New York driver charged with hate crimes after allegedly beating Sikh man to death following collision

New York driver charged with hate crimes after allegedly beating Sikh man to death following collision

A NYC driver charged with hate crimes after allegedly beating a Sikh man to death in a car collision Prosecutors detail how the attack unfolded

Gilbert Augustin, a 30-year-old man from Queens, New York City, was arraigned on Tuesday for multiple charges, including hate crimes. Prosecutors state that Augustin was driving in Queens on October 19 when he was involved in a car collision with Jasmer Singh, a 66-year-old Sikh man who tragically lost his life due to the incident.

During an altercation following the accident, Augustin purportedly referred to Singh, who wore a turban as part of his religious observance, as "turban man," as stated in a press release by prosecutors, citing an eyewitness. Eventually, Augustin assaulted Singh by striking him thrice in the head and face, causing him to tumble and hit the pavement, prosecutors stated.

The news release further states that Singh sustained a brain injury and was subsequently transported to a hospital, where he tragically passed away the following day.

Katz stated in the press release that this incident involved a minor car accident quickly escalating to the use of hateful language and ultimately resulting in brutal and fatal violence. In court, we will demonstrate that this tragedy was a result of an anger fueled by hatred and hold the responsible party accountable.

According to court records, Augustin entered a plea of not guilty to 20 charges stemming from the incident. These charges include first-degree manslaughter as a hate crime, second-degree assault as a hate crime, reckless endangerment, leaving the scene of an incident without reporting it, and operating a motor vehicle without a license. This information is outlined in an indictment filed in Queens County State Court.

New York driver charged with hate crimes after allegedly beating Sikh man to death following collision

Jasmer Singh, a 66-year-old Sikh man, died on October 20 after sustaining a brain jury, prosecutors say.

Moloney's Lake Funeral Home & Cremation Center

The incident was not initially investigated as a hate crime, a New York Police Department spokesperson said.

"New information was unveiled during a grand jury session held by the Queens district attorneys, which had not been disclosed to the detectives of the NYPD," stated the spokesperson.

Labeling the case as "exceedingly challenging for all individuals involved," James Concemore Neville, the defense attorney for Augustin, expressed his standpoint.


Neville, speaking to CNN, described the case as extremely sorrowful and tragic. He emphasized that his responsibility in this scenario is to safeguard Mr. Augustin's constitutional rights. Augustin is scheduled to appear in court again on December 6. The district attorney's office stated that if found guilty, he might face a maximum prison sentence of 25 years.

CNN has sought comment from Singhs family.

How the attack unfolded, according to prosecutors

According to prosecutors, the collision and subsequent confrontation between Augustin and Singh unfolded as follows:

In the news release, prosecutors stated that just before noon on October 19, Singh's vehicle collided with Augustin's on the Van Wyck Expressway in Queens.

Augustin exited his vehicle and approached Singh, who remained seated in his car, as witnessed by an onlooker. An ensuing verbal altercation ensued, during which Augustin displayed anger towards Singh and repeatedly referred to him as "turban man," according to the witness account provided by the prosecutors. Augustin proceeded to express unwillingness to let Singh leave and discouraged him from contacting the police.

New York driver charged with hate crimes after allegedly beating Sikh man to death following collision

Tori Morales

Augustin allegedly reached into Singhs car and forcibly seized his cell phone. Singh subsequently exited his vehicle and confronted Augustin. According to witness testimony and surveillance footage, an altercation ensued before Singh managed to retrieve his phone and proceeded to return to his car.

Singh was punched three times by Augustin as he walked away, causing his turban to fall off and resulting in a brain injury. The release states that Singh unfortunately passed away the next day.

The day after the incident, a police officer discovered Augustin sitting in his car in the Queens Jamaica neighborhood. Prosecutors mentioned that the car had scratches and a small dent on the rear drivers side.

Augustin was then taken into custody after he couldnt show police a valid drivers license and DMV records showed his license was suspended, according to the release.
