Miss Buenos Aires, 60, Embraces Change as Miss Universe Journey Concludes

Miss Buenos Aires, 60, Embraces Change as Miss Universe Journey Concludes

As Alejandra Rodriguez bids farewell to her Miss Universe journey, she emphasizes that it marks the beginning of a transformative shift in societal perspectives.

A 60-year-old beauty queen from Argentina, Alejandra Rodriguez, recently competed in the Miss Universe pageant. Although her journey in the competition has ended, she believes it has sparked a positive change in how society views beauty and age. Alejandra made history in April by winning the title of Miss Buenos Aires, making her the first contestant in her sixties to win a competition affiliated with the Miss Universe organization.

While she didn't win the Miss Argentina title on Saturday, she did win the “best face” category. Despite this, she sees her achievement as a sign of a changing perception of beauty.

Rodriguez, who works as an attorney and journalist, expressed her optimism about this shift in beauty standards. She believes that her success in the contest is just the beginning of a larger change to come.

"I hope my participation in this event will make a difference. While external beauty is often emphasized, I believe it's important to redefine our standards of beauty," she expressed.

Rodriguez was able to compete in the pageant thanks to the Miss Universe organization modifying its age restrictions.

In a screengrab taken from a video, Chelsea Manalo is crowned as Miss Universe Philippines.

In a screengrab taken from a video, Chelsea Manalo is crowned as Miss Universe Philippines.

In a screengrab taken from a video, Chelsea Manalo is crowned as Miss Universe Philippines.

Empire TV Philippines/ YouTube

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The first Black Filipino woman was crowned as Miss Universe Philippines. As of 2023, contestants were required to be between the ages of 18 and 28 as of January 1 of the year they competed. Starting from 2024, there is no longer an upper age limit for contestants.

She expressed that the change was a positive one, believing that change happens gradually, like all changes. She also mentioned her gratitude for being given "the opportunity to be the first."

The removal of the age limit was part of a series of new rules implemented by the pageant in 2023, aiming to bring about modernization.

For the first time in over 70 years, the franchise has decided to include married or divorced women, as well as those who are pregnant or have children.

Rodriguez mentioned that a 40-year-old and a 37-year-old woman took part in the competition. This shows that the boundaries are being pushed, with mothers now also competing in Miss Universe.

Rodriguez mentioned that stereotypes about beauty, age, shape, and weight were gradually evolving, despite her not being chosen to represent her country.

The champion of the competition was Magalí Benejam, who, at 29 years old, would have been considered too old to participate based on the old regulations.

Editor's P/S:

The participation of Alejandra Rodriguez in the Miss Universe pageant has sparked a much-needed conversation about the evolving perceptions of beauty. Her journey has challenged societal norms and stereotypes, proving that age and external appearances should not define one's worth or beauty. Rodriguez's success has paved the way for a more inclusive and diverse representation in beauty pageants, where individuals of all ages are celebrated for their unique qualities and experiences.

The removal of age restrictions in the Miss Universe pageant marks a significant shift in the industry, signaling a broader societal move towards inclusivity and the recognition of the value of life experiences. It opens up opportunities for women who may have previously felt excluded and empowers them to showcase their confidence, individuality, and inner beauty. By breaking down barriers and redefining beauty standards, Rodriguez and other trailblazers are inspiring future generations to embrace their authentic selves and challenge societal expectations.