One Piece Chapter 1098 Unveils Bonney's True Age
One Piece Chapter 1098 uncovers Bonney's true age, unraveling the mystery surrounding her enigmatic character Additionally, we delve into the intriguing connection between Bonney and Kuma, shedding light on their complex relationship
Article Key Points
Jewelry Bonney, a member of the Worst Generation, was deeply affected by the condition of her father figure Kuma, leading her to seek revenge on the person responsible.
Bonney possesses the power of her Devil Fruit to alter her age, enabling her to physically appear older than her chronological age during her childhood.
Kuma played a vital role in Bonney's life by looking after her and eventually discovering a potential remedy for her illness, potentially with assistance from the World Government.
The Worst Generation, a band of pirates, united at Sabaody Archipelago prior to the Paramount War. Each member holds significance in the One Piece narrative, but the extent of their involvement differs. Within this group, Jewelry Bonney stands out.
While still at Sabaody Archipelago, Bonney witnessed the tragic deaths of Whitebeard and Ace. Her tearful reaction led fans to speculate on her connection to these characters. However, it wasn't until the Egghead Island arc that the truth was unveiled. Bonney's sorrow stemmed from witnessing Kuma's devastating state in Marineford. Unable to bear seeing her father figure in such despair, she made the decision to venture into the New World in search of the person responsible for Kuma's current condition.
Bonney's primary objective was to reach Egghead Island, the residence of Dr. Vegapunk. Unfortunately, her plans were foiled when Blackbeard apprehended her and handed her over to the Marines. Despite the setback, Bonney miraculously managed to escape from captivity. While en route to the island, she encountered a treacherous whirlpool that could have held her captive indefinitely if it weren't for the intervention of the Straw Hat Pirates. Their assistance resulted in her liberation, and shortly thereafter, they discovered her true intentions. It was only later, during a confrontation with one of the Pacifista units attacking Luffy, that Bonney finally divulged the identity of her father.
What Is Bonney's Age
Despite her appearance as a grown-up, Bonney's actions have consistently portrayed her as a child. Adding to the confusion, Bonney possesses the Toshi Toshi no Mi, a Devil Fruit power that enables her to manipulate her own age and that of those around her. As the Egghead arc progressed, Oda finally unveiled the backstory of both Kuma and Bonney. In Kuma's flashback, it was revealed that Ginny, who served as a commander in the Revolutionary Army, was kidnapped by a Celestial Dragon 14 years prior to the current timeline. Ginny was forcibly taken as the Dragon's wife, but he soon abandoned her due to her illness, leaving her to face a grim fate.
Two years after being kidnapped, Ginny managed to communicate with the Revolutionary Army to update them on her current situation. She also confessed her love for Kuma, but unfortunately, he had already teleported to Ginny's location and did not hear her. Tragically, Ginny had passed away by the time Kuma arrived. However, Kuma discovered that Ginny was not alone and had a baby with her. This child turned out to be Jewelry Bonney. Devastated by Ginny's death, Kuma made a solemn promise to raise Bonney to the best of his abilities. Consequently, Bonney was born twelve years prior to the events taking place now, making her the youngest member of the Worst Generation.
Bonney has often been referred to as a child by various characters, which now makes sense. The first time fans witnessed her true form was during the Sabaody Archipelago arc when she reverted to her actual age in order to prevent Zoro from attacking a Celestial Dragon. In the Egghead arc, Bonney was rescued from a dangerous whirlpool and assumed her original form since she couldn't utilize her Devil Fruit powers in the presence of water. Dr. Vegapunk has confirmed on multiple occasions that Bonney is indeed a child.
Bonney and Kuma's Relationship
After Ginny passed away, Kuma took on the responsibility of caring for Bonney. He continued to fight for the Revolutionary Army, but eventually decided to quit when he noticed that Bonney was displaying the same symptoms as her late mother. Kuma wanted to dedicate all his time to Bonney to ensure her well-being. Due to her condition, Bonney was confined to the house, which unfortunately led to her being teased by other children. Nonetheless, Kuma always reassured her that she was unique. They often discussed their aspirations for the future, with Kuma asking Bonney about the places she wanted to visit when she grew up.
Regrettably, Kuma's hopes were shattered when a doctor informed him that Bonney, at most, had only five years left to live. After the doctor departed, Bonney revealed to Kuma that she had overheard the entire conversation. Surprisingly, she expressed happiness knowing that the illness would no longer affect her once she turned ten. Kuma realized Bonney had only heard the positive aspect of the discussion, leading her to believe she would be cured. Consequently, Kuma had no choice but to continue pretending that Bonney's hope would come true.
It is unclear how Kuma managed to cure her disease, but it is highly probable that the World Government possessed a cure. Naturally, they would never provide it to a Buccaneer, so Kuma may have chosen to become a test subject for Vegapunk in exchange for a cure. Perhaps Bonney's Devil Fruit could have saved her and halted her aging process, but this wouldn't clarify how she could remain outside without showing any symptoms. Additionally, it would mean Bonney consumed the Devil Fruit before the age of ten. When considering both possibilities, it is far more likely that the World Government had the cure. This would also explain their mysterious pursuit of her and desire to capture her.
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Editor's P/S
One Piece Chapter 1098 has finally revealed Bonney's true age, and it turns out that she is actually a child! This revelation has completely changed the way I think about her character. I always thought of Bonney as a mature and level-headed person, but now I realize that she is just a little girl who has been through a lot.
I feel so much sympathy for Bonney now. She lost her mother at a young age, and then she was forced to watch as her father figure was turned into a mindless killing machine. It's no wonder that she is so angry and vengeful. I hope that she will be able to find peace and happiness someday.