During a recent episode of the "Club Random With Bill Maher" podcast, Rainn Wilson, known for his role as Dwight Schrute on the hit NBC series The Office, disclosed that he never fully embraced the success of the critically acclaimed sitcom while it was being aired. The 57-year-old actor openly admitted this fact.
During my time on The Office, I spent numerous years feeling primarily unhappy as it didn't meet my expectations. Now, I realize that I was part of a highly successful show, receiving Emmy nominations every year, earning a significant amount of money, and collaborating with talented individuals such as Steve Carell, Jenna Fischer, John Krasinski, and esteemed writers and directors like Paul Feig. It was one of the most beloved TV shows, yet I failed to fully appreciate it.
Rainn Wilson as Dwight Schrute in ‘The Office’, 2005. Nbc-Tv/Kobal/Shutterstock
"I often pondered why I hadn't become a movie star, why I couldn't be the next Jack Black or Will Ferrell. Why had my career in the film industry not taken off? Why hadn't I secured a lucrative development deal?" he shared. "Even though I was earning hundreds of thousands, I yearned for millions. Despite being a television star, my aspirations soared towards becoming a movie star. It seemed that no matter what I achieved, it was never sufficient. As a species, 'never enough' has driven humanity for countless years."
Since then, Wilson has shifted his focus from fame and wealth to embarking on a journey of spiritual discovery. As he promoted his book Soul Boom: Why We Need a Spiritual Revolution, released in April, the former Mom cast member courageously discussed his personal relationship with religion.
During a May interview on NPR, he revealed that in his 20s, he completely rejected religion, faith, and spirituality. Morality, God, and the hypocrisy of religion were things he wanted no part of. For years, he identified as an atheist, viewing religion as a crutch for the weak. However, Wilson's severe anxiety forced him to reevaluate his perspective. This led him on a spiritual journey, acknowledging that perhaps he had lost something by completely forsaking spirituality. He realized there might be answers to be found in this domain.
Wilson believes that love serves as evidence of a higher power. He confidently states that his love for his wife, son, and late father cannot be reduced to a mere chemical or neurological response. For Wilson, love holds a much deeper and more significant meaning, leading him to acknowledge the existence of a creative force within the universe.