Resurrected on Supernatural: Mind-Blowing Returns After Death

Resurrected on Supernatural: Mind-Blowing Returns After Death

Characters in Supernatural who defy death: Kevin returns as a ghost, Charlie as an alternate version, Jo as a ghost for a trial, John time travels, Eileen resurrected by a spell, Rowena resurrects herself, Mary by the Darkness, Bobby helps from Heaven, Jack saved by Billie, Castiel resurrected by God and Jack, Sam resurrected by Castiel and Lucifer, and Dean saved by Castiel


Fans of Supernatural know that death doesn't always mean the end for their favorite characters, as many have returned from the dead.

Characters can return in different ways, including as ghosts, alternate versions, or through resurrection using spells or mystical abilities. Despite the profound emotional impact of their deaths, characters like Kevin, Charlie, and Jo find solace and resolution in their comebacks, providing valuable assistance to the Winchesters in their journey.

Fans of Supernatural know that just because their favorite character dies on screen, it doesn't mean they're gone for good. Throughout the show's 15 seasons, many beloved characters meet their demise, but death is not always permanent in this supernatural world. Some characters sacrifice themselves to save the Winchester brothers, while others are eliminated by the brothers themselves, only to make a formidable comeback.

In the Supernatural universe, the return of a character from death is not always a uniform or predictable occurrence. Some characters are immediately resurrected after their demise, either through mystical forces or otherworldly means. Others may reappear as ghosts, spirits, or visions, taking on corporeal form in Dean and Sam's lives. Regardless of the method, viewers understand that death is not a permanent barrier for characters in Supernatural, and their eventual return is always a possibility.

12 Kevin Tran Returns As A Ghost

Resurrected on Supernatural: Mind-Blowing Returns After Death

11 Charlie Bradbury Returns As An Alternate Version Of Herself

The death of Osric Chau's character, prophet Kevin Tran, in Supernatural is undoubtedly one of the most emotional moments in the show. Kevin's fate is sealed when he entrusts Dean with a spell that enables him to communicate with a human that an angel has possessed. Despite his noble intentions to talk to Gadreel, the angel inside Sam Winchester, Kevin tragically loses his life in the process. However, in Supernatural season 13, an alternative version of Kevin's character is introduced when the brothers venture into The Apocalypse World. Although the original Kevin cannot be brought back to life, he does make a spiritual appearance before Sam and Dean. As a ghost, Kevin aids the brothers in reconciling with both himself and his mother, allowing him to find peace in the afterlife and move on, knowing that he has resolved all of his earthly conflicts.

Resurrected on Supernatural: Mind-Blowing Returns After Death

Charlie's death in Supernatural was particularly distressing for fans, considering that Felicia Day's character had become a beloved favorite. Initially, her demise was short-lived, as Gadreel swiftly resurrected her following her murder by the Wicked Witch of the West. However, her second demise sparked outrage among viewers, especially because she was one of the few openly LBGTQ+ characters depicted on television, and particularly on the show.

10 Jo Harvelle Returns As A Ghost For Dean's Trial

Unwilling to relinquish the Book of the Damned to the Styne family, she meets her demise at the hands of Eldon Styne. Charlie's death occurs off-screen, but her bloodied body is subsequently discovered in the bathtub by Sam and Dean, leaving the brothers devastated. However, in an alternate reality, Charlie makes a comeback in season 13 of Supernatural and becomes part of the exodus through the rift. From there on, she continues to appear throughout the remaining episodes, lending a hand to the Winchesters in their various cases.

Resurrected on Supernatural: Mind-Blowing Returns After Death

Jo, a novice hunter, worked with her mother Ellen and the rest of the Roadhouse crew. She was determined to prove herself and catch the attention of Dean, whom she had a crush on. Unfortunately, Jo's life is tragically taken by a hellhound in Supernatural season 5 while bravely saving Dean's life. However, two seasons later, Jo returns as a ghost and becomes a witness to Dean's trial. Despite Osiris's attempts to manipulate her, Jo refuses to testify against Dean. In a disturbing turn of events, she is forced against her own will to try and harm Dean, but thankfully regains her senses before causing any harm.

