Naruto: Ranking the Top Swordsmen in the Series

Naruto: Ranking the Top Swordsmen in the Series

Explore the prowess of swordplay among the elite ninjas in Naruto. Delve into the world of skilled sword users and discover who stands out as the ultimate swordsman in the shinobi realm.

Many shinobi in Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto use bladed weapons alongside their ninjutsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu skills. This style of combat, known as bukijutsu, can be further divided based on the types of weapons used. Among these, many ninja are known for their expertise in swordsmanship, also known as kenjutsu.

Sword fighting plays a significant role in Naruto, especially among the main characters. Groups like Kirigakure's Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist focus heavily on sword techniques. The series features a wide range of swords, from traditional blades wielded by characters like Sasuke Uchiha and Mifune, to the more unique weapons of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen. With such diversity in sword fighting styles, is there a standout swordsman in Naruto?

How Do Shinobi Utilize Swordplay?

Seven Ninja Swordsmen Of The Mist Naruto - Featured-1 - How Do Shinobi Utilize Swordplay?

Seven Ninja Swordsmen Of The Mist Naruto - Featured-1 - How Do Shinobi Utilize Swordplay?

Shinobi in the Academy start learning how to use bladed weapons at a young age. Villages like Kumogakure and Kirigakure specifically encourage ninja to focus on their sword skills. In Kirigakure, many young shinobi dream of joining the famous Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist. In the Land of Iron, the entire military force consists of samurai who rely solely on their swords in battle. Unlike ninjutsu, samurai in Naruto infuse chakra into their swords to increase their cutting range and strengthen their slashes.

In addition to traditional swordplay for close combat, kenjutsu users often combine ninjutsu and taijutsu for powerful attacks. For example, Sasuke Uchiha and many Kumogakure shinobi infuse their swords with Lightning Release chakra to enhance their cutting abilities. In the world of shinobi kenjutsu, the most common weapons are traditional katana, tanto, or ninjato. However, there are also famous blades that do not fit into these categories.

Swordsmen Who Were A Cut Above The Rest

Sasuke using Chidori Stream in Naruto - Swordsmen Who Were A Cut Above The Rest

Sasuke using Chidori Stream in Naruto - Swordsmen Who Were A Cut Above The Rest

To make this comparison more focused, we will only be looking at shinobi or samurai who specialize in kenjutsu as their main combat style. This means that characters like Orochimaru, Kakashi Hatake, Hashirama Senju, and Madara Uchiha will not be included, as they are skilled in various weapons but do not primarily rely on kenjutsu.

When assessing the skill levels of characters, it is important to consider those who have had significant screen time or are prominent supporting characters, or those who were revived during the War Arc. With these criteria in mind, we can narrow down our list of contenders to Zabuza Momochi, Kisame Hoshigaki, Mangetsu Hozuki, Chojuro, Darui, Killer B, Mifune, and Sasuke Uchiha. Each of these individuals has shown exceptional skill in kenjutsu, with some even achieving the rank of Kage in their respective villages.

A Clash Between Exemplary Sword Users

Kisame with the Samehada - A Clash Between Exemplary Sword Users

Kisame with the Samehada - A Clash Between Exemplary Sword Users

Zabuza Momochi was the first of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen to be introduced in Naruto. Known for his skill with the Kubikiribocho, he was able to defeat many opponents with just one strike. Zabuza was also adept at using Water Release ninjutsu and was a highly skilled assassin, utilizing techniques like Hiding in Mist and Silent Killing to take down his enemies.

Kisame Hoshigaki, on the other hand, was a fearsome swordsman who carried the sentient blade Samehada. His aggressive fighting style was unique yet highly effective, with Samehada only loyal to him. With his mastery of Water Release jutsu, Kisame was a powerful shinobi often compared to a "Tailless Tailed Beast" due to his immense chakra reserves. By merging with Samehada, he could heal from wounds, replenish his chakra, and even gain physical enhancements like gills for underwater breathing.

Mangetsu Hozuki was not as prominent as the other members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, but he was unique in his ability to wield all seven blades. Although he carried the swords in a scroll, he was unable to fully master them during his lifetime. In addition to his sword skills, Mangetsu also utilized his clan's secret Water Release technique to turn his entire body into liquid form.

