Nintendo Unveils Revolutionary Mario Wellness App and Device

Nintendo Unveils Revolutionary Mario Wellness App and Device

Nintendo patents unique Mario-themed health app and device, offering exciting features reminiscent of their upcoming mobile game

Nintendo recently filed a patent for a unique health app and device with a Super Mario theme. This patent seems to share similarities with an upcoming mobile game from The Pokemon Company, and if the app becomes a reality, Mario fans can expect to enjoy similar health benefits. The release of Nintendo Switch marked a new chapter for the company, following the less successful Wii U era. Nintendo expanded its focus beyond console gaming during this time and introduced several mobile games for Android and iOS, such as Fire Emblem Heroes and Mario Kart Tour. Additionally, Nintendo is set to open Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios Japan in March 2021 and Universal Studios Hollywood in February 2023, providing fans with the opportunity to immerse themselves in beloved franchises through various attractions. It is worth noting that Nintendo frequently files patents for new concepts related to the Switch, mobile games, and entirely new devices.

A new patent filed by Nintendo reveals plans for a health app and device with a Super Mario theme. This innovative system aims to monitor various aspects of the user's health, including sleep patterns. The app will utilize a tablet-like device, which can be placed in a dock with speakers, to collect feedback and calculate the user's health information. In addition to sleep monitoring, the app will also assess fatigue levels and provide suggestions for improving sleep quality over time. As an added incentive, users will have the opportunity to play a Super Mario game upon waking up, with their sleep performance playing a crucial role in their progress.

Nintendo Unveils Revolutionary Mario Wellness App and Device

After awakening, users have the option to view comprehensive information regarding the depth and quality of their sleep, or engage in an entertaining "wake-up" Super Mario game within the application. In this exciting new game, players guide Mario through a boss battle against Bowser, where the effectiveness of their sleep directly influences Mario's overall damage output. As illustrated in one of the patent's drawings, Mario successfully inflicts 80 damage points on Bowser and is rewarded with 10 coins. The purpose and utilization of these in-game coins are currently undisclosed.

Nintendo Unveils Revolutionary Mario Wellness App and Device

The Super Mario app and device, as stated in the new patent, is built upon various Nintendo patents dating back to 2014 and is a continuation of an updated patent from 2017. Nintendo's previous mention of a potential sleep monitoring device in 2014, along with the emergence of the new Super Mario-themed patent, suggests that the company may be gearing up to release an official product based on their extensive research over the years. Additionally, considering Nintendo's inclination towards experimenting with Mario games, it is possible that the new app could offer additional gameplay features beyond what is outlined in the patent. It is worth noting that The Pokemon Company and Niantic's Pokemon Sleep mobile game shares striking similarities in functionality and features with the new Super Mario app. In Pokemon Sleep, sleep performance and data collected over time also play a role in game progression. While Nintendo has yet to make an official announcement regarding the new Super Mario app, it appears that they have drawn inspiration from Pokemon Sleep.