Mysterious Origin of Fast Radio Burst Traced to Cluster of Seven Galaxy Blobs

Mysterious Origin of Fast Radio Burst Traced to Cluster of Seven Galaxy Blobs

A recent study reveals a remarkable discovery: a powerful radio burst detected in 2022 originated from a peculiar cluster of seven galaxies situated 8 billion light-years away from Earth Delving into the origins of these rapid radio bursts, scientists unravel the mysteries of the universe

Subscribe to CNN's Wonder Theory science newsletter to stay updated on the latest news about fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements, and more. Recently, astronomers identified a rare "blob-like" group of galaxies as the cosmic home of one of the most powerful and distant fast radio bursts ever detected. This unexpected discovery has the potential to provide more insights into the mysterious radio wave bursts that have baffled scientists for years.

The powerful signal, known as FRB 20220610A, was initially observed on June 10, 2022, and it journeyed 8 billion light-years to reach Earth. A light-year is the distance that light travels in one year, equivalent to 5.88 trillion miles (9.46 trillion kilometers).

Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are brief bursts of radio waves lasting a few milliseconds with uncertain origins. The initial FRB was found in 2007, and since then, hundreds of these rapid, cosmic flashes have been detected emanating from distant locations across the universe.

This specific fast radio burst had a duration of less than a millisecond, yet it displayed four times more energy than previous FRBs. According to an initial study published in October, the burst emitted the equivalent of our sun's energetic emissions over the span of 30 years.

Mysterious Origin of Fast Radio Burst Traced to Cluster of Seven Galaxy Blobs

SARAO's MeerKAT radio telescope data (in green) displaying peculiar radio circles is superimposed onto optical and near-infrared data from the Dark Energy Survey.

J. English (U. Manitoba)/EMU/MeerKAT/DES (CTIO)

Astronomers propose an explosive theory for the origin of giant odd radio circles in space. These FRBs emit extremely bright radio waves that last only a few milliseconds before vanishing, making them challenging to study.

Radio telescopes have been instrumental in tracking the origins of rapid cosmic bursts. Utilizing the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) in Western Australia and the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope in Chile, researchers were able to pinpoint the source of the mysterious burst. Their findings revealed a massive celestial blob, initially believed to be either a lone irregular galaxy or a trio of interacting galaxies.

Images from the Hubble Space Telescope have been utilized by astronomers to uncover that a fast radio burst originated from a cluster of at least seven galaxies, all in such proximity to each other that they could collectively fit inside the Milky Way galaxy.

These findings were announced on Tuesday at the 243rd meeting of the American Astronomical Society in New Orleans.

An unusual galactic group

The galaxies in the group seem to be interacting and could even be in the process of merging, which might have triggered the fast radio burst, according to the researchers.

Lead study author Alexa Gordon, a doctoral student in astronomy at Northwestern University's Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences, stated that without the Hubble's imaging, it would have remained a mystery whether the FRB originated from a single galaxy or an interacting system. Gordon emphasized that it is the unique and mysterious environments that push researchers towards a deeper understanding of FRBs.

Mysterious Origin of Fast Radio Burst Traced to Cluster of Seven Galaxy Blobs

Seth Shostak/SETI Institute

Fast radio bursts in space are becoming increasingly enigmatic. The galactic compact group, described as one of the densest galaxy-scale structures known, was highlighted by study coauthor Wen-fai Fong, an associate professor of physics and astronomy at Northwestern and Gordons adviser.

When galaxies interact, they may cause bursts of star formation, which could be associated with the burst, according to Gordon.

Though fast radio bursts are mainly associated with isolated galaxies, astronomers have discovered them in globular clusters and now, a compact group, Gordon noted.

"We just need to keep finding more of these FRBs, both nearby and far away, and in all these different types of environments," she said.

Investigating the origins of fast radio bursts

Since their first detection around twenty years ago, almost 1,000 fast radio bursts have been identified. Despite this, the cause of these bursts continues to baffle astronomers. However, many experts believe that compact objects like black holes or neutron stars, which are the remnants of exploded stars, are probably responsible. Recent studies suggest that magnetars, highly magnetized stars, could be the source of fast radio bursts.

Understanding where fast radio bursts originate from could help astronomers determine more about the underlying cause that sends them streaming across the universe.

Mysterious Origin of Fast Radio Burst Traced to Cluster of Seven Galaxy Blobs

This image captured by NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) on NASA's James Webb Space Telescope provides a new and detailed view of Uranus and its rings. The image showcases the planet's seasonal north polar cap, highlighting the bright, white inner cap and the dark lane at the bottom. Additionally, Uranus' faint inner and outer rings, including the elusive Zeta ring, are visible in the image.

New Image from Webb Telescope Reveals Mysterious Features of Uranus

Yuxin Vic Dong, a coauthor of the study, commented, "Despite the discovery of numerous FRB events, only a small percentage have been linked to their host galaxies. Among these, very few have originated from a densely packed galactic setting, and none have been observed in such a compact group. Therefore, its origin is exceptionally rare." Dong, a doctoral student of astronomy and a National Science Foundation graduate research fellow at Northwestern, made this statement in a press release.

Further understanding of fast radio bursts may also provide valuable insights into the fundamental nature of the universe. These bursts, which have traversed space for billions of years, interact with cosmic material as they travel.

"Radio waves, in particular, are highly affected by any material that lies along the path from the location of the fast radio burst to us," Fong explained. "This means that the waves must pass through any cloud of material near the fast radio burst site, through its host galaxy, across the universe, and finally through the Milky Way. By analyzing the time delay in the fast radio burst signal itself, we can quantify the combined effects of all these interactions."

Astronomers are looking forward to more advanced methods for detecting fast radio bursts in the future, which could result in the discovery of more bursts at greater distances, according to Gordon.

"We are ultimately seeking to answer questions about the causes, progenitors, and origins of these fast radio bursts. Hubble's observations offer a stunning glimpse into the unexpected environments that give rise to these enigmatic events," added Fong.