Pluto Anime Episode 1: Celebrating Naoki Urasawa's Timeless Legacy

Pluto Anime Episode 1: Celebrating Naoki Urasawa's Timeless Legacy

Pluto anime episode 1 captivates fans with its long-awaited premiere on Netflix, showcasing Naoki Urasawa's timeless brilliance A thrilling debut that leaves a lasting impact #PlutoAnime #UrasawaLegend

On Thursday, October 26, 2023, the long-awaited premiere of episode 1 of the Pluto anime finally arrived on Netflix. This Netflix original anime is a faithful adaptation of Naoki Urasawa's manga series, which itself is a reinterpretation of a previous series.

Urasawa's manga presents a fresh take on Osamu Tezuka's Astro Boy series, focusing on The Greatest Robot on Earth story arc. The first episode of the Pluto anime sets the stage for this reimagined storyline, instantly showcasing a darker and more adult-oriented retelling of the original narrative.

Pluto anime episode 1 rocks the anime world with an incredible debut

While some may see this series as highly controversial because of its overall tone, the first episode of the Pluto anime is actually receiving widespread acclaim from online fans. In fact, many are going as far as to directly hail Urasawa as a true legend and powerhouse in the world of anime and manga, while also praising virtually every aspect of the series' inaugural installment.

As previously mentioned, the first episode of Pluto anime begins Urasawa's retelling of a storyline from Tezuka's highly recognizable series. The initial storyline revolves around a series of worldwide deaths involving both robots and humans, with the perpetrator believed to be a robot. The primary targets of the killer are the world's seven most powerful robots, hence the name of the storyline. However, the original version of the storyline mainly focuses on Atom, also known as Astro Boy.

Urasawa’s retelling brilliantly centers around Europol robot detective Gesicht, as he endeavors to unravel a series of murder cases. This clever twist from Urasawa transforms the arc into an exhilarating murder-mystery story, delving deeper into the core themes of the original arc. The exploration of free will, the distinction between humanity and robotics, and more, all serve as the fundamental elements of this captivating series that has eagerly captivated fans thus far.

Fan reaction

Urasawa is being hailed as a "legend" and someone who never fails to impress after just episode 1. Fans are going as far as to say that the series sets a new standard for outstanding fictional content, a phrase commonly used in the anime and manga communities. In essence, fans are lavishing praise on every aspect of the series, from the smallest details to the grandest.

The series' music score has garnered widespread praise, with many considering it a major highlight and focal point of the debut installment. This sentiment also extends to the anime's opening theme song, which fans are hailing as one of the best of the Fall 2023 season thus far.

Final thoughts

Despite the criticism regarding the background work and digital effects, fans still acknowledge that the final product is visually impressive. They consider these concerns to be minor compared to the overall greatness of the series. While Pluto anime episode 1 may not be flawless, viewers generally agree that it is as close to perfection as a manga adaptation of this magnitude could possibly be.

Pluto Anime Episode 1: Celebrating Naoki Urasawa's Timeless Legacy

In the first episode of the Pluto anime, Gesicht quickly becomes a memorable character, instantly capturing the attention of viewers. This captivating image, found on Netflix, establishes Gesicht as an iconic figure within the series.

While it may be challenging to definitively declare that the anime adaptation of Urasawa’s work surpasses the legendary Tezuka, often referred to as the “Godfather of Manga,” it undoubtedly comes close to, if not matches, the original vision of Astro Boy. The exceptional quality of the series, which is expected to remain consistent throughout the remaining seven episodes, is a sentiment that resonates strongly with viewers of this anime.

Be sure to keep up with all anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.