Mind-Blowing Instances: 7 Times Games Almost Predicted the Future

Mind-Blowing Instances: 7 Times Games Almost Predicted the Future

These games may have seemed to predict the future, but the truth is more complex From political leaders to technological advancements, explore the intriguing moments that left fans wondering about the power of gaming

Video games often depict settings that resemble the real world, with the potential for variations in reality or imaginative portrayals of what lies ahead. While this is frequently seen in science fiction, given its interactive storytelling nature, it is not limited to that genre alone. Fantasy, real-time strategy, and god games also serve as platforms for such creative depictions. Interestingly, there are instances where video games accurately anticipate future events, whether through chance or skilled writing. Moreover, it is worth noting that the ability to foresee the future is not exclusive to games set in the future. Rather, it is achieved through research and insightful thinking, rather than reliance on psychic abilities.

7 Justin Trudeau Becomes PM Of Canada - Deus Ex Human Revolution (2011)

Mind-Blowing Instances: 7 Times Games Almost Predicted the Future

This game surprisingly predicted several political events, including the rise of Justin Trudeau as the Prime Minister of Canada. Released in 2011, the game depicted Trudeau as the PM before he was actually elected in 2015. It is worth noting that Trudeau had already been elected as a Member of Parliament and his political background, being the son of former PM Pierre Trudeau, made his ascent less unexpected. It is evident that someone on the development team closely followed international politics and skillfully incorporated this knowledge to enhance the authenticity and immersion of the game.

6 Live Service Games - World Of Warcraft Franchise

Mind-Blowing Instances: 7 Times Games Almost Predicted the Future

The gaming industry foresaw its own future during a time when early WoW faced challenges such as gold sellers, boosters, and account sharing among friends. These issues existed before the introduction of bots, and gamers were concerned that Blizzard might be enticed by monetary gains and gradually implement their own system to profit from these activities. The concept of Live Service games, which aimed to monetize these aspects, took years to develop. The fears of the gaming community proved to be justified, and the eventual surrender was expected by all.

5 Algae-Based Fuel - Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (1990)

Mind-Blowing Instances: 7 Times Games Almost Predicted the Future

Game developer Hideo Kojima is renowned for his ability to foresee the future in his games. While fans often cite the inclusion of algae-based fuel in the storyline of Metal Gear 2, released in 1990, as an indication of his visionary ideas, it should be noted that the concept of using algae as a power source or fuel originated in the 1940s.

Research on biofuels has long been underway, exploring various plant-based options as potential energy sources. In this particular instance, it would be more accurate to describe Kojima as drawing inspiration from a little-known yet intriguing past discovery, rather than inventing something entirely new.

4 Mapping The Human Genome - Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri (1999)

Mind-Blowing Instances: 7 Times Games Almost Predicted the Future

The Sid Meier RTS game franchise remains popular due to its realistic and immersive nature. In Alpha Centauri, players have the opportunity to map the human genome, leading to scientific achievements and additional benefits.

Although considered innovative and futuristic in 1999, the concept of mapping the human genome had been contemplated for years prior to the launch of the Human Genome Project in 1990, nearly a decade before the game's release. Therefore, it could be said that Alpha Centauri anticipated the emergence of the field of Genomics.

3 Predicting The Super Bowl Winner - Madden Franchise

Mind-Blowing Instances: 7 Times Games Almost Predicted the Future

This ongoing trend has persisted for many years, resulting in numerous jokes and parodies that have emerged for entertainment purposes. However, some individuals mistakenly view the game's ability to predict the winner as a sort of mystical power, when in reality, it simply involves crunching numbers and possessing a 50-50 chance.

Modern gamers may not be familiar with the operations of bookmakers, or even what they are, but Madden's predictive abilities are nothing new to these individuals. It has been a part of one of the oldest pastimes in the world, except that computers now handle it. A weekend spent in Las Vegas would easily dispel any notions of thrilling future predictions, as it is merely a form of gambling.

2 Fake News - Metal Gear Solid 2 (2001)

Mind-Blowing Instances: 7 Times Games Almost Predicted the Future

The Metal Gear Solid franchise is known for its prescient themes, but this particular aspect does not fall under that category. What we now refer to as fake news has a longstanding history, previously known as yellow journalism, or tabloid journalism. This form of reporting involves sensationalism and bias with the intention to manipulate public opinion and boost newspaper sales.

An example of yellow journalism is seen in how Joseph McCarthy used it to vilify individuals labeled as Communists, thereby greatly exaggerating the public's fear of communism. What has changed in current times is the added ability of bots, social media, and influencers to propagate fake news alongside traditional newspapers.

1 The Metaverse - Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers (2013)

Mind-Blowing Instances: 7 Times Games Almost Predicted the Future

The plot of Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers revolves around Paradigm X, a virtual world controlled by a single corporation and accessed exclusively through a unique form of currency. While this concept may have been groundbreaking a decade ago, it no longer surprises those who have been internet users for over ten years. The acquisition of Oculus VR gaming system by Facebook and the subsequent creation of the Metaverse echoes this idea. Virtual reality has been a prevalent technology for some time now, and although advancements have made it more accessible and affordable to the general public, certain gamers have already utilized VR systems in MMORPGs and similar games. This is not a novel concept, but rather a new name for a familiar concept, something that could easily be predicted.