Revamped and Reimagined: Power Rangers Reinvent an Old-School Fan Favorite

Revamped and Reimagined: Power Rangers Reinvent an Old-School Fan Favorite

Power Rangers brings back the iconic Cosmic Blaster from the 90s, delighting fans of Mighty Morphin These powerful weapons not only pay homage to the classic series but also address a recurring issue in Power Rangers


Power Rangers Cosmic Fury updates a nostalgic gadget from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and addresses an old complaint from fans.

The Cosmic Blaster found in Cosmic Fury pays tribute to the beloved Power Rangers series and merges various weapons into a single entity, reminiscent of the Power Weapons seen in Mighty Morphin.

By reintroducing individual Ranger weapons and distinct combat styles, Cosmic Fury rectifies the recent trend in Power Rangers seasons of not equipping each Ranger with a distinctive weapon.

Power Rangers Cosmic Fury revolutionized a beloved gadget from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and addressed a longstanding complaint from the franchise. Although each Power Rangers season since Zordon's demise stands alone as an exciting adventure, Cosmic Fury intertwines numerous connections with the broader lore of the franchise. Some connections are overt, such as the return of Blue Ranger Billy Cranston and the menacing Lord Zedd, while others are more subtle.

With 30 years of Power Rangers content in chronological order, alongside nearly 50 years of Super Sentai series, it is nearly inevitable for a new Power Rangers installment to revisit or make references to previous material. Thankfully, Cosmic Fury masterfully intertwines nostalgia with innovative concepts, exemplified by the extraordinary new weapons wielded by the Cosmic Fury team.

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Power Rangers Cosmic Fury's Cosmic Blaster Is A Mighty Morphin Callback

Revamped and Reimagined: Power Rangers Reinvent an Old-School Fan Favorite

Though not exclusive to Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the act of combining numerous weapons into one holds a strong association with the original Power Rangers TV series. The Power Weapons of Mighty Morphin are widely recognized elements of the iconic Power Rangers franchise, and witnessing their fusion into a unique blaster to vanquish the weekly monster always provided entertainment. Following several seasons without any form of weapon amalgamation, Power Rangers Cosmic Fury reintroduced this concept with the introduction of the Cosmic Blaster.

While all the Dino Fury Rangers wielded the Chromafury Saber as their weapon, each Cosmic Fury Ranger was entrusted with a distinct piece of equipment. The Cosmic Fury Red Ranger, Amelia, wielded a mighty hammer, whereas the Cosmic Fury Green Ranger, Izzy, opted for a pair of lethal daggers. When these Cosmic Fury weapons united, they formed the remarkable Cosmic Blaster, an entirely original creation for the show with no Super Sentai equivalent. From its intricate design to its resonant name, the Cosmic Blaster of Cosmic Fury paid homage to the classic Mighty Morphin era. The Cosmic Blaster saw action in the thrilling concluding episodes of Power Rangers Cosmic Fury as it confronted the formidable final form of the villainous Lord Zedd.

Cosmic Fury's Weapons Fix An Annoying Power Rangers Trend

Revamped and Reimagined: Power Rangers Reinvent an Old-School Fan Favorite

Power Rangers Dino Fury, along with other recent Power Rangers seasons, opted not to assign each Power Ranger a unique weapon. While it can be impressive to witness all Rangers wielding the same sword, as seen in Power Rangers Lost Galaxy with the Quasar Sabers, it is often more captivating when each Ranger possesses their own distinctive combat style and accessories. Naturally, this decision is contingent upon the Super Sentai show that each Power Rangers series is adapting. For instance, due to the prominence of the sabers in Ryusoulger's visual concept, there was limited scope for individual Ranger weapons. Nevertheless, the weapons and costumes in Cosmic Fury were original creations rather than adaptations from Sentai.

Cosmic Fury Power Ranger

Main Weapon

Red Ranger Amelia

Ankylo Hammer

Green Ranger Izzy

Tiger Claw Daggers

Gold Ranger Aiyon

Mosa Razor Blaste

Black Ranger Javi

Stego Spike Axe

Orange Ranger Fern

Solono Claw

Blue Ranger Ollie

Tricera Blaster

In addition to the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, other teams of Rangers also had their own individual gadgets. For instance, in Power Rangers in Space, the Red Ranger Andros and his team combined their weapons to create the Quadro Blaster in a similar "power blaster" sequence. This kind of weapon combining happened in other seasons such as Zeo, Turbo, Lightspeed Rescue, and Time Force, even after the Zordon era. Power Rangers Cosmic Fury was filled with nods and references to previous Power Rangers seasons, and the reintroduction of individual Ranger weapons joining forces to form a new blaster was widely appreciated.