Record-Breaking Game Obliterates Kickstarter Funding Goal in Lightning Fast Time

Record-Breaking Game Obliterates Kickstarter Funding Goal in Lightning Fast Time

A Tokyo-based developer's 2D video game achieves phenomenal success on Kickstarter, surpassing its funding goal in under an hour, and emerges as the platform's newest triumph


Ratatan, a rhythm-based video game by the developers of the Patapon franchise, quickly reached its funding goal of $141,098 on Kickstarter in just 47 minutes.

Kickstarter serves as a crucial platform for game developers, allowing them to obtain financial backing and manifest their innovative concepts into reality. Despite experiencing initial triumph on this crowdfunding platform, Ratatan's ultimate triumph hinges on its ability to meet lofty anticipations when it is released, which is currently scheduled for April 2025.

The video game Ratatan has recently achieved its funding goal on Kickstarter in an incredibly short amount of time. Kickstarter is an intriguing platform that allows creators to showcase their ideas to the online community, engage with potential backers, and potentially secure funding for their projects.

Over the years, game developers have successfully utilized Kickstarter to obtain the financial support needed to bring their creative ideas to fruition. Kickstarter has played a vital role in making popular titles like Hollow Knight and Pillars of Eternity possible. Without the backing of supporters, these projects may not have received the funding required for development.

Record-Breaking Game Obliterates Kickstarter Funding Goal in Lightning Fast Time

Ratatan, a novel rhythm-based video game concept, has been introduced by the Japanese developers who brought us the immensely popular Patapon 2D platformer franchise, originally designed for the PSP. Within a mere 47 minutes of the project's Kickstarter launch, it triumphantly surpassed its intended funding goal of $141,098. Impressively, as of now, Ratatan has accumulated an astounding amount of over $246,000 from the support of 1,708 backers.

Ratatan aims to combine roguelike and intense rhythm side-scrolling action into an exciting and immersive adventure. In this game, players will lead their powerful Cobun army in exhilarating melee battles, either solo or with up to three other players. Developed by Ratata Arts, Ratatan offers stunning 2D animation and four distinct playable characters, promising a thrilling journey filled with danger and excitement. Players will face formidable foes like the fearsome Dekadon and the swashbuckling Mantaneers, navigating treacherous seas in the unforgettable Paraddean Seas. Victory will require utilizing all available resources and skills.

It is worth mentioning that not all Kickstarter video game projects achieve the same level of success. Even if a project meets its funding goal, the creators must still strive to meet the high expectations of their backers. Unfortunately, an example of a Kickstarter failure is Mighty No. 9, a video game that failed to live up to its promises despite having a significant number of supporters. While Ratatan is not yet released, its ability to live up to its initial success on the crowdfunding platform remains to be seen.

Ratatan is currently scheduled to release in April 2025.

Source: Kickstarter