MPAA's Resistance to Batman vs. Superman Almost Led to an R Rating

MPAA's Resistance to Batman vs. Superman Almost Led to an R Rating

Discover how close Batman v Superman came to an adult-only rating due to MPAA's reluctance towards the iconic superhero clash.

Zack Snyder's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice came close to receiving an R rating from the MPAA because of the intense battle between Batman and Superman. This movie was the second installment in the now-defunct DCEU and received mixed reviews upon its release. Despite grossing over $870 million worldwide, it fell short of box office expectations. This disappointing start for Ben Affleck's Batman marked a challenging road ahead for the DCEU.

In a recent interview with Joe Rogan, Snyder shared that Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice almost received an R rating due to the central fight between the two iconic heroes. Snyder revealed that the ratings board hesitated to give the movie a PG-13 rating because they were uncomfortable with the idea of Batman fighting Superman. Despite Snyder's efforts to negotiate a lower rating, the board continued to lean towards an R rating. Snyder faced a dilemma when asked to make cuts to the film, as the fight between Batman and Superman was integral to the movie's plot. He realized he couldn't remove that scene as it was crucial to the essence of the film.

Youtube video: Zack Snyder on Becoming Known for "The Snyder Cut"

Snyder would later release the Ultimate Edition of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, which does indeed have the R rating he was trying to avoid for the theatrical release.

Why Batman V Superman Needed A PG-13 Rating

Composite image of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice's Superman and Batman looking in each other's direction. - Why Batman V Superman Needed A PG-13 Rating

Composite image of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice's Superman and Batman looking in each other's direction. - Why Batman V Superman Needed A PG-13 Rating

Although Joker, directed by Todd Phillips, made waves as an R-rated film and holds the title of the highest-grossing R-rated movie ever with over $1 billion in global box office earnings, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice opted not to take that risk. Joker hit theaters in 2019, three years after the release of Batman v Superman, with the R-rated Deadpool also debuting in the same year as the Snyder-directed film. Prior to these successes, there wasn't a strong track record of R-rated superhero movies achieving the level of success needed to justify the substantial budget of the DCEU.

On the other hand, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was not a suitable candidate for an R-rating. The lead characters, Superman and Batman, are icons mostly associated with younger audiences and have a strong following among children. Making the film R-rated would have excluded a significant portion of the potential audience and disrupted the overall tone of the movie. Furthermore, limiting the viewership of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice would have complicated the task of following the broader DCEU storyline.


Source: PowerfulJRE

Editor's P/S:

The article provides an intriguing glimpse into the behind-the-scenes deliberations regarding the rating of Zack Snyder's "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice." Snyder's determination to preserve the integrity of the movie's central fight, despite the threat of an R rating, highlights the importance of artistic vision in filmmaking. However, the decision to ultimately pursue a PG-13 rating seems justified given the target audience and the need to align with the broader DCEU storyline.

While R-rated superhero movies have gained traction in recent years, "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" was not the ideal candidate for such a rating. The movie's iconic characters and its potential to connect with a wide range of audiences made a PG-13 rating the more strategic choice. By avoiding an R rating, the movie remained accessible to a larger audience and aligned with the overall tone of the DCEU.