President Homelander's Rise foreshadowed by Gen V in The Boys Season 4

President Homelander's Rise foreshadowed by Gen V in The Boys Season 4

Gen V paves the way for President Homelander in The Boys Season 4, as Victoria Neuman advocates for Supes in politics Discover how Homelander's influence shapes her policies and the potential consequences for The Boys' story arc

Warning: Contains SPOILERS for Gen V episode 7!

Article Overview

The latest advancements in Gen V suggest that Homelander in The Boys may potentially become the President, courtesy of his increasing authority and sway over Vought International and the superhero conglomerate.

Victoria Neuman, who aims to grant super beings a place in American politics, is possibly being influenced by Homelander. They share a transactional partnership and comprehend the associated dangers, yet collaborate in enacting policies that serve their own interests.

If Homelander successfully runs for president, he is likely to gain a loyal following from both superhumans and non-superhumans. However, his arrogance and desire for authority could ultimately lead to his downfall, mirroring what happened in the comics.

Recent developments in Gen V have made the idea of Homelander becoming President more plausible. In the first two seasons of The Boys, Homelander's main focus appeared to be solidifying his dominance within Vought International, which included removing Madelyn Stillwell and replacing her with Ashley Barrett. Additionally, Stan Edgar also lost his position of influence within the superhero conglomerate, giving Homelander even more opportunity to exert control.

Victoria Neuman Wants To Give Supes A Seat In US Politics

However, as Homelander surpassed Vought International in The Boys' season 3, gaining enough influence to control all of its flywheels, it sparked curiosity about his future ambitions beyond the organization in season 4. Thankfully, Gen V has offered some clues, hinting at the potential realization of the President Homelander theory in the main series. In the final moments of episode 7, Victoria Neuman unveils revelations about supes and politics, possibly paving the way for the theory to become a reality.

President Homelander's Rise foreshadowed by Gen V in The Boys Season 4

In the conclusive arc of episode 7 in Gen V, during her interview with Cameron Coleman, Victoria Neuman asserts her advocacy for equal rights for supes and goes as far as envisioning a role for them in US politics. While it is plausible that Neuman's motives behind these statements are deceptive, aimed at manipulating the impressionable minds of Godolkin University, there appears to be underlying factors that prompted her to take this stance. Despite the enigma surrounding Neuman's hidden agenda, even after the revelations in episode 7 of Gen V, it is clear that her ultimate plan involves involving Homelander in the realm of US politics.

Victoria's Policies Are (Probably) Being Shaped By Homelander

President Homelander's Rise foreshadowed by Gen V in The Boys Season 4

Victoria Neuman, initially portrayed as an anti-supe activist, was revealed in The Boys season 3 to be a supe herself, orchestrating manipulative moves to gain power. Her political ambitions became clearer as she plotted against Stan Edgar and turned Vought against him. In exchange for Homelander's help in eliminating Robert Singer's running mate, Lamar Bishop, Neuman shared Ryan's location. This favor secured her position as the new running mate, propelling her political journey forward.

The transactional relationship between Homelander and Neuman in The Boys season 3 suggests that Homelander may be pressuring her to pave the way for supes in US politics. Both recognize that they cannot trust each other completely, understanding that Neuman would eliminate Homelander once she reaches the pinnacle of her career. Likewise, Neuman is aware of Homelander's capabilities and knows that he spared her life solely because she agreed to assist him. While Neuman aims to make the most of her deal with Homelander, it is likely that Homelander also seeks to benefit by urging Neuman to implement policies allowing supes like himself to enter the political arena.

How Homelander Could Become President In The Boys Season 4

President Homelander's Rise foreshadowed by Gen V in The Boys Season 4

During Victoria Neuman's interview at Godolkin University in episode 7 of Gen V, a significant number of supes in the audience express their support for Homelander. Rufus goes so far as to affirm that Homelander is right, indicating that many young supes admire the leader of The Seven. Even among non-supe civilians, Homelander's popularity has continued to soar after the dark conclusion of The Boys season 3. Despite the fact that his actions, such as the public murder, may have bred contempt among some non-supe individuals, the ending of season 3 demonstrated that he maintains a dedicated fan base who revel in his arrogance, lack of remorse, and excessive self-confidence.

Given his vast following within both the supe and non-supe communities, it is highly probable that Homelander would have no trouble winning a presidential election if he were to pursue that path. However, in order to attain such power, he would need to first immerse himself in the realm of politics and gradually ascend through various positions. As suggested in episode 7 of Gen V, Victoria Neuman may serve as a facilitator towards this goal, until Homelander's rise threatens her own position of power, turning them into fierce competitors. This will inevitably lead to a tumultuous conflict, potentially setting the stage for the climax of The Boys' comic book storyline — the rise of President Homelander.

President Homelander Would Set Up The Boys' Comic Ending

President Homelander's Rise foreshadowed by Gen V in The Boys Season 4

Homelander, a character from The Boys' original comics, becomes consumed by his hubris and seeks to overthrow the United States government. In his pursuit of power, he goes to extreme lengths, including murdering the President and innocent individuals. Unbeknownst to him, Vought International has a secret weapon to eliminate him. The comics' final storyline unveils that Black Noir is Homelander's clone, tasked with assassinating him if he becomes too unstable and poses a threat to Vought International. A shocking revelation occurs when Black Noir disguises himself as Homelander and commits various atrocities, forcing Vought to order Homelander's assassination.

In the climactic conclusion of The Boys' comics, Black Noir mercilessly kills Homelander, while the military takes down his supporters. While it is unlikely that the show will replicate the clone storyline in Black Noir's arc for The Boys' third season, Homelander's insatiable ego will ultimately contribute to his downfall in the TV series. If he manages to become the President of the United States or attains a significant amount of power, it will only be a matter of time before his unquenchable thirst for power brings about his own undoing.

In Gen V's episode 7, it is revealed that Victoria Neuman possesses a virus capable of killing even the strongest supes. While there may not be a clone of Homelander in the show's supe universe, Neuman could potentially utilize this virus as a weapon to remove him and his supe allies from the picture when he becomes too power-hungry. This could result in a lackluster conclusion for Homelander, similar to what we see in the comic book. However, due to the complex nature of The Boys and Gen V's plotlines, it is difficult to accurately predict how Homelander will ultimately face a downfall.

Editor's P/S

As an enthusiastic fan of The Boys, I am thrilled by the prospect of Homelander becoming President in Season 4. Homelander's rise to power has been a central theme throughout the series, and it would be fascinating to see him finally achieve his goal of becoming the most powerful man in America.

Homelander's influence over Victoria Neuman and her advocacy for Supes in politics is a particularly intriguing development. It suggests that Homelander is not only content with being the de facto leader of Vought International but also has his sights set on reshaping the entire political landscape of the United States. This could have major implications for the story arc of The Boys, as Homelander's authoritarian tendencies and lust for power could lead to a dark and dystopian future.

Overall, I am excited to see how the writers of The Boys explore Homelander's potential presidency and its consequences. It promises to be a thrilling and thought-provoking storyline that will keep fans on the edge of their seats.