On Friday, November 3, 2023, the official X account of the anime Attack on Titan shared a final illustration, revealing the absence of protagonist Eren Yeager. The post also confirmed the official release date of the last episode of the widely acclaimed and globally popular anime series, which will premiere on Saturday, November 4, 2023, in Japan.
The Attack on Titan finale marks the conclusive episode of the series, concluding a highly successful run that spanned over eight years. The original manga, created by author and illustrator Hajime Isayama and serving as the basis for the television anime adaptation, concluded in April 2021 after 139 chapters and 34 volumes.
Attack on Titan finale illustration seemingly paints Eren Yeager as series’ final villain given his absence
The Final Season of Attack on Titan, which started airing on Japanese broadcast television in December 2020, is coming to an end. This finale will conclude the three-year run of the anime. The final season was divided into four parts, totaling the equivalent of 35 standard run-time television anime episodes.
The latest
In the latest Attack on Titan finale illustration, the presence of the Founding Titan can be observed in the background. However, it is debatable whether this is sufficient evidence to confirm Eren Yeager's involvement. The question arises as to whether the Founding Titan truly represents Eren or if it is being manipulated by whoever managed to reconnect his severed head to his body in the second part of the Final Season.
The absence of Eren from the poster and the emphasis placed on characters like Mikasa Ackerman, Armin Arlert, Reiner Braun, Levi Ackerman, and others who aim to stop him strongly suggest that Eren is portrayed as the antagonist. Furthermore, the inclusion of the Founding Titan and the Colossal Titans that constitute the Rumbling serves to reinforce this interpretation, presenting these forces as a menacing threat on the horizon.
Manabu Akita, the Chief Animation Director for the anime series, has beautifully illustrated this artwork. As previously stated, the finale, with a duration of 85 minutes, is set to air on Saturday, November 4, 2023, at midnight Japanese Standard Time, or in other words, on Sunday, November 5, at 12 a.m. JST.
Yesterday, on Thursday, November 2, it was announced that Crunchyroll and Hulu will stream the final episode of the series. Both platforms have previously streamed earlier seasons. The episode is expected to be available for streaming on the day of its release, although there might be a slight delay after it airs in Japan on the NHK General channel. Make sure to stay updated on all the latest news regarding the finale of Attack on Titan, as well as news on anime, manga, films, and live-action adaptations as 2023 unfolds.
Editor's P/S
As a Gen Z netizen, I have mixed feelings about the Attack on Titan finale illustration. On the one hand, I am excited to see how the story will conclude, but on the other hand, I am sad to see the series end. I have been following Attack on Titan for many years, and it has become one of my favorite anime series.
I think the absence of Eren Yeager in the finale illustration is significant. It suggests that he will play a major role in the final episode, and I am eager to see what that role will be. I am also curious to see how the Founding Titan will be used in the finale.
Overall, I am optimistic about the Attack on Titan finale. I think it will be a satisfying conclusion to a great series.