Mesmerizing Marvels: Unveiling the Astonishing Science Images of the Nikon Small World Photo 2023 Contest

Mesmerizing Marvels: Unveiling the Astonishing Science Images of the Nikon Small World Photo 2023 Contest

Discover the mesmerizing wonders of science and artistry in the captivating images selected for Nikon's Small World Photo Microscopy Competition 2023 Delve into the venomous fangs of a tarantula, crystallized sugar syrup, and auto-fluorescing leaf hairs among the top 20 striking visuals

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Nikons Small World Photo Microscopy Competition has selected the most captivating images, including the venomous fangs of a tarantula, crystallized sugar syrup, and the auto-fluorescing hairs on a leaf, showcasing both the scientific and artistic marvels.

The 49th edition of the contest awarded its highest honor to researcher Hassanain Qambari, with assistance from Jayden Dickson. Their captivating image captured a vivid web of yellow, red, and green, depicting a rodent's optic nerve head while investigating diabetic retinopathy, an eye ailment that can lead to vision impairment in individuals with diabetes. Qambari, a dedicated advocate for early detection and reversal of diabetic retinopathy, expressed gratitude for the competition, as it provides an opportunity to display the beauty and artistic aspects of science that often go unnoticed.

Mesmerizing Marvels: Unveiling the Astonishing Science Images of the Nikon Small World Photo 2023 Contest

The photograph captures the anguish of an elephant that had its hip shattered in a train collision, ultimately leading to its euthanasia. Jasper Doest captured this powerful image in Lopé National Park, Gabon.

Jasper Doest/Wildlife Photographer of the Year

Images of 'wonder and woe' in the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition

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In a press release on Tuesday, he expressed how the competition not only recognizes the dedicated efforts and enthusiasm of the participants but also has the potential to attract and motivate young scientists towards a future in STEM. Personally, the competition has been a source of inspiration for him," he stated.

Eric Flem, the senior manager of CRM and communications at Nikon Instruments, further noted his continuous amazement at the progress in scientific imaging technology, which allows for the transformation of science into captivating art for public appreciation."

The competition garnered close to 1,900 submissions from 72 different countries, according to organizers. Ole Bielfeldt secured second place with his portrayal of a matchstick being ignited by friction against a box's surface. Malgorzata Lisowska claimed third place with her pink-colored portrayal of breast cancer cells.

A selection of some of the top images selected by organizers can be viewed in the gallery above.