Rediscover the Hidden Gem: A Must-Watch FFVII Anime

Rediscover the Hidden Gem: A Must-Watch FFVII Anime

Uncover a forgotten gem in the world of Final Fantasy as we approach a new era. Dive into this overlooked FFVII anime before the Rebirth begins.

One of the most highly anticipated games of the year is Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth, set to be released this week on Thursday. Fans worldwide are eagerly awaiting its arrival as it is the second installment in the beloved Final Fantasy VII remake series, a favorite among gamers. The first game, Final Fantasy VII: Remake, received positive reviews, scoring 8/10 from IGN and a 93% satisfaction score on Google.

Now, four years later, fans are eagerly anticipating the next chapter in the series, especially after the recent 9/10 rating from IGN - surpassing its predecessor. While waiting for the release, fans may consider revisiting previous games in the series, although time may be limited for those with work or school commitments. However, there is still an opportunity to explore a Final Fantasy anime set in the Final Fantasy VII universe. The lesser-known anime, Last Order: Final Fantasy VII, was released in 2005 and may be worth a rewatch for those who missed it or want to revisit the story.

The Final Fantasy VII Anime is an animated series based on the popular video game franchise, Final Fantasy VII. It serves as a supplement to the main story of the game, providing additional background information and character development. The anime explores various aspects of the Final Fantasy VII universe, offering fans a deeper insight into the world and its inhabitants.

ffvii-last-order-zack-fair - What is the Final Fantasy VII Anime?

ffvii-last-order-zack-fair - What is the Final Fantasy VII Anime?

Air Date

September 14, 2005




Sony Pictures Entertainment, Square Enix


7.29 (MyAnimeList)

Final Fantasy VII (herein Last Order) was released in 2005 as an OVA consisting of only one episode, making it a quick 25-minute watch. This OVA revisits a crucial moment in the FFVII storyline - the transformation of Sephiroth from a hero to the main antagonist. The narrative follows Zack Fair as he travels to Nibelheim, Cloud Strife's hometown, to investigate an issue at the mako reactor.

Upon reaching the reactor, Sephiroth uncovers a shocking truth about his lineage, leading to a destructive rampage in the town. What sets Last Order apart is its focus on a lesser-known aspect of the FFVII tale, particularly for those who did not play Crisis Core. Prior to the re-release of the game in 2022 for PlayStation 5 as Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- Reunion, many fans were unaware of this additional layer to the story.

Watching Last Order: Final Fantasy VII is crucial for fans of the original FFVII game. The anime provides missing information about Zack's existence, which is initially obscured in the game. By viewing Last Order, fans can better understand the events leading up to the Nibelheim Incident without playing Crisis Core. While Zack's entire story is not fully revealed, the most significant part of his impact on the Final Fantasy VII narrative can be seen in this anime adaptation.

ffvii-anime-last-order-zack-cloud - Why Should I Watch the FFVII Anime Now?

ffvii-anime-last-order-zack-cloud - Why Should I Watch the FFVII Anime Now?

This week is the ideal time to watch Last Order for a few reasons. First and foremost, with Rebirth set to be released on Thursday, there may not be enough time to start and finish anything new before then, unless you are replaying one of the previous games. Clocking in at just 25 minutes, Last Order can provide a small fix for your FFVII cravings as you eagerly await the new release, fitting easily into anyone's hectic schedule.

Secondly, the events unfolding in Last Order will play a crucial role in the Rebirth storyline. While Square Enix's specific alterations remain undisclosed, the demo currently available follows a similar narrative. In the demo, players experience the events through Cloud's perspective, shedding light on his understanding of the unfolding events. Watching Last Order will provide a deeper insight into Zack and the actual occurrences during this pivotal phase of the narrative.

In the original FFVII game, Cloud eventually uncovers the truth about himself and Zack. The approach to this revelation in the upcoming game remains uncertain, but Zack's prominent presence in trailers and official artwork hints at his significant role. For those unfamiliar with Crisis Core, Last Order serves as an excellent introduction to Zack's character and his importance in the overarching plot. By observing Zack's behavior alongside Cloud's usual demeanor, the Rebirth demo gains additional depth and meaning. Understanding the contrast between the two characters explains Cloud's seemingly out-of-character actions in the demo.

There is no better time than now to check out Last Order: Final Fantasy VII, whether you're doing a rewatch almost 20 years after the anime was originally released or watching it for the first time. Despite its brevity, Last Order showcases an important part of the FFVII story. With Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth still on the horizon, why not take this opportunity to enjoy a quick anime to hold you over?

Editor's P/S:

This article effectively captures the anticipation and excitement surrounding the upcoming release of Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth. It provides a concise overview of the game's predecessors and highlights the significance of the Last Order: Final Fantasy VII anime, particularly for fans who may not be familiar with the full extent of the story. The author's recommendation to revisit the anime in anticipation of Rebirth is well-reasoned and offers a valuable opportunity to enhance the upcoming gaming experience.

Overall, the article is well-written, informative, and engaging. It successfully conveys the importance of Last Order within the Final Fantasy VII universe and encourages readers to delve into this lesser-known aspect of the franchise. Whether you're a long-time fan or new to the series, this article provides a compelling reason to revisit Last Order: Final Fantasy VII and prepare for the exciting journey ahead with Rebirth.