One of the Most Overlooked Relationships in 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' That Deserves More Recognition

One of the Most Overlooked Relationships in 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' That Deserves More Recognition

Giles and Ms Calendar's unexpected connection in 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' shines bright, surpassing their teenage counterparts despite their limited screen time

The Big Picture

Giles and Ms. Calendar's romance may have gone under the radar in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but they hit all the marks of a memorable and lovable relationship.

Giles and Jenny were a resilient couple who faced their fair share of challenges, but ultimately demonstrated their strength before Jenny's untimely demise. Their shared interest in the occult brought them closer together and enabled them to form a strong partnership in assisting Buffy in her mission to eliminate vampires and demons. This collaboration was instrumental in their personal growth.

How Do Giles and Ms. Calendar Meet in 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'?

When it comes to the relationships in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, several significant ones stand out. The ongoing debate between Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) and Angel (David Boreanaz) versus Buffy and Spike (James Marsters) is a prominent one. There is also the ill-fated romance between Tara (Amber Benson) and Willow (Alyson Hannigan), as well as the connection shared by Xander (Nicholas Brendon) and Anya (Emma Caulfield). However, an often overlooked but remarkable couple in the show is Giles (Anthony Stewart Head) and Jenny Calendar (Robia LaMorte). Their relationship checks all the boxes when it comes to being memorable and endearing.

One of the Most Overlooked Relationships in 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' That Deserves More Recognition

Image via Warner Bros.

Giles and Jenny Calendar's relationship often goes unnoticed due to its early occurrence in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. With numerous events taking place in the following seasons, their romance tends to slip through the cracks. In the episode "I, Robot... You, Jane" (Season 1, Episode 8), Ms. Calendar is introduced as the computer science teacher at Sunnydale High. This immediately causes friction between her and the traditionalist Giles, who prefers books over computers and makes his stance known. However, when a demon is unleashed from one of Giles' books into the computer, they are forced to join forces and fight it together. This forms an alliance that gradually blossoms into something more. Giles develops feelings for Jenny, and with Buffy's encouragement, he musters the courage to ask her out. However, Jenny surprises him by beating him to it. Their first date turns out to be less than stellar, involving Jenny taking Giles to a monster truck race, a far cry from his usual preferences. Despite their initial challenges, there is an undeniable connection between them that keeps their interest alive, eventually leading them to embark on a serious relationship.

Giles and Jenny Have One of the Best Romances in 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'

Despite the challenges they face, such as Jenny being possessed by a demon from Giles' past and the discovery that she was sent to Sunnydale to monitor Angel, they handle their issues with a remarkable level of maturity. There is never any unnecessary drama between them; even when they are at odds, they maintain civility and eventually resolve their problems. However, their relationship comes to a tragic end in Season 2, Episode 17, when Angel, devoid of a soul, tragically kills Jenny in one of the most shocking and devastating deaths in the series. After Jenny's untimely demise, Giles grapples with guilt for not being able to save her, constantly haunted by thoughts of her throughout the show. The entire situation causes him understandable trauma, especially considering that Angel places her lifeless body in Giles' own bed! Despite this heartbreaking outcome, their bond remains one of the strongest in the show's history.

One of the Most Overlooked Relationships in 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' That Deserves More Recognition

Image via The WB

With Buffy The Vampire Slayer being targeted towards a younger audience, it comes as no surprise that Giles and Jenny's relationship often goes unnoticed. Even when they are portrayed together, their romance is not blatant. However, upon observing their interactions, their compatibility becomes evident. Right from their first encounter in the episode, they engage in challenging discussions, arguing in favor of their respective preferences. Jenny focuses on computers, while Giles remains loyal to his books. Despite their occasional jabs, their words are never malicious, and by the end of that initial episode, they begin to display flirtatious behavior, hinting at a deeper connection. Their relationship doesn't receive any significant public declaration either; it quietly develops in the background, becoming an unspoken understanding.

Their first major conflict arises when Eyghon, a demon that Giles had summoned in the past, appears and possesses Jenny. Though she ultimately recovers, the traumatic experience visibly affects her. When Giles attempts to provide support, she pushes him away, explaining that she needs space. However, she later seeks him out while he is on patrol and apologizes for her previous actions. They reconcile and reaffirm their relationship. Additionally, Giles and Buffy discover that Jenny had been sent to spy on Angel and prevent him from losing his soul, which unfortunately occurs. This revelation strains Jenny's relationships with both Giles and Buffy. Nevertheless, as her final episode approaches, Giles begins to soften and they plan to discuss the situation that night. Remarkably, Jenny even admits her feelings of love for Giles. Although circumstances prevent their conversation from happening, the fact that they were willing to try showcases their willingness to overcome challenges.

Despite the difficulty of maintaining this secret, Giles and Jenny genuinely cared for each other and were determined to make their relationship work. Their maturity and effective communication, which often come with age, distinguish them from many other relationships depicted on the show. While a little teenage angst can be entertaining, seeing a healthy relationship that successfully navigates obstacles is refreshing. Another favorable aspect of Giles and Jenny's relationship is their shared involvement with the occult. Giles serves as a Watcher, while Jenny practices technopaganism. With no need to conceal Buffy's identity as the Slayer, they are able to collaborate in helping her battle vampires, demons, and other supernatural creatures that threaten Sunnydale. This partnership not only strengthens their bond and mutual respect but also facilitates personal growth and closeness.

There's a multitude of compelling aspects to explore in Giles and Jenny's love story, regardless of its tragic conclusion. Undoubtedly, they deserved more time together, as their captivating presence was incessantly mesmerizing. The intensity of their chemistry was remarkable, and even though Jenny's tenure on the show was regrettably brief, the moments she and Giles shared, be it romantic or otherwise, solidified their esteemed status among the most exceptional relationships in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

One of the Most Overlooked Relationships in 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' That Deserves More Recognition

Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Release Date: March 10, 1997

Cast: Sarah Michelle Gellar, Alyson Hannigan, Nicholas Brendon, Michelle Trachtenberg, Emma Caulfield, James Marsters

Main Genre: Action

Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi

Rating: TV-14

Seasons: 7

Creator: Joss Whedon

Production Companies: Mutant Enemy, Kuzui Enterprises, Sandollar Television