Revolutionary Mindset: Unlocking the Secrets of VR Development

Revolutionary Mindset: Unlocking the Secrets of VR Development

Discover the untamed realm of VR game development through the insights of a 7th Guest VR dev Unveiling the necessity of passion and unwavering devotion, this article explores the challenges and mindset required to thrive in the exhilarating world of virtual reality

In order to thrive in the field of VR game development, developers must embrace a "cowboy mentality," as stated by Paul van der Meer, a developer at Vertigo Games. With renowned titles such as Arizona Sunshine and After the Fall, Vertigo Games is an experienced studio currently working on a VR adaptation of The 7th Guest. The concept of a "VR Remake" may seem intriguing, unconventional, and demanding, but it genuinely excites van der Meer and his colleagues at Vertigo Games. Game Rant recently had a conversation with van der Meer, discussing the progress and challenges of developing The 7th Guest VR.

VR Is the Wild West of Modern Game Development

Revolutionary Mindset: Unlocking the Secrets of VR Development

Paul attributed the success of his VR studio to what he referred to as a "cowboy mentality," which he defined as the willingness to experiment with uncertain ideas and invest resources without immediate returns in order to explore innovative ways of gaming. He emphasized that game design is an iterative process and advised against being overly rigid or risk-averse, as these traits hinder growth and limit the potential of virtual reality, particularly in its early stages.

It Takes Passion and Dedication to Succeed As a VR Developer

For example, van der Meer discussed their implementation of volumetric video for The 7th Guest. This advanced motion capture/animation technology had not been attempted on such a large scale before. Initially, it was not an obvious choice for The 7th Guest, and there were doubts about its feasibility. Instead of opting for the safer route of rejecting the idea, our CEO took a bold step by giving us permission to experiment with it. And now, here we are, seeing the successful outcome of that decision.

Revolutionary Mindset: Unlocking the Secrets of VR Development

The willingness to embrace experimentation and take calculated risks can be the distinguishing factor between a good studio and an exceptional one. However, these qualities alone do not guarantee success as a developer. In general, van der Meer commends his team's strong work ethic and unwavering dedication, both of which have evidently contributed to their current achievements.

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In this community, we have an abundance of talented individuals who are driven to create something truly exceptional. Their commitment to perfect every minute aspect, from object interaction to weapon reloading, from individual animations to their seamless integration...There are numerous individuals here who are willing to go above and beyond, tackle the challenges, and prioritize the player's experience to ensure that everything feels incredibly satisfying.

Furthermore, he emphasized the importance of asking the question, "Why choose my game?" When there is a plethora of games available, what sets this one apart? This concept holds true for virtual reality as well. "We always strive to understand why someone would choose to play this game in VR. If the experience can be replicated on a regular screen, then we haven't fulfilled our mission."

The 7th Guest VR is in development for PC (Steam), Quest 2, and Quest 3.