Mind-Blowing Twist: Captain Sisko's Son Almost Joined Picard Season 3 - Exclusive Revelation!

Mind-Blowing Twist: Captain Sisko's Son Almost Joined Picard Season 3 - Exclusive Revelation!

Captain Sisko's son, Jake, was nearly part of Picard Season 3 according to the showrunner Discover the intriguing reasons behind Jake's discarded role in this captivating explanation


Star Trek: Picard showrunner Terry Matalas reveals that there was a plan to include Jake Sisko from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine in season 3.

Jake Sisko, the son of Captain Benjamin Sisko from DS9, was considered for a part in the conspiracy storyline of season 3 of Picard. The plot involved Changelings infiltrating Starfleet. Unfortunately, due to budget limitations, the inclusion of Jake Sisko was discarded. However, there is hope that the character may make a comeback in the future, possibly through a podcast.

Star Trek: Picard showrunner Terry Matalas revealed that there was a plan to incorporate Jake Sisko from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine into season 3 of Picard. Picard season 3, a continuation of Star Trek: The Next Generation, also included elements from DS9, with the Changelings led by Captain Vadic serving as the main antagonists. Jake Sisko, the son of DS9's Captain Benjamin Sisko, could have had a meaningful role in the conspiracy storyline of Picard season 3, which focused on Changelings infiltrating Starfleet.

During an episode of The 7th Rule podcast, Terry Matalas mentioned his initial idea of including Jake Sisko in Picard season 3, following a discussion with Cirroc Lofton and Ryan T. Husk. Lofton had pondered how Jake, who is a writer and journalist within the Star Trek universe, could have been incorporated into specific scenes in seasons 1 and 3 of Picard. To learn more, you can read Terry Matalas' quote and watch the conversation starting at the 12:05 time stamp in The 7th Rule video provided below.

In the season 3 writer's room, we had numerous discussions about Jake. One of the concepts we explored involved a conspiracy storyline, where characters like Ro Laren and our heroes uncover the infiltration of Changelings in Starfleet. There's a particular moment when Ro Laren mentions attempting to go to the press, which turns out to be Jake Sisko's initiative.

Unfortunately, budget constraints prevented us from fully realizing this idea, mainly due to set limitations. However, we envisioned a scenario where Jake, functioning as a journalist, begins to piece together puzzling occurrences within Starfleet. Given his background and expertise, he focuses on the peculiarities he notices. While covering Frontier Day, he uncovers inconsistencies and discrepancies that don't add up. As he delves deeper into the mystery, he gradually unravels the truth behind the situation.

That was practically a series of its own! As soon as we began discussing it, we realized that it was not feasible. However, after it concluded, I proposed it as a podcast episode titled "Jake covers Frontier Day." Hopefully, we will have the opportunity to reintroduce Jake in the future. We will get another chance at success.