Proven Strategies to Maximize Profit: The Ultimate Guide to Selling Items in Starfield

Proven Strategies to Maximize Profit: The Ultimate Guide to Selling Items in Starfield

Learn the art of selling in Starfield to amass wealth and acquire top-tier equipment Discover the secrets of maximizing profits with the Commerce Skill and uncover the ideal marketplaces to sell your goods Master the trade and dominate the galaxy

In Starfield, while players can earn Credits by completing main story missions and side quests, the most effective way to earn money is by selling items. By exploring the vast open world of the game, players have the opportunity to collect a variety of unique resources, which can then be sold for a significant profit at the numerous merchants and stores throughout the game.

Selling items in Starfield is a relatively simple process, but there are a few factors to keep in mind. Firstly, certain merchants have specific preferences for the types of goods they will buy. Additionally, players can only sell items that they have in their possession or within the cargo holds of their ships. However, understanding these mechanics should not be overly challenging.

How to Sell Items in Starfield

Proven Strategies to Maximize Profit: The Ultimate Guide to Selling Items in Starfield

To sell items in Starfield, players must first engage with a merchant and request to view their merchandise. Once done, they can effortlessly switch to the Sell screen by pressing the LB button (Xbox) or the Q key. By doing so, the player's ship inventory will appear, allowing them to sell items directly from the cargo hold without the need to physically transport them to the store. This convenient feature greatly simplifies inventory management.

Proven Strategies to Maximize Profit: The Ultimate Guide to Selling Items in Starfield

Unfortunately, players cannot sell items directly from a companion's inventory. They must transfer these items to their own inventory or store them on their ship. Additionally, it is important to note that certain vendors specialize in only one type of product, such as weapons or outfits. However, players can bypass this limitation by visiting a store or merchant that offers a variety of goods, like the Jemison Mercantile store in the Spaceport area of New Atlantis.

To sell stolen goods or contraband in Starfield, players have two options: either finding a merchant with flexible ethics or seeking assistance from the local Trade Authority. The New Atlantis Trade Authority is situated in The Well area.

How to Sell Items for Extra Credits (Commerce Skill)

Proven Strategies to Maximize Profit: The Ultimate Guide to Selling Items in Starfield

Where to Sell Stuff in Starfield

For those aiming to earn their fortune through trading in Starfield, Commerce is an incredibly valuable skill. It not only boosts the amount of Credits players receive from selling items but also reduces the amount they need to spend when making purchases. Initially, players enjoy a 5% discount on purchases and earn 10% more Credits for all sales. However, by engaging in extensive buying and selling of unique items, they can advance their Commerce skill. At Rank 4, the Commerce skill provides an impressive 20% discount on purchases and boosts all sale prices by a substantial 25%.

Proven Strategies to Maximize Profit: The Ultimate Guide to Selling Items in Starfield

Those seeking to sell items in Starfield have numerous options, although the type of item they wish to sell will determine the suitable locations. It is important to note that specialized vendors exclusively purchase specific item types, meaning minerals cannot be sold at a gunshop and vice versa. To maximize selling opportunities, it is advisable to visit a general merchant like Jemison Mercantile in the Spaceport area of New Atlantis. However, players who intend to sell stolen items or contraband must visit a Trade Authority, which is available in most major settlements. For instance, the Well area of New Atlantis hosts the Trade Authority.

Starfield is available now for PC and Xbox Series X|S.