Mind-Blowing Marvel Revelation: Phase 4's Best Unconfirmed Fan Theory Causes Major Stir 2 Years Later

Mind-Blowing Marvel Revelation: Phase 4's Best Unconfirmed Fan Theory Causes Major Stir 2 Years Later

The MCU's Skrull paranoia finally pays off in Phase 4, connecting to Secret Invasion and adding a thrilling twist to the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Marvel Studios is unintentionally repeating an unresolved Phase 4 theory in Secret Invasion. The main concept of Secret Invasion revolves around the infiltration of Earth by shape-shifting Skrulls, making it difficult for Nick Fury to discern who is a Skrull and who isn't. As a result, paranoia spreads within the show, causing Fury to distrust individuals he once considered friends and allies, ultimately forcing him to combat the Skrull invasion alone.

Likewise, the anxiety embedded within Secret Invasion's narrative has spread to viewers, leading to numerous theories about which characters within the show are secretly Skrull invaders. These theories have even extended to beloved MCU characters, with a prevailing belief that Rhodes may be a Skrull in Secret Invasion. From Rhodes and Sonya Falsworth to Maria Hill and even Nick Fury himself, these speculations regarding MCU characters being Skrulls hearken back to an unresolved trend from Marvel's Phase 4.

Secret Invasion’s Skrull Paranoia Mirrors WandaVision’s Mephisto Theories

Mind-Blowing Marvel Revelation: Phase 4's Best Unconfirmed Fan Theory Causes Major Stir 2 Years Later

During the airing of Marvel Studios' first Disney+ show, WandaVision, there was a prevailing trend of constant accusations that certain characters were disguises for the devil Mephisto. Fan theories ran rampant, with many expecting Mephisto to be revealed as the main villain. However, this proved to be untrue as Agatha Harkness emerged as the primary antagonist.

The ongoing Mephisto theories, though amusingly incorrect, have been continuously mentioned since Phase 4 began. It has become a lighthearted way to mock the fan theories surrounding WandaVision. Interestingly, the upcoming series Secret Invasion unknowingly resurrects the Mephisto theories through the Skrull invaders from Marvel Studios. Although there is no direct connection to Mephisto, the constant speculation and accusations of characters being Skrulls resemble the finger-pointing that occurred toward Westview's residents in WandaVision. The paranoia present in both shows creates a similar atmosphere.

Secret Invasion’s Character Theories Work Better Than WandaVision’s

Mind-Blowing Marvel Revelation: Phase 4's Best Unconfirmed Fan Theory Causes Major Stir 2 Years Later

The Skrulls' paranoia in Secret Invasion and the Mephisto theories in WandaVision both generate interest, but Secret Invasion handles it better. The show revolves around creating a sense of unease and suspicion, leaving the audience uncertain about who is a Skrull and who is not, just like Nick Fury. This is evident in the marketing, with the tagline "Who do you trust?" and the character posters blending human and Skrull features. Director Ali Selim successfully uses the controversial AI opening credits in Secret Invasion to further enhance the feeling of doubt and confusion. All of these elements contribute to the unsettling atmosphere the show aims to achieve, making the Skrull theories more plausible. In contrast, WandaVision barely hints at Mephisto throughout the series, rendering any theories about the character simply speculative. Secret Invasion, on the other hand, offers more substantial grounds for speculation based on its style, tone, and themes.