Meet 'Roger' - The Playful Pup Turned Hero of Taiwan's Earthquake Rescue Efforts

Meet 'Roger' - The Playful Pup Turned Hero of Taiwan's Earthquake Rescue Efforts

Discover the heartwarming story of 'Roger,' a lovable labrador retriever who, despite failing the police academy due to his playful nature, has captured the hearts of Taiwan with his remarkable detection skills during the recent earthquake crisis.

A labrador retriever, who was deemed too friendly and playful to be a drug sniffing dog, has captured the hearts of many in Taiwan for his efforts in the aftermath of a recent 7.4-magnitude earthquake.

Rescue dogs are essential in locating both survivors and casualties following natural disasters like last week's earthquake in Taiwan. Teams of skilled canines were promptly sent out by the authorities to assist in the search and rescue operations.

Taiwan experienced its strongest earthquake in 25 years, striking the island's rugged eastern coast. This powerful quake led to deadly landslides in a picturesque national park and resulted in the partial collapse of several buildings.

Authorities and local media reported that Roger, an 8-year-old dog, was one of the canines deployed to assist in locating the body of one of the 13 individuals who tragically lost their lives in the earthquake.

He and his handlers went to the Shakadang Trail in Taroko National Park, which was badly damaged. There, they discovered the body of a 21-year-old woman who had been missing, as reported by Taiwan's official Central News Agency (CNA).

Among the other dogs that were also involved in similar tasks and showcased to the public, Roger stood out. This was partly due to his background story of facing initial career setbacks.

Roger, seen here as a puppy, cuddles with his toys.

Roger, seen here as a puppy, cuddles with his toys.

Roger, seen here as a puppy, cuddles with his toys.

Roger was born into a training center for drug-sniffing dogs. However, his love for fun, food, and people overshadowed his ability to focus and respond to his trainers' instructions, as reported by CNA.

Roger did not succeed in becoming a drug detective. However, his outgoing nature and cleverness led to him being selected for a different career path as a rescue dog.

That excitedness was on full display during a media interview with his handler when Roger, tail wagging, lunged at a reporter’s microphone.

Roger plays with his toy on the lawn.

Roger plays with his toy on the lawn.

Roger plays with his toy on the lawn.

Kaohsiung Fire Department

Chen Chih-san, the captain of the rescue dog unit at the Kaohsiung Fire Department, mentioned to reporters that Roger was sent to the rescue training school at the age of 1.

According to Chen, the reason for Roger's transfer was not because he was bad or had trouble getting along with others. However, narcotic detection dogs need to have a calm and obedient demeanor, which Roger did not quite meet.

“But (these attributes) are what we want in rescue dogs.”

The dogs have provided some much needed relief for Taiwan’s social media in the aftermath of the quake.

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"Keep up the great work, heroes and little heroes," a supporter expressed. Another comment read: "Roger is a true source of pride for Taiwan."

Roger has become quite experienced in dealing with earthquakes. According to CNA, he has been involved in seven rescue missions throughout his career, with his first mission being in response to a devastating 6.4-magnitude earthquake that struck the same area in 2018.

Roger was certified by the International Rescue Dog Organization in 2022, a recognition that had not been achieved by a Taiwanese rescue dog since 2019, as reported by the Kaohsiung City Government.

However, retirement is approaching for Roger. The Kaohsiung Fire Department follows a policy of rehoming rescue dogs once they turn 9 years old, according to Chen as cited by CNA.

Editor's P/S:

Roger's story is a heartwarming tale of resilience and adaptability. Despite not meeting the criteria for a drug-sniffing dog due to his playful and friendly nature, he found his true calling as a rescue dog. His unwavering determination and exceptional skills have made him a valuable asset in the aftermath of natural disasters, including the recent earthquake in Taiwan. Roger's contributions have not only aided in the search and rescue efforts but have also brought comfort and inspiration to the affected communities.

This article highlights the importance of recognizing and fostering the unique abilities of each individual, regardless of their perceived shortcomings. Roger's story teaches us that even those who may not excel in one area can find fulfillment and make significant contributions in other ways. His journey is a reminder that every dog has potential, and with the right training and support, they can become extraordinary heroes.