Potential Russian Interference in 2024 Election: FBI Monitoring US Support for Ukraine

Potential Russian Interference in 2024 Election: FBI Monitoring US Support for Ukraine

US intelligence agencies are closely monitoring the impact of American support for Ukraine on Russian actions in the upcoming 2024 presidential election. A senior FBI official revealed concerns about increased Russian risk-taking and potential interference during a press briefing on Thursday.

US intelligence officials are closely monitoring the possibility of Russian interference in the 2024 presidential election due to the United States' support for Ukraine, as stated by a senior FBI official during a briefing with reporters.

FBI officials are particularly worried that the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, coupled with President Joe Biden's strong support for Kyiv, could embolden the Russian government to take more risks in meddling with the election. They are actively keeping a watchful eye on the situation to prevent any escalation in risk-taking behavior.

The FBI briefed reporters on the condition that the senior FBI officials not be named.

A worker removes shards of glass from a broken window, at a school damaged by a Russian missile strike in Kharkiv, Ukraine on May 8, 2024.

A worker removes shards of glass from a broken window, at a school damaged by a Russian missile strike in Kharkiv, Ukraine on May 8, 2024.

A worker removes shards of glass from a broken window, at a school damaged by a Russian missile strike in Kharkiv, Ukraine on May 8, 2024.

Sofiia Gatilova/Reuters

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A clear divide has surfaced in US politics. Democrats are mostly in support of Biden's financial and military assistance to Ukraine. On the other hand, some prominent Republicans, such as former President Donald Trump and congressional GOP hardliners, are starting to distance themselves from providing foreign aid.

US officials are worried that Russia may intensify its interference in the 2024 election if US military aid to Ukraine is at risk during the November election. However, there have been no public examples of this happening so far.

In the 2020 election, a declassified US intelligence report revealed that Russian President Vladimir Putin authorized influence operations to discredit Biden, support Trump, and sow doubt in the US electoral process. However, compared to their actions in 2016, Russia's efforts in 2020 were not as bold or widespread, according to US intelligence agencies.

The remarks made by an FBI official on Thursday align with statements previously made by a senior National Security Agency official back in March.

"I believe the difference in views during this election cycle lies in Russia's strong desire to disrupt the focus on supporting Ukraine," explained Rob Joyce, who led NSA's Cybersecurity Directorate before retiring in late March. "Their actions will likely be aimed at undermining support for Ukraine."

When CNN asked if this would increase the likelihood of Russian interference in the 2024 US elections compared to 2020, Joyce responded, "I can't say for certain if it will make them more likely, but it does make them a threat."

During Thursday’s FBI press briefing, another senior FBI official mentioned that Russia probably sees US election infrastructure, such as state and local government networks, as acceptable targets for cyber-espionage and data gathering.

The same FBI official added that Russia could exploit their access to those government networks to shake trust in the integrity of the US elections and strengthen their influence operations.

The FBI officials pointed out that China and Iran are potential governments that may try to interfere in or influence the 2024 US election.

During the 2020 election, China thought about running operations to influence the election outcome but ultimately decided against it, as stated in a US intelligence report. On the other hand, Iran carried out a covert campaign with multiple strategies to undermine Trump's reelection efforts, as mentioned in the report.

Artificial intelligence, according to the first FBI official, allows advanced state actors to expand their operations more than ever before.

This report includes contributions from CNN's Marshall Cohen.

Editor's P/S:

The potential for Russian interference in the 2024 US presidential election is a serious concern, as highlighted by US intelligence officials. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine and President Biden's strong support for Ukraine have raised fears that Russia may take more risks in meddling with the election. The FBI is actively monitoring the situation and has warned of the potential for Russia to target US election infrastructure and undermine trust in the integrity of the elections.

It is crucial for the US to take proactive measures to prevent and mitigate any attempts at foreign interference in the 2024 election. This includes strengthening cybersecurity measures, promoting transparency and accountability in election processes, and countering disinformation and propaganda. Additionally, it is important to foster international cooperation and coordination to address the threat of foreign interference in elections. By working together, the US and its allies can protect the integrity of democratic processes and ensure that the will of the people is respected.