Mind-Blowing Twist in Strange New Worlds Season 2 Finale Puts Star Trek Fans on the Edge!

Mind-Blowing Twist in Strange New Worlds Season 2 Finale Puts Star Trek Fans on the Edge!

Strange New Worlds Season 2 Finale Teases Death, But Killing Captain Batel Would Be a Costly Star Trek Error Discover How Captain Batel Could Survive and Thrive in the Anticipated Season 3

Warning: SPOILERS for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2 Finale - "Hegemony"


It would be a mistake to kill off Captain Batel in Strange New Worlds Season 3 because she has become a crucial and captivating character. Captain Batel brings depth to Captain Pike's character and serves as an ideal romantic counterpart for him.

Captain Batel in Season 3 could potentially survive by either removing the Gorn inside her or utilizing the new medical advancements developed by Nurse Chapel and Dr. M'Benga to combat the Gorn. The finale of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 2 featured the impending death of Captain Marie Batel (played by Melanie Scrofano). However, it would be a significant error and not in the best interest of the show. In episode 10, "Hegemony," the formidable Gorn reappeared, attacking the colony world of Parnassus Beta, where Captain Batel and the USS Cayuga were providing assistance and supplies. When Captain Christopher Pike (portrayed by Anson Mount) arrived to save Batel, she revealed that she had been infected by the Gorn and had limited time before Gorn offspring emerged from within her.

Strange New Worlds Killing Captain Batel Would Be A Big Mistake

: Captain Batel - A Experienced Starship Captain and Pike's significant other in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.

Captain Batel, introduced in the series premiere of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, is not only Captain Pike's significant other but also an experienced starship Captain. Additionally, Batel holds a position in the Judge Advocate General's office, although her promotion to the rank of Commodore was unfortunately overlooked. Throughout their relationship, Batel and Pike have faced various challenges, but they were able to improve their communication skills by expressing their concerns through song in Strange New Worlds' musical episode. During their medical mission on Parnassus Beta, Batel, along with Nurse Christine Chapel (Jess Bush), was unexpectedly confronted by the invading Gorn. Although Batel survived the encounter, she became contaminated by the Gorn, a condition known to be fatal.

Mind-Blowing Twist in Strange New Worlds Season 2 Finale Puts Star Trek Fans on the Edge!

The fate of Captain Batel hangs in the balance at the end of Strange New Worlds season 2, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats. However, it would be a grave mistake to abruptly end Marie's character in the premiere of season 3. Despite her limited screen time, Batel has quickly become a captivating and essential figure, adding depth to the story. Moreover, she serves as a perfect romantic counterpart to the noble Pike, showcasing her intelligence, extraordinary capabilities, and incredible patience when he experiences moments of fear and retreat. Notably, Batel is a rare gem—a female starship Captain in the 23rd century—with untapped potential and a yet-to-be-revealed backstory.

How Captain Batel Could Live In Strange New Worlds Season 3

Removing Captain Batel would essentially mean that Captain Pike's love interest in Strange New Worlds is being sacrificed solely for the purpose of creating tragic circumstances for him. Pike is already a tragic figure; Chris is well aware that he will suffer severe disfigurement from delta-rays and the person he currently is will essentially "die" in just a few years. Adding Batel's death to Pike's already existing tragedy does not enhance his character; furthermore, Batel has much more to offer than being a mere sacrifice to amplify Pike's personal pain. Strange New Worlds and Captain Pike become more intriguing with the presence of Captain Batel. Although Star Trek: The Original Series' "The Menagerie" implies that Fleet Captain Pike (portrayed by Sean Kenney) is alone in 2266, this does not necessarily mean that Batel has to die, as there could be various reasons why they lost contact.

Mind-Blowing Twist in Strange New Worlds Season 2 Finale Puts Star Trek Fans on the Edge!

In order for Captain Batel to continue living in season 3 of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, the Gorn creature growing inside Marie must be removed. Thankfully, Batel is currently on board the Enterprise, avoiding the fate of the crashed starship in episode 9 of season 1 titled "All Those Who Wander." Given the limited resources and desperate circumstances, it is understandable why Lt. Hemmer, who was infected by the Gorn, chose to sacrifice his own life to save his friends. However, Batel is receiving care from Nurse Christine Chapel in Sickbay, which gives her a fighting chance to survive the Gorn infection.

In the season 2 finale of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, it is revealed that Starfleet has developed weapons to combat the Gorn threat. Following their encounters with the Gorn in season 1, Nurse Chapel and Dr. Joseph M'Benga may have conducted new medical research on the Gorn, especially after the loss of Hemmer. Chapel could potentially use M'Benga's transporter trick to preserve Batel's life or even separate her from the Gorn. We can only hope that Captain Batel survives in season 3 of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, as losing such a remarkable character would be a tragic and unnecessary event. Stream Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 2 on Paramount+.