Naruto: Unraveling the Secrets Behind Kakashi's Mangekyo Sharingan Activation

Naruto: Unraveling the Secrets Behind Kakashi's Mangekyo Sharingan Activation

Unveiling the mystery behind Kakashi Hatake's Mangekyo Sharingan in Naruto, as he defies expectations by awakening this powerful eye technique despite not being a member of the Uchiha Clan Explore the intriguing tale of Kakashi's journey and the incredible circumstances that led to his unlocking of this rare ability

Kakashi Hatake, or Kakashi of the Sharingan, is a highly popular and enigmatic figure in both Naruto and Naruto Shippuden. As a prodigy, he possesses impressive offensive abilities and strategic brilliance. He is a character that commands admiration.

In the Naruto series, Kakashi and Danzo are the only individuals, apart from the Uchiha Clan members, who possess the Sharingan. Fans of the anime will recall that Kakashi received his Sharingan as a gift from his dying friend, Obito Uchiha, in Episode 345 of Naruto Shippuden.

The Mangekyo Sharingan surpasses the capabilities of a regular Sharingan, enhancing its user's abilities. Similar to the standard Sharingan, this unique eye grants the power to perceive through Genjutsu, Taijutsu, and Ninjutsu, as well as replicate non-Kekkei Genkai techniques.

Curiously, Naruto enthusiasts may ponder how Kakashi managed to awaken the Mangekyo Sharingan, considering he is not of Uchiha lineage.

How Kakashi awakened the Mangekyo Sharingan without being a member of the Uchiha Clan in Naruto

Naruto: Unraveling the Secrets Behind Kakashi's Mangekyo Sharingan Activation

Team Minato (Image via Pierrot)

Kakashi, Rin, and Obito were members of Team Minato, also referred to as Team 10. Minato, widely recognized as the Yellow Flash of the Leaf, emphasized the significance of teamwork and understanding among his students. However, their lives took an irreversible turn during a specific mission.

Unfortunate circumstances led to Obito being fatally injured by a massive rock. Obito, who hadn't presented Kakashi with a birthday gift yet, bestowed his left eye sharingan as a farewell gesture. His sole plea was for Kakashi to safeguard Rin indefinitely.

However, Obito, a renowned character among Naruto fans, was not deceased as believed. He was actually rescued by Madara Uchiha, the spectral figure of the Uchiha clan. One fateful day, Obito was informed about the perilous situation Rin and Kakashi found themselves in. Without hesitation, he swiftly raced to their aid.

Naruto: Unraveling the Secrets Behind Kakashi's Mangekyo Sharingan Activation

Unbeknownst to Obito, everything was a deception. Madara cunningly captured Rin and turned her into the Jinchuuriki of the 3 tails, intending for her to unleash chaos upon her return to the Hidden Leaf. In his scheme, he even dispatched ninjas from the Mist Village to prevent her and Kakashi from escaping.

The Mist Village shinobi successfully tracked them down and encircled them. Realizing Madara's plan, Rin pleaded with Kakashi to end her life, aware that they were destined to be captured. However, he adamantly refused, as it went against his core principles as a ninja to harm friends, regardless of the circumstances.

However, Rin's unwavering determination earned her the admiration of not only fellow anime enthusiasts but also the very individuals portrayed in the series. Recognizing the perilous consequences of her continued existence, she ultimately made the selfless choice to safeguard the inhabitants of the Hidden Leaf village by sacrificing her own life.

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She leaped in front of Kakashi as he attempted to strike a hidden mist ninja with Chidori. Kakashi, who had already executed the attack, was unable to halt himself and unintentionally pierced Rin's chest. Chidori, a destructive jutsu that harnessed lightning blades, posed a fatal threat to Rin if she were to withstand it at close range.

At precisely that moment, Obito arrived at the battlefield and witnessed Kakashi apparently killing Rin. Unbeknownst to anyone, Obito had managed to survive. Kakashi assumed that Rin's death had triggered the awakening of Obito's Mangekyo Sharingan, but that was not the case.

The Mangekyo Sharingan is activated when the user undergoes intense emotional trauma caused by the loss of a beloved individual. Obito experienced overwhelming despair upon witnessing Rin's death, as evidenced by numerous occasions that hinted at his deep affection for her. Consequently, Obito's awakening of the Mangekyo Sharingan indirectly granted Kakashi the same ability.

Final thoughts

Naruto: Unraveling the Secrets Behind Kakashi's Mangekyo Sharingan Activation

Kakashi Hatake, the 6th Hokage, was profoundly influenced by Obito. The lessons Obito imparted on Kakashi emphasized the value of love and friendship. In many ways, Obito played a crucial role in shaping our beloved sensei into the reliable ninja that we have all grown to admire, just like Naruto.

As an ingenious ninja, Kakashi effortlessly mastered his Sharingan, enabling him to replicate a staggering 1000 techniques. Instead of allowing Obito's perceived demise to be in vain, Kakashi made a solemn pledge to utilize his unique ability to safeguard and protect the Hidden Leaf Village. Moreover, he resolved to pass on his knowledge to individuals like Naruto, imparting them with the same skills for the greater good.

Editor's P/S

As a Gen Z fan, I find the story of Kakashi's Mangekyo Sharingan activation to be both intriguing and tragic. On the one hand, it's amazing to see how Kakashi was able to awaken such a powerful eye technique despite not being a member of the Uchiha clan. On the other hand, it's heartbreaking to see the circumstances that led to his awakening, particularly the death of his friend, Rin.

Overall, I think Kakashi's story is a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope. Despite the pain and suffering he has experienced, Kakashi has managed to become a powerful and respected ninja. He is a true inspiration to us all.