Mind-Blowing Sandwich Domino Extravaganza by Starfield Player

Mind-Blowing Sandwich Domino Extravaganza by Starfield Player

Enter the boundless realm of Starfield and unleash your creative genius! Witness an extraordinary masterpiece as a passionate player ingeniously crafts a mind-blowing domino course using the game's realistic physics Prepare to be astounded!


Starfield fans have been showcasing their creativity through impressive projects, with one fan creating an elaborate domino course using the game's physics engine.

The game's expansive space backdrop offers diverse environments and physics interactions, creating unpredictable and exhilarating moments for players.

Although some may view it as a questionable use of food, many Starfield enthusiasts prefer utilizing snacks as physics props due to their minimal health points and substantial weight. The game provides an array of features for fans to unleash their creativity and engage in experimentation.

Since its release, Starfield fans have showcased an array of creative works, including spaceships and outpost builds. However, one fan has taken it to another level by unveiling a remarkable domino course created using the game's impressive physics engine. This is not the first instance where players have displayed Starfield's physics capabilities. Numerous fans have conducted peculiar experiments in various game locations to witness the simulation of prop physics.

What sets Starfield apart is its vast space setting, providing a significantly larger scale compared to previous Bethesda titles. Each of Starfield's planets offers its own unique environment, allowing players to explore low-gravity moons and hazardous radioactive wastelands. With the game's gravity simulation, fans have already observed fascinating physics interactions. As players venture into the galaxy's most peculiar destinations, they can expect even more astonishing surprises.

A standout aspect of Starfield that impresses players is its exceptional handling of physics for entities and items. Starfield presents numerous opportunities for experimentation, as showcased by the Reddit user Muaxh03, who recently shared a captivating video of their intricately designed domino course. This impressive undertaking, taking approximately 2 hours to perfect, involved strategic placement of books, a ball, and an abundance of sandwiches. The video demonstrates the seamless synchronization of these props, with the ball gracefully rolling down the steps into the Lodge's basement, toppling the sandwiches like falling dominos.

Although it may appear to be a wasteful use of food, many Starfield enthusiasts agree that utilizing snacks as physics props is a more worthwhile application. Despite the abundant availability of food in Starfield, players have noted that the negligible health benefits it provides renders it largely burdensome to carry around.

Starfield offers a plethora of surprises, both significant and minor, for players to discover. Fans have delved into various clever techniques, unearthing similar gems along the way. While Starfield's ship customization and base-building elements have gained popularity among fans seeking to showcase their creativity, the game's character creation options and physics interactions also offer enjoyable exploits to delve into. Starfield can be enjoyed on PC and Xbox Series X/S platforms.