Mind-Blowing MCU Theory: Shocking Revelation About Nick Fury Finally Unveiled after 8 Years!

Mind-Blowing MCU Theory: Shocking Revelation About Nick Fury Finally Unveiled after 8 Years!

Explosive MCU theory resurfaces: Is Nick Fury really a Skrull? Clues from Age of Ultron and the upcoming Secret Invasion series suggest the theory is gaining credibility Find out why fans are buzzing about this mind-bending twist!

Warning! This article contains SPOILERS for Secret Invasion episodes 1 and 2. Certain details about Nick Fury in Secret Invasion bring back a long-standing fan theory in the MCU. The storyline of Secret Invasion revolves around the mystery created by the Skrulls' ability to shape-shift, making it difficult to determine which characters have been replaced and for how long. Although the Disney+ show Secret Invasion does not involve numerous superheroes like the original comic book storyline, it does raise similar questions concerning other characters, especially Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury and those close to him.

In episode 1 of Secret Invasion, it is revealed that a Skrull had taken the place of Martin Freeman's Everett Ross before Nick Fury's return. Furthermore, episode 2 ends with the surprise twist that Priscilla Fury, Nick Fury's wife, is also a Skrull. As more characters connected to Fury are exposed as alien shape-shifters, the possibility of Fury himself being a Skrull becomes increasingly plausible. However, the theory that a Skrull had already replaced Nick Fury long before the Skrull invasion began in the MCU can be traced back to as early as 2015, with the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Age Of Ultron Hinted Nick Fury Has Been A Skrull For Years

Mind-Blowing MCU Theory: Shocking Revelation About Nick Fury Finally Unveiled after 8 Years!

Nick Fury's appearance in Avengers: Age of Ultron hints at a possible impersonation, as pointed out by TikTok user @zeusfleming. In a scene from Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers asks Fury to provide a detail that a Skrull, a shape-shifting alien species, would never fabricate. Fury responds by saying that he can't eat a toast if it's cut diagonally. Interestingly, in Avengers: Age of Ultron, Fury is seen cutting a sandwich diagonally and eating it without hesitation. The specific choice of food in both scenes suggests that the MCU deliberately added the Captain Marvel sandwich line to give the Age of Ultron scene a deeper meaning.

The theory gains more credence when considering Fury's faked death in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. In this movie, Bucky Barnes shoots Fury with a sniper rifle, and Fury appears to die during surgery, advising Steve Rogers not to trust anyone. However, it is later revealed that Fury used a drug developed by Bruce Banner to slow down his heart rate and fake his death. He then assumes an undercover identity by burning his belongings. It is plausible that the real Nick Fury was actually killed by the Winter Soldier, and a Skrull who had been anticipating this scenario quickly replaced him to continue his legacy.

Secret Invasion Makes Nick Fury's Skrull Theory More Likely

Mind-Blowing MCU Theory: Shocking Revelation About Nick Fury Finally Unveiled after 8 Years!

At this point in the MCU timeline, Nick Fury is no longer at his peak and has noticeably slowed down in his reactions. In the past, Fury had the ability to manipulate the Avengers and confront adversaries like Loki, the Winter Soldier, and Alexander Pierce. However, in Secret Invasion, we see a struggling Nick Fury trying to keep up with just one Skrull, resulting in the killing of Mariah Hill by Gravik in episode 1. Whether he is aware of the truth or not, the fact that Nick Fury's Skrull wife supports this theory suggests that the new Fury either knowingly married a fellow Skrull or failed to recognize her true identity due to the Skrull imposter lacking the deduction abilities of the original Fury.

Furthermore, the Nick Fury Skrull fan theory would resolve the inconsistencies surrounding Nick Fury's eyepatch in the MCU. In Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Fury implies that he lost his eye because someone he trusted betrayed him, whereas Captain Marvel reveals that a young and unsuspecting Nick Fury lost his eye while playing with Goose the Flerken. If the real Nick Fury was killed when Bucky Barnes shot him during Captain America: The Winter Soldier, it's possible that the Skrull who took his place believed that the origin of Fury's eyepatch was more profound and malicious than it actually was.

It is possible that the Skrull who has been impersonating Nick Fury since 2014 became weary of Earthly affairs and decided to leave the planet for a period of time in outer space. Recognizing that Talos, a Skrull and a trusted friend of Nick Fury, he could have requested Talos to temporarily take his place. This means that the Nick Fury seen in Spider-Man: Far From Home would have been a duplicate of a duplicate of the original character. The reason why this Skrull did not revert back to their original appearance remains unknown. Whether or not this Skrull-Nick Fury fan theory is true will only be officially confirmed onscreen, possibly in a future Secret Invasion episode.

Source: @zeusfleming/TikTok