Navajo Nation's Opposition to Lunar Burials Leads to Urgent White House Conference

Navajo Nation's Opposition to Lunar Burials Leads to Urgent White House Conference

The Navajo Nation's objection to lunar burial of human remains prompts a last-minute White House meeting to discuss a mission set to launch Monday, raising questions about the control of the moon in the emerging lunar economy

Subscribe to CNN's Wonder Theory science newsletter and dive into the latest news on captivating discoveries, scientific progress, and more. Amidst the largest group of Native Americans in the US requesting a delay in the launch of a private mission to the moon, the White House has called for an urgent meeting to address the situation. This comes as the mission is set to take off in a matter of days, with plans to transport cremated human remains for a lunar burial.

The upcoming commercial mission, known as Peregrine Mission One, has the potential to make history by marking the first time an American-made spacecraft has landed on the lunar surface since the conclusion of the Apollo program in 1972. However, Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren has expressed strong opposition to the idea of allowing human remains to be placed on the moon, stating that it would be disrespectful to the sacred significance of the moon in Navajo cosmology and in the beliefs of many indigenous cultures. Nygren emphasized that such a suggestion is deeply unsettling and unacceptable to the Navajo people and numerous other tribal nations.

Private companies like Celestis and Elysium Space are among the customers who have arranged to send their lunar burial services to the moon on Astrobotic Technologys Peregrine lunar lander. The spacecraft, which is uncrewed, is scheduled to launch on the first flight of the United Launch Alliances Vulcan Centaur rocket from Floridas Cape Canaveral Space Force Station.

Celestis' payload, known as Tranquility Flight, consists of 66 "memorial capsules" containing "cremated remains and DNA." These capsules will be left on the lunar surface as a permanent tribute to those who have always aspired to reach for the stars, as stated on the company's website.

Celestis CEO Charles Chafer addressed Mr. Nygren's concerns in a statement to CNN, stating that the company does not believe the concerns to be valid. Chafer also rejected the assertion that their memorial spaceflight mission desecrates the moon, emphasizing that the memorial is handled with care and reverence and is intended to be a touching and fitting celebration for participants.

Navajo Nation's Opposition to Lunar Burials Leads to Urgent White House Conference

The moon is considered sacred in tribal cosmology, according to Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren.

The Navajo Nation Office of the President

Despite CNNs request for a comment, Elysium Space has not provided a response. However, the company's website details its "Lunar Memorial" as a means of delivering "a symbolic portion of remains to the surface of the Moon, helping to create the quintessential commemoration."

“I’m disappointed that we’re having this conversation so late in the process,” said John Thornton, CEO of Astrobotic Technology. “I wish we could’ve had it much sooner. We revealed the first payload manifest for this mission back in 2015 and a second in 2020. We are committed to doing what’s right and I hope we can find a positive way forward with Navajo Nation.”

Navajo Nation has raised concerns about lunar burials before. In a letter to NASA Administrator Bill Nelson and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, Nygren mentioned the Lunar Prospector mission in 1999, where a spacecraft carrying the remains of astronaut Eugene Shoemaker was intentionally crashed into the moon. Nygren recalled that Navajo Nation President Albert Hale had objected to this and NASA had issued a formal apology and promised to consult with tribes before authorizing any future missions involving human remains on the Moon.

While NASA is the primary customer on this mission, its still one customer among many paying to put technology and cargo on Astrobotics lunar lander.

Navajo Nation's Opposition to Lunar Burials Leads to Urgent White House Conference

Peregrine Mission One's official mission patch is shown.

Astrobotic Technology

Astrobotic was granted $108 million by the space agency to create a lander and transport scientific experiments to the moon, announced Sandra Connelly, the deputy associate administrator of NASA's science mission directorate during a press call on Friday. In addition, the space agency drafted the Artemis Accords, a document that delineates what activities are permissible on the moon, which has been endorsed by the US and 32 of its partners.

"There's recognition that certain non-NASA commercial payloads may raise concerns within certain communities, and those communities might not realize that these missions are commercially operated. They are not missions affiliated with the US government," noted Dr. Joel Kearns, NASA's deputy associate administrator for exploration.

Navajo Nation's Opposition to Lunar Burials Leads to Urgent White House Conference

Kamala Harris, the Vice President of the United States, participated in a briefing with Emmanuel Macron, the President of France (not pictured), at the NASA headquarters in Washington, DC, US, on Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2022. President Joe Biden will host Macron for the first White House state dinner in over three years on Thursday, putting aside recent tensions with Paris over defense and trade issues to commemorate the oldest US alliance. Photographer: Al Drago/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Al Drago/Bloomberg/Getty Images

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The launch of Peregrine Mission One signifies the beginning of NASA's Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) initiative. This initiative enables the US space agency to delegate the launch and transportation of lunar cargo to private companies. It marks the early stages of the lunar economy, with evolving regulations. "The arrival of American companies with equipment, cargo, and payloads on the moon represents a completely new and emerging industry, where everyone is still learning," Kearns stated. "We deeply value the concerns expressed by the Navajo Nation."

Nygren, the representative for the Navajo Nation's approximately 430,000 enrolled members, emphasizes that the tribe supports scientific progress and space exploration. However, they express significant concerns about the lack of oversight and regulation of non-NASA commercial payloads, especially when these include human remains.

Who has jurisdiction over the moon?

The Office of Commercial Space Transportation, part of the Federal Aviation Administration, is tasked with licensing private space launches in the US. However, its oversight is specifically focused on matters concerning public health and safety, safety of property, and national security and foreign policy interests of the United States. According to a Department of Transportation spokesperson, the role of the Federal Aviation Administration is legally restricted to ensuring that space flights do not pose a safety or national security threat to the United States.

According to Justin Ahasteen, the executive director for the Navajo Nations Washington Office, the argument is "absurd." He stated, "They're essentially suggesting that you can send anything into space. Does that mean people can send drugs? Does that mean people can send hazardous material? The lack of oversight is, I think, really concerning for the nation."

Navajo Nation's Opposition to Lunar Burials Leads to Urgent White House Conference

The Peregrine spacecraft is seen in Astrobotic Technology's clean room before shipment to Florida.

Astrobotic Technology

The debate raises new questions at the dawn of a race to colonize the moon about who controls Earths only natural satellite.

"No individual or religion can claim ownership of the moon," stated the CEO of Celestis in an interview with CNN. "Taking into account the various beliefs of different religions around the world, it is unlikely that any missions would be approved. We have always refused to let religious beliefs dictate our exploration of space. There should not be any religious test involved in humanity's efforts to explore space."

Ahasteen maintains that the Navajo Nation does not intend to assert ownership over the moon.

Navajo Nation's Opposition to Lunar Burials Leads to Urgent White House Conference

Displayed on a computer screen in the mission support area is a still image of Taters the cat, taken from the first high-definition streaming video ever transmitted via laser from deep space. Also visible on the screen is the incoming data stream delivering the frames from the video. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech


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"We're advocating for respect. We're turning the moon into a cemetery and a dumping ground," Ahasteen stated. "When will we realize the need to protect the moon like we do the Grand Canyon?"

The meeting on Friday, organized by the White House, will include delegates from NASA, the FAA, the US Department of Transportation, and the Department of Commerce. However, Navajo Nation officials hold little hope of halting Monday's launch.

"Based off of what were seeing, and NASA are already having their pre-launch briefing, it doesnt look like they have any intention of stopping the launch or removing the remains," Ahasteen said.