Revamped Nintendo Developer Portal Unveiled for Next-Gen Switch

Revamped Nintendo Developer Portal Unveiled for Next-Gen Switch

Nintendo enhances developer portal for the upcoming successor to Nintendo Switch, including the codename Experience a revamped platform exclusively catered to developers

Nintendo's highly anticipated follow-up to the popular Switch console has been shrouded in secrecy, but recent developments suggest that Nintendo is indeed making progress on its development, as indicated by its developer portal. Amongst all the leaks surrounding the Switch 2, this particular leak holds the most credibility.

With the Switch entering its seventh year on the market, both industry professionals and fans are eagerly speculating when and how Nintendo will unveil the next installment, as the current console is showing signs of age and experiencing limitations in terms of game availability and performance. Countless rumors and leaks have circulated regarding the new console, covering topics such as improved graphics, potential release dates, similarities to the original Switch, and even innovative features that may be implemented in its controllers. However, official confirmation has been scarce, leaving Nintendo enthusiasts in anticipation.

Nintendo has confirmed two things about its next console: the continuity of players' Nintendo accounts and the mere fact of its existence. According to the renowned leaker NWPlayer123, the codename for the console has also been disclosed, albeit exclusively to Nintendo employees. Although the original tweet has been deleted, an image of it has been preserved. The image, which was captured from the exclusive developer site, displays a list of Nintendo's current and slightly older consoles. At the very top of the list, there is an entry labeled "NX 2." It is noteworthy that NX served as the codename for the original Switch until its official unveiling in October 2016.

Revamped Nintendo Developer Portal Unveiled for Next-Gen Switch

Of course, it is possible that all of this is merely a temporary solution for something yet to be finalized. However, the inclusion of such a specific detail, along with the presence of the same Joy-Con icon as the Switch, adds weight to the notion that the new hardware will be a successor that closely resembles its predecessor, rather than a complete overhaul. The upcoming console is anticipated to have more powerful specifications, enabling it to compete with the Xbox Series X/S and the PlayStation 5, albeit to a lesser extent. Nonetheless, only time will reveal the truth behind the numerous rumors circulating.

Nintendo has expressed satisfaction with the consistent success of the Switch, even after seven years, which explains their reluctance to release a significant upgrade. Nevertheless, with recent profit declines, a well-documented reliance on software for sustainability, and further expected profit decreases, it may be time for Nintendo to step out of the shadows and generate excitement for their inevitable next console, rather than simply relying on past accomplishments.

Source: Twisted Voxel