Mother's Vacation Tragedy: Toddler Left Alone Leads to Life Sentence

Mother's Vacation Tragedy: Toddler Left Alone Leads to Life Sentence

A heart-wrenching case unfolds as Kristel Candelario faces a life sentence for abandoning her 16-month-old daughter at home while she enjoyed a 10-day vacation in Puerto Rico. The judge condemns her actions as the 'ultimate act of betrayal' while the toddler tragically passed away in a neglected state.

Jailyn’s cries could be heard echoing through the calm streets of Cleveland late at night. Despite her loud whimpers and howls, there was no one around to help her.

According to prosecutors, Jailyn's mother, Kristel Candelario, had gone on a 10-day summer vacation and had left the toddler alone in a playpen with some bottles of milk. The distressing cries of the 16-month old were captured by a neighbor's doorbell camera, with one particularly loud scream occurring around 1 a.m. two days after her mother's departure.

Candelario was in Puerto Rico with a male friend while her daughter was at home. After spending time at the beach and visiting Detroit, she came back on June 16th to a heartbreaking discovery - her daughter had passed away. She had been away for approximately 10 days.

Kristel Candelario vacationed in Puerto Rico and Detroit while her 16-month old was alone in a playpen for 10 days. She was sentenced Monday to life in prison.

Kristel Candelario vacationed in Puerto Rico and Detroit while her 16-month old was alone in a playpen for 10 days. She was sentenced Monday to life in prison.

Kristel Candelario vacationed in Puerto Rico and Detroit while her 16-month old was alone in a playpen for 10 days. She was sentenced Monday to life in prison.


Candelario admitted guilt recently for aggravated murder and child endangering. During her sentencing, forensic pathologist Elizabeth Mooney shared that children feel intense separation anxiety between nine and 18 months. She described Jailyn's heartbreaking last moments.

Mooney, holding back tears, shared that the pain and suffering she went through lasted not just hours or days, but perhaps even a whole week.

He expressed that experiencing days of feeling abandoned, along with the agony of hunger and intense thirst, is a kind of suffering that may be beyond our full understanding.

The toddler was discovered dehydrated and severely underweight.

A judge handed down a life sentence to Candelario on Monday, bringing closure to a case that investigators described as the most horrifying they have ever seen in their careers.

Law enforcement officials, such as Cleveland Police Sgt Teresa Gomez, were emotional as they talked about the baby's condition.

Gomez mentioned, "This is a case that will always stay with us, etched in our memories and hearts."

Assistant Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Anna Faraglia showed a security video of the mother carrying her suitcase to a car on June 6 and coming back home on June 16. Shortly after her return, Candelario dialed 911.

In the 911 call played during the sentencing, she cried out, “Please, I need help. Please, please, help me. My daughter is dying.”

Candelario had dressed Jailyn in a clean outfit before emergency responders arrived, the prosecutor said. However, the change of clothes could not conceal the terrible experiences the girl had endured, and Candelario's excuses began to fall apart.

Faraglia described how Jailyn was discovered lying on a mattress that was soiled with urine and feces. She remarked, "Even animals take better care of their young than this."

The girl looked very thin, with sunken eyes, dry lips, and fecal matter in her mouth and under her fingernails. According to Mooney, she had lost seven pounds since her last visit to the doctor two months ago.

Her parents attributed her behavior to struggles with mental health.

Candelario’s parents appealed to the judge for leniency.

Her mother, Ketty Torres, explained in a statement that her daughter has been dealing with health issues, such as mental illness and fainting episodes. She noted that when Candelario stopped taking her medication, it exacerbated her mental health conditions, leading to increased depression and anxiety. This, in turn, impacted her ability to think clearly and make wise choices.

Torres said the family was not aware of what was happening.

Candelario told the court she prays daily for forgiveness, adding that she believes God and Jailyn have forgiven her.

She acknowledged that nobody was aware of the extent of her suffering and the challenges she was facing. Judge Brendan Sheehan from the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court reprimanded her while delivering the sentence.

He expressed his disapproval by stating that Candelario had left her child alone for days while she was out enjoying herself, calling it a form of confinement.

Sheehan emphasized the importance of the strong and pure bond between a mother and her child, built on love, trust, and unwavering protection. He described Candelario's actions as the ultimate betrayal.

The baby waited for someone to save her, but you could have helped with just a phone call. Instead, while your child struggled to survive, you were seen enjoying yourself on a beach.

As a result, the judge decided to sentence her to life in prison with no chance of parole.

Sheehan suggested that since you kept Jailyn locked up until her death, you should also spend the rest of your life in prison without freedom. The only upside is that prison will provide you with meals.

During the sentencing, lead detective T.J. Powell declared that Jailyn will always be remembered. He became emotional as he recited a poem in her honor.

J is for the justice that will be received today.

A is for the angel wings she earned on that dreadful day.

I is for the incremental repetition buildup of suspense for a … death that clearly makes no sense.

L is for the lack of love while alone for 11 days.

Y is for a young life that was taken away.

N is for new eternal life Jailyn gained on that day. No child should ever have to die this way.

Editor's P/S:

This heartbreaking story has deeply affected me. Jailyn's cries for help, left unanswered for days, are a haunting reminder of the unimaginable suffering she endured. It is unfathomable that a mother could abandon her child in such a reckless and cruel manner. Candelario's actions betray the most sacred bond between a parent and their child, and her subsequent excuses and attempts to conceal her neglect are sickening.

The life sentence handed down to Candelario is a just punishment for her heinous crime. However, it is a bittersweet victory, as it brings no solace to the innocent life that was lost. Jailyn's story serves as a tragic reminder of the importance of protecting vulnerable children and the devastating consequences of neglect and abuse. It is essential that we raise awareness about these issues and advocate for policies that safeguard the well-being of all children. sentencing, emphasizing the betrayal of trust and the importance of the bond between mother and child, are a powerful reminder that children deserve love, protection, and nurturing. The sentence imposed on Candelario, while heartbreaking, is a necessary step towards ensuring justice for Jailyn and preventing similar tragedies in the future.