Sources have confirmed that Intel's next high-end processor, the Core i9-14900KS, will boast an impressive boosted clock speed of 6.2GHz, making it the fastest on the market. However, this powerful CPU is expected to come with a hefty price tag, requiring consumers to dig deep into their pockets.
In February, benchmarks for the Core i9-14900KS showcased its immense power, with up to 24 CPU cores - 8 power cores and 16 efficiency cores. Additionally, it will feature a 36MB L3 cache and a maximum power draw of 150W. The boosted clock speed of 6.2GHz surpasses that of the i9-14900K, another overclockable processor in Intel's lineup. Despite not being officially announced by Intel yet, the anticipation and speculation surrounding the 14900KS continue to grow.
Another report supports previous findings about the Intel Core i9-14900KS release timeline. VideoCardz revealed that a Canadian retailer, DirectDial, confirmed the specs of the 14900KS CPU and listed it as backordered on their website. Although the exact release date is not yet announced, the backorder status suggests an imminent launch. Similar to its predecessor, the 14900K, the upcoming 14900KS will require a compatible motherboard like the Z790 for users to fully utilize its unlocked power cores.
Intel Core i9-14900KS Detailed Specs
Base Clock Speed: 3.2 GHz
Boosted Clock Speed: 6.2 GHz
24 cores (8 power, 16 efficiency) and 32 threads
150W total power draw (TDP)
DirectDial announced that the Intel Core i9-14900KS is expected to be priced at around 1,004 CAD, which converts to approximately $740 USD. In comparison, the more affordable 14900K is currently selling for $545 on Amazon. This would make the 14900KS nearly 30% more expensive at the suggested price point. While the official pricing in the US is not yet confirmed, the 14900KS is anticipated to be a power-hungry CPU like its predecessors. This means that PC builders will need a compatible motherboard and a cooler, such as an AIO, to ensure optimal performance under heavy workloads.
When combined with an Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090 graphics card, the Intel Core i9-14900KS will be an appealing choice for PC enthusiasts. The reaction from other consumers to its release remains to be seen.
Editor's P/S:
The upcoming Intel Core i9-14900KS promises to deliver blistering performance with its 6.2GHz boosted clock speed. However, the anticipated high price tag raises concerns about its accessibility for mainstream consumers. While the CPU's raw power is undeniable, its exclusivity may limit its appeal.
The potential pairing of the 14900KS with an Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090 graphics card suggests that Intel is targeting high-end PC enthusiasts willing to invest heavily in their systems. However, the performance gains over the more affordable 14900K may not justify the significant price premium for many users. It remains to be seen whether the 14900KS can live up to the hype and become a sought-after component for extreme overclockers and content creators.