9 John Winchester Time Travels

Resurrected on Supernatural: Mind-Blowing Returns After Death

Jeffrey Dean Morgan returns to Supernatural season 14, reprising his role as Sam and Dean's father, who sacrifices himself in the first episode of season 2 to save Dean. However, this time he portrays a past version of John Winchester who has been transported forward in time. In the milestone 300th episode titled "Lebanon," a John from 2003 mysteriously travels to 2019 and reunites with his sons. The emotional episode centers around a special treasure found in a pawn shop, which has the power to grant wishes. Despite their attempt to use the pearl to banish the archangel Michael, their actions inadvertently summon their father, disrupting the timeline. Complicating matters, an alternate version of the angel Zachariah and Castiel, who never met the Winchester brothers, attack the bunker. Realizing the potential consequences, the brothers are compelled to send their beloved father back to his own time, fearing that his presence could unravel the world as they know it.

8 Eileen Leahry Comes Back As Ghost And Is Resurrected Via A Spell

Resurrected on Supernatural: Mind-Blowing Returns After Death

Introduced as a legacy hunter in Supernatural's eleventh season, Eileen reappears in season 12 for a joint mission alongside the Winchesters. During this time, she becomes Sam's love interest. Tragically, her life is cut short by a hellhound under the control of the British Men of Letters' Arthur Ketch. However, she defies death and later resurfaces as one of the numerous ghosts set loose after God opens the gates of Hell.

7 Rowena MacLeod Resurrects Herself Before Becoming Queen Of Hell

Eileen makes a comeback in the epic culmination of Supernatural's 15th and final season, thanks to Sam's discovery of Rowena's revival spell. However, their reunion is short-lived as a tragic turn of events occurs when God eradicates humanity from the planet. But hope emerges when Jack rises as the new Almighty and, using his newfound power, resurrects Eileen once more, presenting Sam with a final and precious gift.

Resurrected on Supernatural: Mind-Blowing Returns After Death

Rowena MacLeod, a nearly immortal sorceress, stands among the Supernatural universe's most formidable beings, renowned for her cunning. Unveiled on the show, Rowena wields a magical seal that grants her the ability to resurrect herself after perishing. This proves invaluable when confronted by Lucifer, who repeatedly takes her life. Her ultimate demise unfolds in the final season of the series. As a former villain turned redeemed antihero, Rowena sacrifices herself to imprison the souls escaping from Hell within her own body, sealing herself in the underworld to save humanity. Although her death thwarts the impending apocalypse, it is not the last encounter audiences have with her. In subsequent episodes, she reemerges as the Queen of Hell, defying death as befits her unparalleled power.

6 Mary Winchester Is Resurrected By The Darkness

Resurrected on Supernatural: Mind-Blowing Returns After Death

Mary Winchester's death greatly impacts the early seasons of Supernatural as she made a pact with the demon Azazel during her youth. When Dean and Sam were young children, Azazel came to collect on the deal, resulting in Mary sacrificing herself to protect her infant son, Sam, and being burned alive by Hellfire. This tragic event leads her husband and sons to become hunters, though this is later altered by the prequel series The Winchesters.

Following Dean and Sam's assistance in reuniting the Darkness with God, Amara, who is God's sister, decides to repay them by resurrecting Mary. The motivation behind this choice is for Dean to understand that the real-life Mary is different from the idealized version he had in his dreams. Through her return, Dean is able to confront his anger issues and come to terms with his past. Unfortunately, Mary's life is cut short once again as she is killed by Jack, never to reunite with her sons.

5 Bobby Singer Helps The Winchesters From Heaven

Resurrected on Supernatural: Mind-Blowing Returns After Death

Bobby Singer, the friend and father figure to Sam and Dean for seven years, meets his fate in Supernatural when he is shot by the Leviathan in season 7. Fortunately, this beloved character continues to make appearances on the show even after his demise. However, unlike other characters in Supernatural, Bobby never returns in his original form.

In season 8, as part of the second trial to close the Gates of Hell, Sam undertakes the task of rescuing an innocent soul from Hell and delivering it to Heaven. He chooses Bobby for this mission, and together they journey through Purgatory and battle vampires. In season 9, Bobby's ghost appears to Sam, who is nearing death, and in Supernatural season 10, Sam reaches out to Bobby for assistance. Finally, Bobby's last appearance occurs in the show's final moments, where he is reunited with Dean in Heaven.

