My Word of the Year: A Personal Perspective

My Word of the Year: A Personal Perspective

Discover the power of words with CNN Opinion's word of the year survey From heartfelt responses to insightful choices, readers shared their most memorable and impactful words, creating a collection that truly resonates

What will define 2023? In recent years, new terms like "gaslighting," "goblin mode," "vax," and "FAFO" have emerged. Now, thanks to Merriam-Webster,, and Oxford, we have "authentic," "hallucinate," and "rizz." As we navigate the holiday season and embrace our annual traditions, we eagerly anticipate the defining words of the year.

Rizz, with its controversial and unresolved connection to charisma, was featured on Merriam-Webster's list of standout words based on their data. Also included on the list were deepfake, coronation, implode, dystopian, indict, kibbutz, and deadname.

These words refer to a range of topics, including a monarch's ascension, a political leader's inauguration, a catastrophic underwater event, revolutionary technology, and the impact of our names on our societal and political identities as citizens. They also touch on the site of an ongoing war. Each of these words has multiple stories to tell - one for the person who looked it up and many others for the rest of us.

My Word of the Year: A Personal Perspective

Photo Illustration by Alberto Mier/CNN/WireImage/Getty Images/Warner Bros Pictures/Universal Pictures

Taylor Swift serves as the ultimate gauge for cultural significance throughout the year. Her presence and influence act as powerful symbols, shaping our perception of time and reality, pushing us to constantly look ahead to what comes next, even before we have fully embraced the present moment.

The popularity of naming a word of the year not only lies in the entire lexical gambit but also in the little thrill we get anticipating them, like a mini-Oscar season for word nerds. When lined up alongside Google Search trends of the year, words of the year become a common language, an internet "I was here" scrawled on the metaphorical bathroom stall of a world growing harder to recognize by the day.

This year, CNN Opinion asked for your word of the year and why. The responses were memorable, direct, and in some cases, heartbreaking.

One of our readers chose "caretaker" as their word of the year, stating that it has a warm sound but acknowledging the loneliness and difficulty of being a caretaker 24/7/365. They expressed concern about the lack of services for elderly citizens in rural, aging communities and their own future as someone without a support system.

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Other readers were deeply affected by their choice of words. One individual expressed concern over the widespread use of "hate" and its potential impact on the future. Meanwhile, another found inspiration in the word "relate" and its connection to our relationships, behavior, and collective experiences. These personal words of the year serve as a powerful reminder that the words we hold dear and the ones we vocalize convey the narrative of our lives.

These selections have been lightly edited for clarity and flow, and the views belong to the authors.


After my wife of 44 years passed away in 2022, I was faced with the daunting prospect of living life on my own. We had always been so intertwined, doing everything together and for each other, that I struggled to define my own identity without her. However, 2023 has become the year of self-discovery and creating a new version of myself, and I am finding that I quite enjoy the person I am becoming.


David A.


The word that defines this year, the entire decade so far, and the years to come is LOVE. The constant barrage of negative news - mass shootings, wars, diseases, and the prevalence of racism and other "-isms" and "-phobias" - has been disheartening. Conversely, there are numerous appeals for assistance from reputable charitable organizations, crowdfunding efforts, and individuals in need, far too many for any one person to support.

I made the choice to respond and maintain my sanity by embracing LOVE. I am committed to living and sharing love, and spreading the message of love as much as possible. I even created my own hoodie with the words "Always LOVE" using fabric paint. When people see it, they react with smiles and positive feedback. I am inspired by witnessing good people performing acts of kindness, and I express gratitude towards them for spreading love and compassion in the world. I may not have altered anyone's mindset or behavior, but I have definitely shown support for those who are already living a life of love. - Mike, Maryland


I patiently sit, fully present and attentive. Whether it's with cancer patients, families facing loss in the ICU, or elderly individuals reflecting on their life's path, my heart accompanies them through every twist and turn of their story.

Instead of hoping for something better elsewhere, what if we nurtured deeper connections by sitting and being present with each other? Let's support each other through struggles, even when we don't fully understand or agree with each other's experiences.


The Taylor Swift trend is everywhere, especially on t-shirts. It feels like we're in the "fill in the blank" era, and after the concert and movie explosion, it's become the topic of conversation.

During a work discussion on our company's history, I referred to a specific period as part of our pre-covid era. There was no laughter or disapproving looks, as it accurately captures a distinct timeframe. It's akin to being in our own Taylor Swift Era, which is why it feels like the word of the year.


We are grappling with conflicting opinions about the war in the Middle East. We are unsure whether the economy is thriving or struggling. We are torn between what we should eat and what we actually eat, as well as how much exercise we should do and how much we actually do. We are torn between supporting our favorite political party and not liking their candidate. We struggle with finding balance between self-care and giving back to others. The world we live in is filled with choices, and they often appear to be in shades of gray.

Susan, Arkansas


I participated in three strikes this year, in addition to the numerous other strikes that have been widely publicized (SAG, WGA, UAW, etc). The company I work for is a contractor for the local public transit agency and has separate collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) at three different locations. One of the locations went on strike in February, resulting in my location being shut down for two days due to extended picket lines. In May, another location went on strike, and we anticipated it would extend to us, but it did not because we went on strike ourselves the following week.

Our strike lasted 37 days and received minimal press coverage due to another strike taking precedence. However, we were able to negotiate a better deal, including a 10% raise and 12 extra sick days per year.

 CJ, California


I chose this word because it embodies how I have seen myself in the past year. I have been less concerned about societal expectations and more focused on connecting with my own emotions and thoughts. It's about not conforming to the majority and allowing yourself to live according to your own choices, while disregarding mainstream influences.

Amber, Missouri


The term I've chosen as my word of the year is "sangfroid," a French expression that encapsulates the ability to remain calm, composed, and unruffled during times of stress. The literal translation of "sang-froid" is "cold blood," which perfectly captures the essence of being unshakeable. It brings to mind Elton John's description of Marilyn Monroe: "You had the grace to hold yourself while those around you crawled."

This year, we are confronted with war and death in multiple locations. Our planet is struggling under the heavy burden of our civilization. Thousands of young adults are losing their lives to fentanyl, now the leading cause of death among this group. Our so-called "progress" has resulted in setbacks. Glaciers are melting, causing sea levels to rise, while the wealthy are venturing into space. If we cannot find composure and self-control this year, it may never be found. In the face of challenges, tragedies, and injustices, may we all display a strong sense of sangfroid. - Greg, Massachusetts


My word for the year is "fierce." It embodies a multitude of emotions and meanings. (Fire, Free, rife, ire, Eire, fie, fier) Being fierce means breaking through fear, shedding tears, and even uttering the old English word "fie" in defiance of fear.

The political and media landscape is saturated with fear. Many in positions of leadership lack the courage to stand alone, as it could jeopardize their political security. Being fierce means heeding your conscience and allowing it to be the driving force that propels you forward, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. Despite significant opposition, Issue 1 for women's rights was recently passed in Ohio, a testament to our collective fierceness.

- Elise, Ohio


My preference is flexibility, a term that has gained new significance in the era of AI. As we have begun to share our physical, digital, and cognitive spaces with advanced technology, it is flexibility that has kept us afloat. This year has been a lesson; looking forward, it is evident that flexibility will become even more crucial. It is about remaining agile as we enter a future where change is the only constant, and AI is an increasingly significant part of that change.

 Duane, Michigan