Mercedes Mone Opens Up About AEW-WWE Rivalry and Online Criticism (Interview)

Mercedes Mone Opens Up About AEW-WWE Rivalry and Online Criticism (Interview)

In an exclusive interview before her AEW TBS Championship match at Double or Nothing, Mercedes Mone delves into the rivalry between AEW and WWE and addresses criticisms from online communities.

Mercedes Mone Says There is No Competition Between AEW and WWE

Mercedes Mone Says There is No Competition Between AEW and WWE

All Elite Wrestling

Mercedes Moné proudly refers to herself as "the CEO" for a specific purpose. She has established her presence in AEW and is focused solely on her upcoming in-ring debut at Double or Nothing on Sunday, May 26, without being distracted by activities in other wrestling organizations.

Moné, who was known as Sasha Banks during her time in WWE, believes that there should be no competition between companies. She feels that the real competition should be among the wrestlers, striving to be the main event and earn the most money. In AEW, she competes with everyone to establish herself as the face of the company, rather than rivaling other companies.

Moné dismisses the idea of a rivalry between AEW and WWE, attributing it to passionate fans expressing their opinions online.

"A lot of things just trail from the Internet,” she said. “People are just so in their phones. Going on the Internet and bragging and complaining and they’re not actually living in the real world. When they come out into the real world and they actually go to wrestling shows and enjoy things with wrestling fans, they know that this is all just so much fun.”

"People just like to drag things and be mean on the Internet just to be mean on the Internet. When they come to these shows, it’s a whole different feeling,” Moné added.

In AEW, Moné said she’s spearheading “a women’s global evolution,” which began with shedding her former persona. 

Mercedes Mone Says There is No Competition Between AEW and WWE

Mercedes Mone Says There is No Competition Between AEW and WWE

All Elite Wrestling

“I’m having the best time of my life and career,” she gushed. “There’s this new freedom. I’m discovering a whole new side of me. I’m not Sasha Banks anymore.”

This Sunday, her new character will be facing off against Willow Nightingale in a match for the AEW TBS Championship. Double or Nothing is also celebrating the 5-year anniversary of the promotion.

Mercedes Mone Says There is No Competition Between AEW and WWE

Mercedes Mone Says There is No Competition Between AEW and WWE

"I can't wait to step into the ring and really showcase the significance of this match," Moné expressed her enthusiasm for the upcoming showdown. "The female wrestlers in AEW have an incredible platform, and we are determined to prove that women's wrestling reigns supreme here."

Moné praised Nightingale as a rising star, but also noted that she finds Nightingale's genuine smile annoying at times. Moné expressed her excitement to face Nightingale and wipe that smile off her face this Sunday.

AEW Double or Nothing airs live Sunday, May 26 at 8 pm ET on Bleacher Report and traditional cable and satellite providers. 

Editor's P/S:

Mercedes Moné, formerly known as Sasha Banks, has made a bold statement by declaring her focus on AEW and dismissing any rivalry with WWE. She believes that the true competition lies among wrestlers, not companies, and that the real-world experience of attending wrestling shows transcends the online rhetoric. Moné's "women's global evolution" in AEW involves shedding her previous persona and embracing a new identity, as she prepares to face Willow Nightingale in a highly anticipated match for the AEW TBS Championship at Double or Nothing.

Moné's perspective aligns with the growing trend of inter-promotional collaboration in wrestling. While fan rivalries and competition between companies may exist online, wrestlers themselves are increasingly recognizing the value of working together and showcasing their talents across multiple platforms. This shift reflects the evolving landscape of the wrestling industry and the desire of both wrestlers and fans to witness the best possible matches and storylines, regardless of company affiliation.