Mind-Blowing Transformation: Declan Rice Unveils Eye-Opening Football Perspective at New Club

Mind-Blowing Transformation: Declan Rice Unveils Eye-Opening Football Perspective at New Club

Declan Rice reveals how joining Arsenal has transformed his perspective on football With Mikel Arteta's guidance, he realizes that his previous understanding of the game was limited Excitement, culture, and seamless integration into the dressing room have exceeded his expectations

Declan Rice finds solace in a comfortable seat, shielded from the scorching Los Angeles heat, as he expresses his sense of belonging as an Arsenal player. This momentous occasion signifies the end of a lengthy journey.

Even before Mikel Arteta's team emerged as credible contenders for the title last season, the manager had identified Rice as an essential acquisition. The midfielder perfectly matched the desired criteria: youth, technical prowess, character, experience, leadership qualities, and potential for growth. Arsenal was well aware that this coveted combination rendered him both highly desired and highly costly, resulting in arduous negotiations.

So Edu, Arsenal's sporting director, and Vinai Venkatesham, the club's chief executive officer, set about devising a comprehensive football strategy for Rice. They meticulously calculated the financial aspects of the deal and crafted a compelling sales pitch that would surpass the offers of their competitors. To present their proposal, they embarked on a journey to Los Angeles, where they met with Stan and Josh Kroenke, receiving their wholehearted support and endorsement for the club's pursuit.

Mind-Blowing Transformation: Declan Rice Unveils Eye-Opening Football Perspective at New Club


Rice made his Arsenal debut in the second half against the MLS All-Stars

After gaining the agreement of all the important parties involved, Arsenal boldly broke their own transfer record to successfully acquire the English national, Rice, thereby surpassing Manchester City in the process. Their meticulous research, determination, and dedication in securing the 24-year-old were the key factors, as he emphasized in an exclusive conversation with We News.

Declan, what was it like watching Arsenal, their football, and their process from the outside last season?

Mind-Blowing Transformation: Declan Rice Unveils Eye-Opening Football Perspective at New Club


Rice started against Manchester United alonsgide Kai Havertz and captain Martin Odegaard

Declan Rice expressed his admiration for Arsenal, describing them as a young, energetic, and hungry team with a winning mentality. He highlighted their impressive performance in their opening game against Crystal Palace, where they dominated the game. Rice believes that not only himself but many players at West Ham and across the country took notice of Arsenal and recognized their potential for a successful season.

Having seen the excitement from the outside, like you say, you're on the inside now, is it better than you expected? The culture, the ease of the dressing room, the energy around the place?

The challenging style that Mikel has made it extremely tough for me when playing against them. As I join this team and become a part of this process, I feel a strong sense of excitement. I eagerly anticipate the upcoming six years of this journey.

DR: "The energy is incredible. Right from the moment I entered the training grounds, it wasn't just the manager, but everyone involved - the staff, physios, chefs, analysts - all focused on winning.

Every person behind the scenes is driven to be their absolute best, constantly pushing themselves to improve, both as individuals and as players. And Mikel, he's exactly like that. Not only is he a skilled football coach, but psychologically, he's incredible. He truly inspires you to give your all on the field, and that's a major reason why I chose Arsenal."

Having watched training and just looking at the interactions, it already seems like you've been part of this dressing room for a while. Quite an easy one to settle into?

DR: "Without a doubt. I think the players are amazing. They're all so young, which is obviously really good. I already know a lot of them from England."

Are you feeling old now?

DR: "You know what? Lately, I feel like I've aged significantly! With everything that's been happening around me.

"To be honest, I still feel fine. However, it's remarkable how you develop relationships with all the guys I know from England, and even those I compete against. Whenever we cross paths after a game, we exchange handshakes and greetings, gradually forging connections."

You spoke about the manager having a big influence on your decision to join Arsenal. It was no secret that you were the hottest property on the market. All the big teams were in for you this summer. What about his pitch to you and about Arsenal made you choose them?

The atmosphere is reminiscent of a tightly-knit family unit, with everyone displaying exceptional commitment. The staff members deserve special recognition for their unwavering support. Surprisingly, I already feel a sense of belonging, as if I have been a part of this team for a long time. I am not viewed as a new player or an unfamiliar face, but rather as an integral member. This sense of normalcy is undeniably delightful and contributes greatly to the overall positive experience.

DR: "The way Arsenal has played in the past two to three years has been subject to a narrative that they are not capable of winning the Premier League or that they have not performed well enough. However, I disagree with that perspective.

From my point of view, the manager has consistently improved the squad each year, resulting in individual player growth and overall progression. In our conversation, he expressed his vision for Arsenal and how he envisions my role in the team. This has made me genuinely thrilled to be part of this project, as Arsenal aims to regain its former glory and achieve success in winning trophies."

What was the plan Mikel sold to you, and how do you feel your skillset can improve this Arsenal team?

"We are not far off from achieving our goals. This year, there will be a significant pressure on us to secure victories, and I believe we embrace that pressure wholeheartedly. As football players, our ultimate desire is to triumph and excel at the highest level. Every member of our team is profoundly motivated and determined, and credit for this immense drive goes to our manager. The atmosphere is truly exhilarating."

I do not need to make any changes to my past actions. My strengths and abilities have brought me to where I am today.

As I am now in a brand new game model, there is no need for me to alter my playing style. All I need to do is enhance my skills and add new tools to my arsenal.

Mind-Blowing Transformation: Declan Rice Unveils Eye-Opening Football Perspective at New Club


Under the manager's guidance, I aspire to improve my skills and adapt to the unique style of play at Arsenal. The midfield setup here is unlike anything I have experienced before.

"It's going take some time, but I'm sure once I've learned it all and I've improved myself, then I feel like I'm going to go up the levels, which I know I can get to."

