One Piece: The Unnoticed Introduction of Two Ancient Holy Knights

One Piece: The Unnoticed Introduction of Two Ancient Holy Knights

Unveiling the hidden truths of One Piece, chapter 1096's raw scans astoundingly shed light on the long-overlooked destinies of two of Mother Caramel's offspring Embarking on a God Valley flashback, this captivating issue sets the stage for a truly exhilarating revelation (344 characters)

With the recent release of alleged spoilers and raw scans of One Piece, fans were delighted to have an exciting continuation of the God Valley flashback. Although this part of the flashback ended shortly after, fans were given intriguing information and teasers before the focus shifted away from the legendary island and its notorious incident.

Similarly, One Piece fans expressed overall satisfaction with the latest spoiler information, commending author and illustrator Eiichiro Oda's masterful handling of the God Valley flashback thus far. Many fans specifically appreciated Oda's choice to unveil what seemed to be additional members of the Holy Knights alongside a young Garling Figarland.

One Piece chapter 1096’s raw scans seemingly reveal the ultimate fates of two of Mother Caramel’s children

However, after the spoilers and raw scans were released, fans have started noticing a striking similarity between two of the Holy Knights introduced in the recent issue of the series. In fact, One Piece fans are going as far as claiming that these two characters are not just similar, but are actually the same characters introduced several years ago.

A few years back, the One Piece manga finally shed light on the backstory of the infamous Yonko, Big Mom, also known as Charlotte Linlin. It unveiled the origins of Mother Carmel, who masqueraded as a nun and provided shelter and care to war, piracy, and tragedy-stricken orphans. Unfortunately, it turned out that she was secretly an ally of the World Government, facilitating the sale of these children to be groomed as either Marines or Cipher Pol agents.

When Mother Carmel is first introduced, there are two children visible in the image. One child is holding onto her body closely, while the other stands at a distance. The first child is a young blonde with a round face, wearing a crown and dressed in regal attire. The second child wears a gas mask and holds what appears to be a knife or sword in their left hand.

Moving ahead to the latest spoilers and raw scans of the One Piece manga, two Holy Knights are introduced. One resembles a prince with their appearance, while the other wears a gas mask. The gas mask worn by the Holy Knight is identical to the one seen on the child next to Carmel, except for the presence of the number 46 and a scratch above the left eye. Additionally, the princely-looking Holy Knight bears a striking resemblance to the other young boy.

Although this alone does not solidify the notion that the two Holy Knights and the two children are one and the same, Oda has a track record of unveiling and structuring such revelations in his storytelling. The fact that Carmel has ties to the World Government, Marines, Cipher Pol, and the Celestial Dragons presents an opportunity for the eventual transformation of these two children into Holy Knights.

The timeline aligns well. The God Valley flashback occurred 38 years before the events of One Piece, and the two children were introduced more than 60 years prior. Similarly, the Holy Knight, who looks regal and mature, appears to be in his late 20s judging by his facial characteristics.

Considering these facts, it is highly likely that Oda has once again presented a brilliant move by introducing two of the Holy Knights long before their group was even mentioned.

Be sure to keep up with all One Piece anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.