4 Jack Is Saved By Billie To Defeat Chuck

Resurrected on Supernatural: Mind-Blowing Returns After Death

Jack Kline, the offspring of a human woman named Kelly Kline and the fallen angel Lucifer, possesses immense potential and is sought after by both angels and demons. In Supernatural season 14, consumed by his extraordinary abilities, Jack begins using them in harmful ways. Tragically, he kills Mary Winchester and manipulates the entire world into telling only the truth. However, it is later revealed that these events were part of God's master plan to vanquish Sam and Dean.

Realizing the danger posed by Jack's escalating powers, God/Chuck effortlessly strikes him down. Imprisoned in the desolate Big Empty, Jack encounters Billie, who resurrects him. Billie saves Jack because she believes he is the sole hope for defeating Chuck once and for all. Eventually, Sam, Dean, and Cas locate Jack, who is now acting as a vigilante in an abandoned church.

3 Castiel Is Resurrected By God And Jack

Resurrected on Supernatural: Mind-Blowing Returns After Death

Castiel, an angel, experiences multiple deaths and resurrections throughout the course of the television series Supernatural. His first death occurs in season 4 when his fellow angels smite him. While it is never explicitly stated, it is suggested that God brings him back to life. In the following season, he dies again in the episode "Swan Song" after being smited by Lucifer for joining the battle. God resurrects him once more as a gesture of gratitude for preventing the apocalypse.

During Supernatural season 6, Castiel absorbs the power of the Leviathan, but is unable to control it indefinitely, resulting in his third death. When God brings him back, he loses all recollection of his past memories. Castiel meets his demise once again when he is stabbed to death by April, and is subsequently revived by Gadreel, an angel occupying Sam's body. In season 12, Castiel dies once more when Lucifer fatally stabs him with an angel blade. He is later awakened in The Empty by the powers of Jack, and through his persistent annoyance, a cosmic being resurrects him solely to be rid of him.

2 Sam Winchester Gets Resurrected By Castiel And Lucifer

Resurrected on Supernatural: Mind-Blowing Returns After Death

Sam Winchester, a character from the TV show Supernatural, meets his demise a total of eight times throughout its 15 seasons. The initial death occurs during the two-part finale of season 2, titled "All Hell Breaks Loose," when Jake Talley fatally stabs him. Through a deal with a crossroads demon, Sam's brother, Dean, manages to resurrect him. Later on in season 4, Sam faces another demise when struck by lightning. However, his most significant death transpires in the episode "Swan Song," where he plunges into Hell alongside Adam. Sam is later resurrected by Castiel, but the extensive time spent trapped in Lucifer's cage leaves lasting effects on him.

In the episode "Beat the Devil," Sam and Dean are compelled to venture into the alternate dimension Apocalypse World in order to save their mother, Mary, and Jack. During their journey, Sam endures a horrifying attack by a swarm of voracious vampires, resulting in his throat being gruesomely ripped out. Nevertheless, Lucifer intervenes and revives Sam. Finally, in the concluding episode of Supernatural, Sam lives a lengthy life after Dean's passing and eventually succumbs to old age. Ultimately, he rejoins his family in Heaven.

1 Dean Winchester Is Saved By Castiel

Resurrected on Supernatural: Mind-Blowing Returns After Death

Dean Winchester meets his demise a total of 111 times throughout the series Supernatural. One prominent instance of this occurs in season 3's "Mystery Spot," where Sam becomes trapped in a time loop and witnesses Dean's repeated and often darkly comedic deaths. The first time Dean dies is in season 2, following a car accident that leaves him reliant on life support. However, Dean's father, John Winchester, strikes a deal with Azazel, sacrificing his own life and soul to save Dean.

Of all Dean's resurrections, the most memorable is when Castiel brings him back to life after he is killed by a hellhound. It is during this resurrection that Castiel delivers his unforgettable line, "I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition."

One particularly violent death occurs in season 5, when fellow hunters take the lives of both Dean and Sam. However, the brothers are able to return after an unforgettable journey to Heaven. In season 7, Dean willingly dies to venture into Purgatory, while in season 10, he is fatally stabbed by Metatron while still plagued by the Mark of Cain.

Finally, the season finale of Supernatural showcases Dean's last and ultimate demise as he is impaled on a spike. In the afterlife, he is joyfully reunited with his loved ones, including his cherished automobile, in Heaven.