You mentioned adjustment there. How have the training sessions been and the tactical demands in those sessions?

DR: "Yes, it's truly unbelievable. Football has taken on a whole new dimension for me. Growing up and playing, you think you have a good grasp of the sport, but encountering managers like Mikel has made me realize that I actually know very little. There are various playing styles and approaches that I have never encountered before.

Naturally, my playing style at West Ham is vastly different from Mikel's, so it will require some time for me to adapt. However, I am incredibly eager to learn and improve. I'll be actively seeking guidance, engaging in one-on-one training sessions, and striving to grasp Mikel's methods as quickly as possible."

It's still very early days in your Arsenal career, but any special on-pitch chemistry that you've felt yet with a particular player?

"With a deep understanding and mastery of the game, Arsenal will undoubtedly reach unprecedented levels of excellence. Additionally, my personal growth and development are essential, as I have the confidence and ability to rise to higher standards. Therefore, it is of utmost significance that I successfully adapt to new challenges and demands."

Mind-Blowing Transformation: Declan Rice Unveils Eye-Opening Football Perspective at New Club


Rice and Trossard developed an immediate rapport at Arsenal.

"I've had great chemistry with him, and even when we used to compete against each other in the past, he always gave me a tough time. It's a pleasure now to have him as my teammate. He's truly an exceptional player, but what stands out about everyone here, including the Brazilian, Portuguese, and French guys, is their exceptional talent. Looking from the outside, Arsenal seemed like a close-knit family, and that's exactly what it feels like inside the dressing room, which is incredibly positive."

There'll obviously be a lot of talk about how expensive you were, which is not on you. You don't dictate your price…

Mind-Blowing Transformation: Declan Rice Unveils Eye-Opening Football Perspective at New Club

DR: "Yeah, of course not."

Do you feel that will be a little bit unfair that people will be talking about you and everything you do in the frame of that price tag?

Mind-Blowing Transformation: Declan Rice Unveils Eye-Opening Football Perspective at New Club

DR: "Certainly. I strive to handle everything that comes my way with composure.

"The purpose for which I have been acquired is not within my control. It is evidently determined by my consistent performance over the past few years and the price set by West Ham."

"I haven't given much consideration to the price tag, to be honest. My purpose at Arsenal is clear: to excel on the field, to showcase my football skills, to contribute to the team's strength, and to pursue victory in championship competitions. I prefer not to be distracted by price tags.

Mind-Blowing Transformation: Declan Rice Unveils Eye-Opening Football Perspective at New Club


Certainly, opinions have always existed and it is impossible to please everyone. There will always be people who have something to say, but what truly matters is having the support of the manager, your family, and those closest to you.

To be honest, I haven't given much thought to that aspect. After all, it's just football. Many players have been purchased for significant amounts like 80, 90, or even 100 million pounds. It's part of our profession, and it is our responsibility to deliver results. With this in mind, I hope to live up to the expectations associated with my price tag over the next six years.

Do you actually see it more of a faith in your abilities and how much Arsenal wanted you, the fact that they came in for you so early, paid a big fee, got everything over the line to bring you on tour…

Mind-Blowing Transformation: Declan Rice Unveils Eye-Opening Football Perspective at New Club


Rice says he is not bothered by the price tag after signing for Arsenal from West Ham

DR: "Absolutely. It is truly remarkable. The efficiency with which it was accomplished and my ability to seamlessly adjust have been truly remarkable. I now understand why they chose to fast-track my arrival as there is a great deal to grasp.

"Additionally, the support and confidence shown by the manager make me feel incredibly valued as a player, motivating me to excel. Thus, experiencing this has been an extraordinary and significant occurrence."

What do you envision for the season for yourself? What do you expect of yourself? What do you expect of Arsenal? Give us the best-case scenario for Declan Rice's debut season as an Arsenal player.

Mind-Blowing Transformation: Declan Rice Unveils Eye-Opening Football Perspective at New Club


Rice is eager to hit the ground running at Arsenal

DR: "The time has come for Arsenal. Under Mikel's leadership, we have already achieved success in the Community Shields and FA Cups. However, being a significant and prestigious club, there is constant pressure to deliver league titles, something Arsenal has not accomplished in a considerable amount of time.

Last season, we came incredibly close, but now I believe we are better prepared to learn from that experience and strive for success this year. Winning the Premier League is definitely a target for us. Additionally, when we compete in the Champions League, our goal is not simply to participate, but to emerge as the champions."

What's next?

Once everything falls into place, once we have some early victories and develop a rhythm, my faith in this team grows stronger. I have complete trust in the manager and in myself. My focus is on progress, learning, and gaining a deeper understanding of the manager's tactics. I also aim to comprehend the playing styles of my teammates. As soon as all these elements align, I will experience the fulfillment I sought when I joined Arsenal - the chance to improve. I hope for a successful season, but only time will tell.

Arsenal will aim to bounce back and regain their winning form as they take on Barcelona at Sofi Stadium on Thursday morning (July 27) to bring their US tour to a close. The match will kick off at 3.30am.

Arsenal's pre-season fixtures and results

Arsenal start season against Nottingham Forest

Mind-Blowing Transformation: Declan Rice Unveils Eye-Opening Football Perspective at New Club

The 2023/24 Premier League season for Arsenal commences with a home game against Nottingham Forest on Saturday, August 12th. Subsequently, the Gunners will engage in two London derbies against Crystal Palace and Fulham before they host Manchester United for their inaugural encounter against a 'Big Six' team on September 3rd, which will be televised on We.

The North London derby kicks off the season at the Emirates Stadium on September 24, broadcasted live on We. The return match will be played on April 27, marking the fourth last game of the campaign.