Reviving Breakfast Tradition: Introducing Thomas' First Brand Character After 144 Years

Reviving Breakfast Tradition: Introducing Thomas' First Brand Character After 144 Years

Meet Thom, a charming young man with a distinctive British accent, designed to encourage consumers to cherish their breakfast moments amidst the hustle and bustle of busy mornings.

Exciting News from Thomas’ Breakfast!

Thomas’ Breakfast, known for their delicious bagels and English muffins, recently introduced their very first brand character after 144 years in the business. This exciting update was shared with us at Our Website as part of Thomas’ “Huzzah! A Toast to Breakfast” campaign.

Thom, the character, is described as a “proper young man with a strong British accent” and is here to assist those who struggle to make time for breakfast in the morning rush. With his catchy “Huzzah!” catchphrase, Thom appears in various advertising campaigns.

The creative content can be seen across digital platforms, social media, linear TV, connected TV (CTV) and other channels. It highlights Thomas’ breakfast offerings such as English muffins, bagels, and swirl bread.

Introducing Thom: Thomas’ Brand Character

Thomas’ is celebrating almost 150 years in business by introducing Thom, its very first brand character. This move reflects the company's focus on brand-building efforts. Thom is portrayed as someone who is passionate about making mornings delightful. He is depicted as coming out of his home in the pantry to encourage people to take a moment to savor breakfast, even during busy mornings.

The character adds a touch of humor and charm to various commercials by offering quirky commentary with a "Regency-era charm" during his interactions. In a brief 15-second ad, Thom playfully serves bagels and points out that English muffins actually originate from the pantry, not England. In a longer 30-second commercial, Thom is delighted to see a family making time for breakfast, although he struggles to get them to pronounce his name correctly. Leading up to the character's official debut, Thomas gave a sneak peek of the launch on Instagram.

The campaign was developed in collaboration with agencies Vault Communications, DDB Worldwide, PHD Media, and Millennium Communications. It will be showcased nationally on platforms like Meta, Pinterest, TikTok, Paramount+, Peacock, Hulu, Tubi, YouTube, online video, streaming audio, linear TV, Tasty, and DDM. In addition, regional ads will be displayed on digital out-of-home billboards in Seattle, Portland, and Spokane, Washington.

Recently, other breakfast brands have also increased their creative efforts. For instance, Quaker introduced a "100 Reasons to Rise" photo series last month, highlighting how mornings can bring people together. This initiative builds upon the brand's first global platform. These marketing endeavors aim to enhance customer loyalty and appeal to individuals seeking alternatives to fast food for their morning meals. Quick-service restaurants like Wendy's have also intensified their breakfast marketing strategies.

A successful mascot can bring great benefits to brands. Last year, Kellanova's Pop-Tarts introduced an edible mascot at the Pop-Tarts Bowl using a giant toaster. This created a viral moment on social media as the character went into the toaster to become a giant pastry, which was then enjoyed by the winning football team.

Another example comes from Thomas', a brand owned by Bimbo Bakeries USA. They have engaged in marketing strategies such as offering limited-edition merchandise and hosting a sweepstake alongside the launch of their Chocolatey Mini Croissants. In April, the brand expanded its breakfast options by introducing Everything Breakfast Bread and launching Sourdough English Muffins nationwide in celebration of National English Muffin Day.

Editor's P/S:

The introduction of Thom, ****Thomas' Breakfast's first brand character, is a testament to the company's dedication to innovation and customer engagement. Thom's charming and witty persona adds a delightful touch to the brand's messaging, effectively capturing the essence of a leisurely and enjoyable breakfast experience. This strategic move aligns with the growing trend among breakfast brands to enhance their brand presence through creative marketing initiatives.

The article highlights the importance of brand building in the competitive breakfast industry. By introducing a memorable character, ****Thomas' Breakfast differentiates itself from competitors and establishes a strong emotional connection with consumers. The character's unique personality and engaging commentary create a relatable and immersive experience, encouraging consumers to prioritize breakfast and savor the moment. This innovative approach demonstrates the brand's commitment to delivering not just delicious products but also a delightful and memorable breakfast experience.