9 "Supply And Command."

Season 3, Episode 6, "Where In The F*ck Is Randy's Barbecue?"

Ricky's Epic One-Liners: 25 Hilarious Trailer Park Boys Quotes That Pack a Punch

During the early stages of the series, Ricky and Julian come to the realization that they can cultivate marijuana and profit from selling it within the local jail, where they can charge higher prices. Julian expresses concerns about the potential consequences, whereas Ricky remains optimistic and even involves Mr. Lahey's daughter, Treena, in their operation.

Considering himself a positive influence on Treena, Ricky adds a quote to the Trailer Park Boys Ricky quotes list, expressing his desire for someone to have taught him how to grow marijuana when he was younger. He confidently asserts that their product will fetch higher prices in prison due to the concept of "supply and command."

8 "And Why Do You Look Like Indianapolis Jones?"

Season 3, Episode 6, "Where In The F*ck Is Randy's Barbecue?"

Ricky's Epic One-Liners: 25 Hilarious Trailer Park Boys Quotes That Pack a Punch

In Season 3, Cory and Trevor collide with Ricky's car, causing significant damage to Mr. Lahey's trailer. Randy and Lahey timidly exit the residence, with Randy donning a bee costume and Lahey channeling Indiana Jones. This results in one of the memorable quotes from Ricky in Trailer Park Boys. While it may be apparent to most that they were engaged in some form of role play, Ricky fails to grasp the situation swiftly enough.

7 "Does A Bear S*** On The Pope?"

He exclaims in disbelief, "Why on earth are you dressed like a bumblebee, and why do you bear such a striking resemblance to Indianapolis Jones?" The mix-up between Indiana Jones and Indianapolis Jones only adds to the already uncomfortable atmosphere, making the situation even more bizarre.

Season 10, Episode 4, "Sh*t Covered Cave Teeth."

Ricky's Epic One-Liners: 25 Hilarious Trailer Park Boys Quotes That Pack a Punch

This Rickyism, featured in the episode "Sh*t-Covered Cave Teeth," adds a colorful twist to the familiar concept of agreeing to something. Despite various existing variations, this particular Rickyism stands out as one of the best. In a more recent episode, Ricky, who has made an effort to distance himself from crime, is persuaded by the highly quotable Julian to participate in one final job at a dental office.

Ricky's blunder occurs when he mistakenly combines two different sayings that both convey a clear "yes" response to a question. Typically, the responses include "Does the Pope wear a funny hat?" or "Does the bear poop in the woods?" Numerous shows and movies have cleverly played off these phrases for comedic effect. However, Ricky's unexpected and hilarious mix-up adds an additional layer of amusement.