Patrick Stewart Embraces Epic Reunion with TNG Cast in Season 3 of Star Trek: Picard - The Inside Scoop!

Patrick Stewart Embraces Epic Reunion with TNG Cast in Season 3 of Star Trek: Picard - The Inside Scoop!

Patrick Stewart embraces the return of his beloved TNG comrades, making Star Trek: Picard Season 3 an unmissable spectacle for fans


Patrick Stewart initially didn't want Star Trek: Picard to retread The Next Generation, but was convinced after seeing familiar faces return in seasons 1 and 2.

Showrunner Terry Matalas aimed to reunite the complete cast of The Next Generation for season 3 of Picard, and eventually, Patrick Stewart grew more receptive to the concept. In order to accommodate the return of the original cast, certain elements had to be omitted and some of the other cast members had to be phased out.

Star Trek: Picard season 3's highly praised reunion of the Star Trek: The Next Generation cast was made possible because Patrick Stewart eventually warmed up to the concept, according to showrunner Terry Matalas. Initially, Stewart was hesitant about revisiting TNG, but the decision to create a distinctively different show ultimately convinced him to reprise his role as Jean-Luc Picard. However, with the gradual appearance of more familiar faces from TNG in Star Trek: Picard seasons 1 and 2, Stewart recognized the value in reuniting the crew of the USS Enterprise-D for season 3. Matalas discussed Stewart's change of heart in an episode of The 7th Rule podcast, offering insights that can be found in the video starting at the 4:24 mark.

Upon my return for season 2, my immediate thought was to bring back all the original cast members. Initially, there was resistance to this idea, but as time went on, Patrick became more open to it. When his friends like Jonathan, Marina, de Lancie, and Whoopi returned to the show, it brought such warmth and happiness to the set that by the end, Patrick insisted on having everyone back.

Eventually, it was my turn to make a decision, and I firmly believed it was time to bring everyone back for a final farewell. However, we had budget constraints, and although it was a high-budget show, my vision was a bit too ambitious. As a result, we had to make some cuts and let go of certain members of the cast to make room for the original cast. We couldn't do everything, but I gave it my all.

Reuniting TNG's Cast Made Star Trek: Picard Season 3 A Must-See Event

Patrick Stewart Embraces Epic Reunion with TNG Cast in Season 3 of Star Trek: Picard - The Inside Scoop!

There is no doubt that the reunion of the Star Trek: The Next Generation cast in Star Trek: Picard season 3 created a must-see event for both Star Trek enthusiasts and general audiences. The return of the USS Enterprise-D at the conclusion of Picard season 3 was the perfect ending to this remarkable journey. Terry Matalas was perceptive in recognizing that fans desired a farewell for TNG that lived up to their iconic status within the Star Trek universe. Even Patrick Stewart, who graciously admitted his initial doubts, is clearly delighted with the outcome of bringing the band back together for Picard season 3, just like fans and critics are.

However, bringing back the TNG cast meant saying goodbye to many of the actors from Star Trek: Picard seasons 1 and 2. Despite the impressive budget of Picard season 3, which essentially transformed it into a 10-hour TNG movie and concluded with an IMAX screening, Terry Matalas acknowledges that he still couldn't accomplish everything he wanted. Nevertheless, most fans would agree that the grand story Matalas narrated, reuniting the TNG cast in Star Trek: Picard season 3, and featuring appearances by Ro Laren (Michelle Forbes), Moriarty (Daniel Davis), and Tuvok (Tim Russ), while recreating the beloved USS Enterprise-D, surpassed their expectations. Hopefully, Paramount will give Terry Matalas the opportunity to continue his journey by greenlighting his spinoff series, Star Trek: Legacy.

All episodes of Star Trek: Picard are streaming on Paramount+.

Source: The 7th Rule