The Resident Evil franchise has been renowned for its survival horror games, offering fans nearly three decades of spine-chilling titles. However, it is also famous for its unique feature of equippable skins, which is a stark contrast to its horror elements. In the classic Resident Evil games, players could unlock distinctive skins by achieving specific completion requirements, and this feature became a fan-favorite as the series progressed. With the release of the Resident Evil 5 Remake, series developer Capcom could offer players the best pre-order skins yet, as the original game marked the peak of the series' innovative approach to cosmetics.
The original Resident Evil 5 was launched in 2009 and followed the success of its predecessor, Resident Evil 4, which revolutionized the series and the survival-horror genre by fusing B-movie action with genuinely terrifying gameplay. However, Resident Evil 5 shifted the focus towards action and marked the beginning of the series' decline in many ways, despite receiving critical and commercial praise. The game was marred by racial controversy from the outset, leading to the inclusion of a second playable character, West African BSAA agent Sheva. Moreover, its action-movie sequences failed to satisfy long-time horror fans.
Resident Evil 5's Alternate Costumes Were Memorable, For Better or Worse
Resident Evil 5's departure from true survival horror and its reliance on over-the-top action set pieces left some fans divided. However, despite the game's serious narrative, it did offer some of the most memorable alternate costumes in the franchise. These costumes injected some much-needed levity into the game, making subsequent playthroughs enjoyable. Some of the most memorable costumes include Warrior Chris, featuring leather and spikes reminiscent of Mad Max, and Fairytale Sheva, transforming the BSAA agent into a zombie-slaying Little Red Riding Hood.
However, alternate costumes also highlighted one of Resident Evil 5's biggest issues. Each character had a "final" outfit, which was the ultimate reward for completing the game while collecting every BSAA badge. Sheva's Tribal costume was widely criticized for oversexualizing the series' first black female protagonist and depicting her as a primitive stereotype. The costume included a leopard print bikini top, a cloth skirt, a necklace of teeth, neck bangles, and full-body tribal tattoos. If the game were to be remade, Capcom would need to address some of its alternate outfits, alongside other problematic elements.
Resident Evil 5 Remake Could Offer The Series' Best Pre-Order Skins
The Resident Evil 4 Remake delighted fans with its unique costumes, which continued the series' long-standing tradition of offering pre-order bonuses and deluxe edition content. As Resident Evil 5 was the first game to introduce this trend, its remake should definitely include the original's most iconic skins. A modernized version of the Warrior Chris and Fairytale Sheva costumes would be ideal for longtime fans. Moreover, Capcom could take things even further by incorporating brand-new and culturally appropriate skins, drawing from its extensive experience in game development.
To ensure the success of the Resident Evil 5 Remake, Capcom can take cues from previous titles in the franchise and their remakes. The most crucial lesson is how to update the game for modern audiences while staying true to its roots. While the game's narrative and setting have received mixed reactions, Capcom can remedy this by offering pre-order skins that showcase the best aspects of the original game while addressing its shortcomings. The Resident Evil 5 Remake has a challenging task ahead, but fans are hopeful that Capcom will deliver a fresh and contemporary take on one of the series' most debated games.