Payday 3: The Ultimate Guide to Preparing the Refrigerated Vehicle for the 99 Boxes Heist
Secure the loot in Payday 3's 99 Boxes Heist by expertly establishing an escape route for the refrigerated vehicle Explore the thrilling hunt for liquid nitrogen to safely transport the stolen treasures
Payday 3, a thrilling sequel filled with action and chaos, introduces a fresh lineup of heists for players to immerse themselves in. Among the gripping missions is one named "99 Boxes," which includes an exciting cameo appearance by Ice-T during the mission briefing. In this particular heist, players will venture into a highly secure storage lot to pilfer valuable materials and ensure their safety. To accomplish this, they must strategize an escape route utilizing a refrigerated truck. The loot's preservation is vital as it must be stored at a low temperature for transportation; otherwise, its worth will deteriorate. By skillfully infiltrating the main warehouse building, players can swiftly and silently arrange the refrigerated truck in Payday 3's exhilarating "99 Boxes" heist.
Finding the Liquid Nitrogen
To access the warehouse in 99 boxes, players should go to the guard house on the left after spawning. Unlock the gate to enter the secured parking area. Take note of the security cameras, one on the main warehouse building and one near the guard post by the locked fence. Go up the stairs, unlock the door, and discreetly enter the warehouse. Inside, players will encounter various employees and two guards patrolling the area. For progress, head to the far right corner where the refrigerated truck can be found. Interact with the back door to open the cargo hold.
The objective is to locate a pressurized container of liquid nitrogen, hidden amongst the numerous crates scattered throughout the warehouse. Despite two cameras monitoring opposite corners, the blind spots between the guard and camera sight lines allow players to search the crates without alerting anyone or triggering the devices.
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Players can find each crate quickly by searching:
Just to the left of the forklift by the middle shelving units
In the back row of shelves by the refrigerated truck behind a large crate
In the back corner by a ladder and the staircase
In the opposite corner of the warehouse from the refrigerated truck, behind where one of the guards stands to surveil
After locating the liquid nitrogen, return it to the cargo hold of the truck. To ensure proper refrigeration, the nitrogen must be inserted into the empty canister silhouette in the cargo hold. Once the fresh tank of nitrogen is installed, the refrigerated truck will be fully prepared for extraction. Now that the truck is set up and ready, players can shift their focus towards securing the stolen goods in this heist.
Payday 3 is available now on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox.