Bojack Horseman's final episodes were released on Netflix more than three years ago, marking the end of the beloved animated series. Despite the passage of time, Amy Sedaris, who portrayed the character of Princess Carolyn throughout all six seasons, has expressed her desire to revisit the show's narrative.
Sedaris revealed that she feels a strong connection to Bojack Horseman's characters, and is intrigued by the idea of exploring their lives in the years following the events of the original series. While she did not specify when a potential reboot might take place, it's clear that Sedaris is passionate about the possibility of continuing the story.
Sedaris expressed her desire for a BoJack Horseman reboot and discussed the potential for its success in an interview with "You can't help but want to see these characters again," she stated. "I felt the same way about Strangers With Candy (one of Sedaris' earlier projects), but especially for a show that takes place in high school, there are 10 and 20-year reunions that make you want to invest so much more in the characters and their lives. You always wonder, 'Where are they now?'"
To this day, Bojack Horseman remains one of the greatest shows ever produced by Netflix, and one of the most exceptional animated series of all time, thanks to its brutally honest portrayal of the Hollywood lifestyle. It was a show that tackled the consequences of one's actions and how life's problems couldn't be resolved in just 22 minutes like a sitcom. The series wrapped up with an open-ended conclusion, leaving fans wondering if Bojack would pick up the pieces and become a better person, or if he would fall back into his self-destructive tendencies. Given the show's potential for more material, fans are eager to see if Bojack will finally fulfill his aspirations and overcome his dark past. Princess Carolyn was just starting a new chapter of her life with her ex-assistant, Judah Mannowdog, and Mr. Peanutbutter was busy with his new project, "Birthday Dad." Meanwhile, Diane Nguyen had settled into her new life as a successful author in Houston with her husband, Guy.
Bojack Horseman's finale was a perfect culmination of the show's message. The ending was a reflection of life itself, where after a good day or a bad day, there is always another day to face. Bojack's past misdeeds finally caught up with him, but he found inner peace before facing the consequences. It's now up to him to maintain this newfound peace by managing his alcoholism and getting his career back on track. While it's tempting to want to know how everyone is doing after the finale, it's also nice to leave it up to our own imagination. Those interested in watching can stream Bojack Horseman on Netflix.