Chojuro is highly respected for his swordsmanship with the Hiramekarei, and eventually became the Sixth Mizukage after the war. With the Hiramekarei, he can create various chakra constructs like a hammer, longsword, or even a duplicate of his own sword for dual wielding. His strength is evident in his ability to push back Sasuke Uchiha, even when Sasuke was protected by his Susanoo, and in his ability to hold his own against Kinshiki Otsutsuki.

Darui, a student of the Third Raikage, later became the Fifth Raikage in the New Era. He wielded a large cleaver-style blade infused with Lightning Release. Darui's notable achievements in the series include effortlessly defeating Suigetsu Hozuki and ultimately overcoming Kumogakure's Gold and Silver Brothers, Kinkaku and Ginkaku.

Killer B, a skilled jinchuriki of the Eight-Tails, Gyuki, possessed exceptional abilities in kenjutsu, known as Acrobat. Utilizing his Disturbance Taijutsu technique, Killer B mastered the art of wielding seven blades simultaneously, allowing him to attack from unexpected angles with incredible speed and precision. His unpredictable fighting style proved challenging even for experienced opponents like Sasuke Uchiha. Additionally, Killer B could summon one of the Eight-Tails' tentacles for surprise attacks and infuse his blades with Lightning Release. Following Kisame's demise, he inherited Samehada and effectively integrated its power into his combat techniques.

Mifune was the General of the Land of Iron and the strongest swordsman in the nation. He specialized in a style of kenjutsu called Iaido, which focused on quickly drawing, slashing, and sheathing his sword. With his katana Kurosawa, Mifune's attacks were so fast that enemies couldn't even make hand signs to defend themselves. He could also channel chakra into his blade to increase its reach or send slashes flying over longer distances.

Sasuke Uchiha was the deuteragonist of the series and a renowned shinobi. His swordplay technique, Uchiha Style Kenjutsu, skillfully combined offense and defense. Using a chokuto sword, Sasuke could smoothly transition between standard and backhanded grips during battles, effortlessly cutting through hordes of opponents. His mastery of the Sharingan and ability to infuse Lightning Release chakra into his blade were valuable assets, allowing him to hold his own against formidable opponents like Kinshiki Otsutsuki and Mifune.

Who Was The Series' Best Sword User?

Sasuke Uchiha (2) - Who Was The Series' Best Sword User?

Sasuke Uchiha (2) - Who Was The Series' Best Sword User?

Looking at the characters from this list, it is safe to say that Darui, Kisame, Mifune, Chojuro, and Mangetsu were all slightly stronger than Zabuza in their prime, despite the latter not being a slouch in any area. That being said, Killer B may have surpassed them in certain areas, due to how effective his Acrobat technique was against even the Sharingan's Eye of Insight. Mangetsu does get points for how diverse his kenjutsu style was, but he may not have been able to compete with the likes of Mifune, Darui, or Chojuro if they went all out.

However, there is a fairly obvious favorite who battled the series' strongest antagonists, including Orochimaru, Madara Uchiha, Kaguya, Kinshiki Otsutsuki and even Naruto Uzumaki. Sasuke Uchiha's speed, strength, diverse arsenal, and incredible swordsmanship grew to an entirely different level during the war and into adulthood, to the point where the others simply cannot compete anymore. As a result, it is no real surprise that he is decidedly the best swordsman in Naruto.

Naruto is available to stream on Crunchyroll.

Editor's P/S:

The article provides a comprehensive overview of the prominent swordsmen in the Naruto series, showcasing their unique abilities and fighting styles. While each character possesses exceptional skills, the article compellingly argues that Sasuke Uchiha stands out as the series' best swordsman. His mastery of Uchiha Style Kenjutsu, combined with his Sharingan prowess and Lightning Release chakra, elevates him to a level unmatched by his peers. The analysis of the individual swordsmen's strengths and weaknesses is well-reasoned and supported by evidence from the series, making a strong case for Sasuke's superiority.

Furthermore, the article highlights the diversity of sword fighting styles in Naruto, from traditional kenjutsu to the more unorthodox techniques employed by characters like Killer B. The inclusion of images to illustrate the characters and their swords adds visual context and enhances the reader's understanding of their unique combat styles. Overall, the article is an engaging and insightful exploration of the art of swordsmanship in Naruto, providing ample evidence to support its conclusion that Sasuke Uchiha is the series' most skilled swordsman.