Reimagining Final Fantasy 7: Addressing the Remake's Biggest Flaw with the Ultimate Rebirth

Reimagining Final Fantasy 7: Addressing the Remake's Biggest Flaw with the Ultimate Rebirth

Final Fantasy 7 Remake: A Near-Perfect Nostalgic Masterpiece, Yet Room for Improvement Explore Cloud's Next Adventure: Less Linearity, More Exciting Side Quests


Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, scheduled for an early 2024 release, aims to build upon the narrative of Final Fantasy 7 Remake while introducing a more open-ended gameplay experience, addressing a significant concern from the initial installment.

The side quests in the previous game were lackluster and forgettable, diminishing the overall enjoyment. With limited locations to explore, it's not surprising that creating interesting quests was challenging.

However, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has the chance to enhance this aspect by offering more meaningful and captivating side quests. With its expansive and varied environments, the game can take full advantage of these opportunities.

While fans are still buzzing about Final Fantasy 16, many are eagerly anticipating the upcoming release of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Set to launch in early 2024, this game continues the story from Final Fantasy 7 Remake but offers a more expansive world for Cloud and his comrades to explore.

Expanding the game world can sometimes result in a diminished focus on impactful storytelling. However, the original 1997 game showcased exceptional storytelling, and there are indications from the promotional material that Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth will strive to maintain that magic, even with slight deviations. Additionally, this upcoming release presents an opportunity to rectify a flaw that detracted from the 2020 title: the side quests.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Was a Flawed Masterpiece

Reimagining Final Fantasy 7: Addressing the Remake's Biggest Flaw with the Ultimate Rebirth

Square Enix has accomplished something remarkable with Final Fantasy 7 Remake, successfully taking on the challenge of modernizing a beloved classic. However, the development process did not come without its fair share of obstacles. The game reintroduces players to Avalanche and takes them on a journey to Shinra HQ, ultimately revealing that there is more to the world than initially meets the eye. The story, combat, and characters are all excellent, but there is one issue.

The side quests in Final Fantasy 7 Remake are sluggish and ultimately lack substance beyond strengthening the protagonist, Cloud. While the narrative justifies the inclusion of additional activities, as they contribute to the emotional weight of the story by showcasing the struggles of the impoverished residents of Midgar, the absence of memorable side quests is disappointing. These uninteresting optional tasks detract from the game's pacing, making it feel like a monotonous slog to reach the next significant story moment.

Cloud's Next Adventure Can Be Less Linear

Reimagining Final Fantasy 7: Addressing the Remake's Biggest Flaw with the Ultimate Rebirth

The streets of Midgar's slums are narrow, crowded, and lack space for maneuvering. As a result, there are very few open areas, with most locations consisting of interconnected pathways and long corridors. While the city is visually stunning, the need to elongate a roughly six-hour segment for a worthwhile RPG necessitates certain narrative adjustments. Unfortunately, due to the limitations of linear environments and the scarcity of spacious areas for the party to explore, these adjustments couldn't be made. Incorporating side quests into Midgar's small, linear levels would have been a challenging task for any developer, leading to the lack of memorable side quests in the Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

However, with Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, the adventure expands beyond Midgar, allowing players to explore the overworld and discover new locations. This provides an opportunity to incorporate more intricate, immersive side quests that feel integral to the world, rather than serving as mere checklists or a way to level up. Final Fantasy 16 may face a similar challenge, but addressing this issue is crucial for the overall quality of the game and the satisfaction of fans worldwide.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth launches early 2024 for PS5.